The Cnr-Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli” (CNR-ILC) is part of the Cnr-Dipartimento Scienze Umane e Sociali, Patrimonio Culturale of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche and conducts research in the field of Computational Linguistics.

CNR-ILC is also involved in training, technology transfer and publishing activities.

Research groups and laboratories

ComPhys Lab

Basic research aimed at the development of computational models of language behaviour.


ItaliaNLP Lab

Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Knowledge Management through the development of language models based on probabilistic algorithms and neural networks.


CoPhi Lab

Models, methods and techniques for the preservation, intelligent use, linguistic and philological study of texts.


LaRI Group

Optimisation of the research in the field of Language Engineering and the language resource production cycle.


KLAB Group

Models, methodologies and tools for representation, construction, automatic text extraction, integration and use of lexical, terminological and ontological resources.


Tema Group

Methods and strategies oriented toward the recovery and enhancement of intangible cultural heritage. Developing of software systems for text analysis, text annotation, and semantically relevant information extraction and processing.



CLARIN-IT, the Italian node of CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure), makes digital language resources available to scholars and researchers of all disciplines, in particular of the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH).


ILC4CLARIN is a Core Trust Seal certified (Type B) CLARIN Service Delivery Centre that provides language services and a repository for storage and preservation of data from the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) community.



GraspOS – GraspOS: Next Generation Research Assessment to Promote Open Science

OWNW – Old Words for a New World: Translating Christianity to Baltic Pagans


RAISE – Robotics and AI for Socio-economic Empowerment


H2IOSC – Humanities and cultural Heritage Italian Open Science Cloud

FrIngE Project – The French in/of Italy: Code-MixiNG in Medieval Europe


STARWARS – STormwAteR and WastewAteR networkS heterogeneous data AI-driven management


Skills4EOSC – Skills for the European Open Science commons: creating a training ecosystem for Open and FAIR science

Teaming-up – Teaming up with social artificial agents

CASTOUR – Valorizzazione della castagna attraverso itinerari naturali e culturali sostenibili


EPICA – Empowering Public Interest Communication with Argumentation


LuCET – LingUistic Complexity Evaluation in educaTion

XAI-CARE – An artificial intelligence approach for risk assessment and prevention of low back pain: towards precision spine care


CIRCE – Counteracting accent dIscrimination pRactiCes in Education


GreekSchools – The Greek philosophical schools according to Europe’s earliest ‘history of philosophy’: Towards a new pioneering critical edition of Philodemus’ Arrangement of the Philosophers


CWALM – A lexical corpus-based model of Contemporary Written Arabic

TESTO – Translating, Encoding, Sharing The Origins. From the Littera Florentina to an open-access Italian translation of Justinian's Digest

ATLAS – The ATLAS of Italian Digital Cultural Heritage


ECHOES – European Cloud for Heritage OpEn Science


TALMUD – Babylonian Talmud Translation Project

EKEEL – Empowering Knowledge Extraction to Empower Learners

VocaBO – Vocabolario di Boccaccio online

ROADS – Roads to Oral Archives Development and Sustainability

News & Events

The second H2IOSC TNA/NA call is now open!

The H2IOSC RIs Cluster (Humanities and Cultural Heritage Italian Open Science Cloud) has opened the first call for Trans-National Access…

Vito Pirrelli nuovo Direttore di CNR-ILC

Dal 1° gennaio 2025, Vito Pirrelli subentra nella Direzione del Cnr-Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli” (CNR-ILC) a Simonetta Montemagni,…