The CNR-ILC library contains more than 6,000 volumes published from the second post-war period to the present:

  • about 3,000 monographs
  • over 2,000 volumes of gray literature: national and international research reports, proceedings of conferences in the field of Computational Linguistics organised by major international associations: ACL, ACH, EADH (formerly ALLC), ICCL, ACLA, AILA, ELRA, EURALEX, etc.
  • a collection of 24 titles among the main Italian and foreign periodicals in the sector
  • the Antonio Zampolli Collection bequeathed by the Institute’s founder: a collection of 1,400 specialised texts, some of them unique examples in Italy and among the few in the world documenting the birth of Computational Linguistics.

Location: Cnr-Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli”
CNR Pisa Research Area, Giuseppe Moruzzi Str. 1 – 56124 Pisa (PI)
Building A, Entrance 15, 1° floor/Building B, entrance 21, 1° floor
Opening hours: weekdays 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (free access, by appointment only).
Contacts: Sara Goggi, Tel +39 050 315 2836, E-mail

CNR-ILC Library

Main disciplinary areas: Computational Linguistics, General Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Language teaching, Philosophy of language, History of language, Philology.

Check out the catalogue: BIBLOS and MOP.

Antonio Zampolli Collection

Topics covered: statistical surveys, syntactic systems and language acquisition models, automatic content and language processing, machine translation, lexicography and computational lexicology, computational philology.

Check out the catalogue: BIBLOS.

Digital Library of Antonio Zampolli

Other bibliographic resources

SiBi-Sistema Bibliotecario CNR

Pisa Research Area Library
Genoa Research Area Library
CNR Bibliographic Resources
“Guglielmo Marconi” Library – CNR