Sara Goggi

Qualification: Technologist

Group: LaRI Group

Venue: Pisa

Room: 3

Telephone: +39 050 315 2836


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2021 - Journal articles
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Del Gratta R., Goggi S., Pardelli G., and Calzolari N. (2021) “The LRE Map: what does it tell us about the last decade of our field?”, Language resources and evaluation (Print), ISSN 1574-020X, published by Springer (Dordrecht, Paesi Bassi), vol. Volume 55, pp. 259-283.
2019 - Journal articles
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Goggi S., Pardelli G., Bartolini R., Monachini M., Biagioni S., and Carlesi C. (2019) “Semantic Query Analysis from the Global Science Gateway”, The Grey journal (Print), ISSN 1574-1796, published by TextRelease (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 15, pp. 147-155.
2019 - Conference papers
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Goggi S., Pardelli G., Bartolini R., Monachini M., Biagioni S., and Carlesi C. (2019) “Semantic query analysis from the global science gateway”, Research Data Fuels and Sustains Grey Literature, ISBN 978-90-77484-33-3, GL20-Twentieth International Conference on Grey Literature: Research Data Fuels and Sustains Grey Literature, New Orleans, USA, 3-4 December 2018, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), vol. 20, pp. 105-113.
2019 - Conference contributions
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Pardelli G., Goggi S., and Boschetti F. (2019) “Strolling around the dawn of Digital Humanities”, 8th Annual Conference AIUCD 2019. Teaching and research in Digital Humanities' era, Udine, Dipartimento Di Studi Umanistici e Patrimonio Culturale, Università di Udine, 23-25 gennaio 2019, pp. 261-264.
2018 - Journal articles
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Goggi S., Pardelli G., Russo I., Bartolini R., and Monachini M. (2018) “Providing Access to Grey Literature: The CLARIN Infrastructure”, The Grey journal (Print), ISSN 1574-1796, published by TextRelease (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 14, pp. 87-93.
2018 - Edited volumes
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Calzolari N., Choukri K., Cieri C., Declerck T., Goggi S., Hasida K., Isahara H., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Mazo H., Moreno A., Odijk J., Piperidis S., and Tokunaga T. (eds.) (2018) “Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2018)”, ISBN 979-10-95546-00-9, published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pp. 1-4628.
2018 - Conference papers
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Bartolini R., Goggi S., Monachini M., and Pardelli G. (2018) “The LREC Workshops Map”, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), ISBN 979-10-95546-00-9, Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), Miyazaki, Japan, 7-12/05/2018, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Cieri C., Declerck T., Goggi S., Hasida K., Isahara H., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Mazo H., Moreno A., Odijk J., Piperidis S., and Tokunaga T. (eds.), published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pp. 557-562.
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Del Gratta R., Goggi S., Pardelli G., and Calzolari N. (2018) “LREMap, a Song of Resources and Evaluation”, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), ISBN 979-10-95546-00-9, Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), Miyazaki, Japan, 7-12/05/2018, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Cieri C., Declerck T., Goggi S., Hasida K., Isahara H., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Mazo H., Moreno A., Odijk J., Piperidis S., and Tokunaga T. (eds.), published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pp. 1275-1281.
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Goggi S., Pardelli G., Russo I., Bartolini R., and Monachini M. (2018) “Providing Access to Grey Literature: The CLARIN Infrastructure”, Nineteenth International Conference on Grey Literature "Public Awareness and Access to Grey Literature", ISBN 978-90-77484-31-9, Nineteenth International Conference on Grey Literature, GL19, Roma, October 23-24, 2017, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), published by TextRelease (Amsterdam, NLD), vol. 19, pp. 93-99.
2018 - Conference contributions
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Goggi S., Pardelli G., Bartolini R., Monachini M., Biagioni S., and Carlesi C. (2018) “Semantic query analysis from the global science gateway”, Research Data Fuels and Sustains Grey Literature, ISBN 978-90-77484-34-0, Twentieth International Conference on Grey Literature "Research Data Fuels and Sustains Grey Literature", New Orleans, USA (Loyola University), December 3-4, 2018, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), vol. 20, pp. 93-95.
2017 - Journal articles
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Bartolini R., Pardelli G., Goggi S., Giannini S., and Biagioni S. (2017) “A terminological "journey" in the Grey Literature domain”, The Grey journal (Print), ISSN 1574-1796, published by TextRelease (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 13, pp. 41-53.
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Giannini S., Biagioni S., Goggi S., and Pardelli G. (2017) “Grey Literature Citations in the age of Digital Repositories and Open Access”, The Grey journal (Print), ISSN 1574-1796, published by TextRelease (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 13, pp. 23-31.
2017 - Conference papers
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Bartolini R., Pardelli G., Goggi S., Giannini S., and Biagioni S. (2017) “A terminological "journey" in the Grey Literature domain”, Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Grey Literature (GL18): Leveraging Diversity in Grey Literature, ISBN 978-90-77484-30-2, Eighteenth International Conference on Grey Literature (GL18): Leveraging Diversity in Grey Literature, New York, US, November 28-29, 2016, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), published by TextRelease (Amsterdam, NLD), vol. 18, pp. 117-130.
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Pardelli G., Goggi S., Bartolini R., Russo I., and Monachini M. (2017) “A Geographical Visualization of GL Communities: A Snapshot”, GL18 Conference Proceedings Eighteenth International Conference on Grey Literature: Leveraging Diversity in Grey Literature, ISBN 978-90-77484-30-2, Eighteenth International Conference on Grey Literature: Leveraging Diversity in Grey Literature, Washington, November 28-29, 2016, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), published by TextRelease (Amsterdam, NLD), vol. 18, pp. 109-113.
2017 - Conference contributions
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Bartolini R., Goggi S., Pardelli G., Russo I., Farace D., and Frantzen J. (2017) “Data Visualization of a Grey Literature Community: A Cooperative Project”, Nineteenth International Conference on Grey Literature Public Awareness and Access to Grey Literature. Program Book, ISBN 978-90-77484-32-6, Nineteenth International Conference on Grey Literature, GL19, Rome, National Research Council, CNR, October 23-24, 2017, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), vol. 19, pp. 63-63.
View web resources16
Goggi S., Pardelli G., Russo I., Bartolini R., and Monachini M. (2017) “Providing Access to Grey Literature: The CLARIN Infrastructure”, Nineteenth International Conference on Grey Literature Public Awareness and Access to Grey Literature. Program Book, ISBN 978-90-77484-32-6, Nineteenth International Conference on Grey Literature, GL19, Rome, National Research Council, CNR, October 23-24, 2017, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), vol. 19, pp. 60-62.
2016 - Journal articles
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Goggi S., Pardelli G., Bartolini R., Frontini F., Monachini M., Manzella G., De Mattei M., and Bustaffa F. (2016) “A semantic engine for grey literature retrieval in the oceanography domain”, The Grey journal (Print), ISSN 1574-1796, published by TextRelease (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 12, pp. 155-161.
2016 - Edited volumes
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Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Goggi S., Grobelnik M., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Mazo H., Moreno A., Odijk J., and Piperidis S. (eds.) (2016) “Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016)”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-9-1, published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pp. 1-4693.
2016 - Conference papers
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Giannini S., Biagioni S., Goggi S., and Pardelli G. (2016) “Grey Literature citations in the age of Digital Repositories and Open Access”, A New Wave of Textual and Non-Textual Grey literature, ISBN 978-90-77484-27-2, Seventeenth International Conference on Grey Literature: A New Wave of Textual and Non-Textual Grey literature, Amsterdam, NL, 1-2 December 2015, vol. 17, pp. 137-145.
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Goggi S., Pardelli G., Bartolini R., Frontini F., Monachini M., Manzella G., De Mattei M., and Bustaffa F. (2016) “A semantic engine for grey literature retrieval in the oceanography domain”, ISBN 978-90-77484-27-2, Seventeenth International Conference on Grey Literature. A New Wave of Textual and Non-Textual Grey Literature, Amsterdam, December 1st-2nd 2015, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), vol. 17, pp. 104-111.
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Pardelli G., Goggi S., Giannini S., and Biagioni S. (2016) “Two decades of terminology: European framework programmes titles”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-9-1, LREC 2016-Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Portoroz, Slovenia, 23-28 May, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Goggi S., Grobelnik M., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Mazo H., Moreno A., Odijk J., and Piperidis S. (eds.), published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pp. 373-378.
2016 - Conference contributions
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Bartolini R., Pardelli G., Goggi S., Giannini S., and Biagioni S. (2016) “A terminological "journey" in the Grey Literature domain”, Leveraging Diversity in Grey Literature, ISBN 978-90-77484-29-6, GL18-Eighteenth International Conference on Grey Literature: Leveraging Diversity in Grey Literature, New York, US, 28-29 November 2016, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), vol. 18, pp. 79-84.
View web resources23
Pardelli G., Goggi S., Monachini M., Bartolini R., and Russo I. (2016) “A Geographical Visualization of GL Community: a Snapshot”, GL18 Program Book, ISBN 978-90-77484-29-6, Eighteenth International Conference on Grey Literature: Leveraging Diversity in Grey Literature, New York, November 28-29, 2016, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), vol. 18, pp. 67-67.
2015 - Journal articles
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Giannini S., Biagioni S., Goggi S., and Pardelli G. (2015) “Mapping Italian grey communities: what is there beyond the Academy?”, The Grey journal (Print), ISSN 1574-1796, published by TextRelease (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 11, pp. 17-28.
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Goggi S., Monachini M., Frontini F., Bartolini R., Pardelli G., De Mattei M., Bustaffa F., and Manzella G. (2015) “Marine Planning and Service Platform (MAPS) An Advanced Research Engine for Grey Literature in Marine Science”, The Grey journal (Print), ISSN 1574-1796, published by TextRelease (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 11, pp. 171-178.
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Goggi S., Pardelli G., Giannini S., Biagioni S., and Battisti M. (2015) “La littérature grise des projets de recherche européens”, I2D-Information, données & documents. Pratiques & recherches, ISSN 0012-4508, published by A. D. B. S (Paris, Francia), vol. 52, pp. 34-34.
2015 - Conference papers
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Del Gratta R., Frontini F., Monachini M., Pardelli G., Russo I., Bartolini R., Goggi S., Khan F., Quochi V., Soria C., and Calzolari N. (2015) “Visualising Italian Language Resources: a Snapshot”, Proceedings of the Second Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2015, ISBN 978-88-99200-62-6, Second Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2015, Trento, 3-4 December 2015, Bosco C., Tonelli S., and Zanzotto F. M. (eds.), pp. 100-104.
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Giannini S., Biagioni S., Goggi S., and Pardelli G. (2015) “Mapping Italian grey communities: what is there beyond the Academy?”, Grey Literature Lobby: Engines and Requesters for Change, ISBN 978-90-77484-23-4, GL16-Sixteenth International Conference on Grey Literature Grey Literature Lobby: Engines and Requesters for Change, Washington DC, USA (Library of Congress), 8-9 December 2014), Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), published by TextRelease (Amsterdam, NLD), vol. 16, pp. 17-29.
View web resources29
Goggi S., Monachini M., Frontini F., Bartolini R., Pardelli G., De Mattei M., Bustaffa F., and Manzella G. (2015) “Marine Planning and Service Platform (MAPS): An Advanced Research Engine for Grey Literature in Marine Science”, Grey Literature Lobby: Engines and Requesters for Change, ISBN 978-90-77484-23-4, Sixteenth International Conference on Grey Literature Grey Literature Lobby: Engines and Requesters for Change, Library of Congress Washington D. C., USA, December 8-9 2014, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), published by TextRelease (Amsterdam, NLD), vol. 16, pp. 108-114.
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Goggi S., Pardelli G., Sassi M., Giannini S., and Biagioni S. (2015) “A terminological survey on the titles of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)”, ISBN 978-959-7174-28-8, Fourteenth International Symposium on Comunicación Social: retos y perspectivas, Santiago de Cuba, 19-23 de enero 2015, Ruiz Miyares L., Álvarez Silva M. R., and Muñoz Alvarado A. (eds.), pp. 223-227.
2015 - Conference contributions
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Giannini S., Biagioni S., Goggi S., and Pardelli G. (2015) “Grey Literature citations in the age of Digital Repositories and Open Access”, GL17 Program Book, ISBN 978-90-77484-26-5, Seventeenth International Conference on Grey Literature. A New Wave of Textual and Non-Textual Grey Literature, Amsterdam, NL, December 1-2, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), vol. 17, pp. 109-110.
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Goggi S., Pardelli G., Bartolini R., Frontini F., Monachini M., Manzella G., De Mattei M., and Bustaffa F. (2015) “A semantic engine for grey literature retrieval in the oceanography domain”, GL17 Program Book, ISBN 978-90-77484-26-5, Seventeenth International Conference on Grey Literature. A New Wave of Textual and Non-Textual Grey Literature, Amsterdam, December 1-2, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), vol. 17, pp. 76-77.
2014 - Journal articles
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Goggi S., Pardelli G., Giannini S., and Biagioni S. (2014) “Grey Literature in European Commission Projects”, The Grey journal (Print), ISSN 1574-1796, published by TextRelease (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 10, pp. 133-144.
2014 - Conference papers
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Goggi S., Pardelli G., Giannini S., and Biagioni S. (2014) “Grey Literature in European Commission Projects”, The Grey Audit: a Field Assessment in Grey Literature, ISBN 978-90-77484-22-7, GL15-Fifteenth International Conference on Grey Literature. The Grey Audit: a Field Assessment in Grey Literature, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2-3 December 2013, Farace D. J., Frantzen J., and Service G. I. L. N. (eds.), vol. 15, pp. 98-109.
2014 - Conference contributions
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Giannini S., Biagioni S., Goggi S., and Pardelli G. (2014) “Mapping Italian Grey Communities: What is There Beyond the Academy?”, ISBN 978-90-77484-24-1, Sixteenth International Conference on Grey Literature Grey Literature Lobby: Engines and Requesters for Change, Library of Congress Washington D. C., USA, December 8-9, 2014, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), vol. 16, pp. 21-25.
View web resources36
Goggi S., Monachini M., Frontini F., Bartolini R., Pardelli G., De Mattei M., Bustaffa F., and Manzella G. (2014) “Marine Planning and Service Platform (MAPS): An Advanced Research Engine for Grey Literature in Marine Science”, ISBN 978-90-77484-24-1, Sixteenth International Conference on Grey Literature Grey Literature Lobby: Engines and Requesters for Change, Library of Congress Washington D. C., USA, December 8-9, 2014, Farace C. B. D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), pp. 93-94.
2014 - Technical reports
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Frontini F., Bartolini R., Monachini M., Pardelli G., and Goggi S. (2014) “Stato dell'arte dei motori semantici. Progetto MAPS, programma operativo regionale POR-FESR (2007-2013)”, pp. 1-22.
2013 - Conference papers
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Pardelli G., Goggi S., and Sassi M. (2013) “Open Grey for Language Technology: a ride on the network”, ISBN 978-90-77484-20-3, GL14 Fourteenth International Conference on Grey Literature. Tracking Innovation Through Grey Literature, Roma, Italy (CNR), 29-30 November 2012, Farace D. J., Frantzen J., and Greynet (eds.), published by TEXTRELEASE, GL PROGRAM & CONFERENCE BUREAU (Amsterdam, NLD), pp. 161-165.
2013 - Conference contributions
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Goggi S., Pardelli G., Giannini S., and Biagioni S. (2013) “Grey literature in European Commission projects”, GL Program Books, ISBN 978-90-77484-21-0, Fifteenth International Conference on Grey Literature. The Grey Audit: a field assessment in grey literature, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 2-3 Dicembre 2013, pp. 154-159.
2012 - Conference papers
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Pardelli G., Goggi S., and Sassi M. (2012) “Grey Literature Between Tradition and Innovation: Is There a Continuum?”, Thirteenth International Conference on Grey Literature: The Grey Circuit, From Social Networking to Wealth Creation (GL 13), Washington D. C. USA, 5-6 December 2011, vol. 13, pp. 165-169.
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Pardelli G., Sassi M., Goggi S., and Biagioni S. (2012) “From medical language processing to BioNLP domain”, Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), ISBN 978-2-9517408-7-7, Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. LREC'12, Istanbul, Turkey, 21-27 may 2012, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Doğan M. U., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Odijk J., and Piperidis S. (eds.), published by European Language Resources Association (ELRA)-Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA) (Paris, FRA), vol. 7, pp. 2049-2055.
2012 - Conference contributions
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Pardelli G., Sassi M., and Goggi S. (2012) “Open Grey for Language Technology: a ride on the network”, GL14 Fourteenth International Conference on Grey Literature (GL14), National Research Council, Rome, Italy, 29-30 November 2012, vol. 14, pp. 89-94.
2011 - Edited volumes
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Calzolari N., Baroni P., Soria C., Goggi S., Monachini M., and Quochi V. (eds.) (2011) “Proceedings of the 3rd European Language Resources and Technologies Forum: Language Resources in the Sharing Age-the Strategic Agenda”, 86 pages.
2011 - Conference contributions
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Pardelli G., Sassi M., and Goggi S. (2011) “Grey Literature Between Tradition and Innovation: Is there a Continuum?”, ISBN 978-90-77484-00-5, Thirteenth International Conference on Grey Literature: The Grey Circuit, From Social Networking to Wealth Creation, Washington D. C. USA-Library of Congress, 5-6 december 2011, Farace D. J. and Frantzen J. (eds.), vol. 13, pp. 64-65.
2011 - Technical reports
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Arranz V., Bel N., Budin G., Caselli T., Choukri K., Del Gratta R., Frontini F., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V., Rubino F., and Russo I. (2011) “The FLaReNet Databook”, pp. 1-8.
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Calzolari N., Soria C., Baroni P., and Goggi S. (2011) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Final Report”.
View web resources47
Calzolari N., Soria C., Bel N., Choukri K., Mariani J., Odijk J., Piperidis S., Baroni P., and Goggi S. (2011) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Progress Report No. 6”.
2010 - Conference papers
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Calzolari N., Soria C., Del Gratta R., Goggi S., Quochi V., Russo I., Choukri K., Mariani J., and Piperidis S. (2010) “The LREC Map of Language Resources and Technologies”, LREC'10-Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Proceedings, ISBN 2-9517408-6-7, LREC 2010 Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Valletta, Malta, 17-23 May 2010, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Odjik J., Piperidis S., Rosner M., and Tapias D. (eds.), published by European Language Resources Association (ELRA)-Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA) (Paris, FRA), pp. 949-956.
View web resources49
Sassi M., Pardelli G., Biagioni S., Carlesi C., and Goggi S. (2010) “A Digital Archive of Research Papers in Computer Science”, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10), ISBN 2-9517408-6-7, Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Valletta, Malta, 17-23 Maggio 2010, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Odjik J., Piperidis S., Rosner M., and Tapias D. (eds.), published by European Language Resources Association (ELRA)-Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA) (Paris, FRA), pp. 1245-1248.
2009 - Edited volumes
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Calzolari N., Baroni P., Bel N., Budin G., Choukri K., Goggi S., Mariani J., Monachini M., Odijk J., Piperidis S., Quochi V., Soria C., and Toral A. (eds.) (2009) “Proceedings of the 1st European Language Resources and Technologies Forum: Shaping the Future of the Multilingual Digital Europe”, 105 pages.
2009 - Conference papers
View web resources51
Pardelli G., Sassi M., Goggi S., and Orsolini P. (2009) “Computational Linguistics Terminology”, ISBN 978-959-7174-14-1, XI Simposio Internacional de Communicación Social, Santiago de Cuba, 19-23 de enero de 2009, Silvia M. R. A., Moreno C. A., and Miyares L. R. (eds.), published by Centro de linguística aplicada, Ministerio de ciencia, tecnología y medio ambiente (Santiago de Cuba, CUB), pp. 303-307.
View web resources52
Sassi M., Pardelli G., and Goggi S. (2009) “Terminology Extraction from the web”, ISBN 978-83-7177-746-2, 4th Language Technology Conference: Human Language Technology as a challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics, Poznan, PL, November 6-8, 2009, Vetulani Z. (ed.), pp. 417-420.
2009 - Technical reports
View web resources53
Calzolari N., Baroni P., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V., Soria C., and Toral A. (2009) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Dissemination Plan”.
View web resources54
Calzolari N., Baroni P., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V., Soria C., and Toral A. (2009) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Progress Report No. 1”.
View web resources55
Calzolari N., Monachini M., Soria C., Baroni P., Goggi S., Quochi V., and Toral A. (2009) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Progress Report No. 2”.
View web resources56
Calzolari N., Soria C., Baroni P., Caselli T., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V., Toral A., Bel N., Budin G., Choukri K., Mariani J., Odijk J., and Piperidis S. (2009) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Action Plan”.
View web resources57
Calzolari N., Soria C., Baroni P., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V., and Toral A. (2009) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Evaluation Plan for the functioning of the Network”.
2009 - Miscellanea
View web resources58
Calzolari N., Baroni P., Bel N., Budin G., Choukri K., Goggi S., Mariani J., Monachini M., Odijk J., Piperidis S., Quochi V., Soria C., and Toral A. (2009) “The European Language Resources and Technologies Forum: Shaping the Future of the Multilingual Digital Europe”.
View web resources59
Calzolari N., Bel N., Budin G., Choukri K., Mariani J., Odijk J., Piperidis S., Baroni P., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V., Soria C., and Toral A. (2009) “Extended Report of: The European Language Resources and Technologies Forum: Shaping the Future of the Multilingual Digital Europe”.
View web resources60
Calzolari N., Bel N., Budin G., Choukri K., Mariani J., Odijk J., Piperidis S., Baroni P., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V., Soria C., and Toral A. (2009) “Short Report of The European Language Resources and Technologies Forum: Shaping the Future of the Multilingual Digital Europe”.
2008 - Edited volumes
View web resources61
Goggi S. and Zamorani N. (eds.) (2008) “Language Resources and Evaluation”.
2008 - Technical reports
View web resources62
Bindi R., Marinelli R., Goggi S., and Picchi E. (2008) “LE-PAROLE, Italian Corpus Description, Part Available for Distribution. Updated Version”.
2007 - Edited volumes
View web resources63
Goggi S. and Zamorani N. (eds.) (2007) “Language Resources and Evaluation”.
2007 - Conference papers
View web resources64
Pardelli G., Sassi M., and Goggi S. (2007) “A survey on Human Language Technology Terminology”, Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics, ISBN 978-90-77484-17-3, 3rd Language & Technology Conference, Poznan, october 5-7, 2007, Vetulani Z. (ed.), published by Wydawnictwo Poznanskie Sp. z o. o (Poznan, POL), pp. 364-368.
2007 - Technical reports
View web resources65
Calzolari N., Monachini M., Quochi V., Soria C., Goggi S., and Baroni P. (2007) “FLaReNet: Fostering Language Resources Network. Grant Agreement n° 617001, eContentPlus”.
2006 - Edited volumes
View web resources66
Goggi S. and Zamorani N. (eds.) (2006) “Language Resources and Evaluation”.
2006 - Conference papers
View web resources67
Pardelli G., Sassi M., Goggi S., and Orsolini P. (2006) “Natural Language Processing: A Terminological and Statistical Approach”, ISBN 2-9517408-2-4, LREC 2006: 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Genoa, Genoa, 24-26 May, published by European Language Resources Association (ELRA)-Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA) (Paris, FRA), pp. 2395-2398.
2006 - Technical reports
View web resources68
Bindi R., Marinelli R., Biagini L., Goggi S., Picchi E., and Rossi S. (2006) “LE-PAROLE, Italian Corpus Description, Part Available for Distribution”.
2005 - Miscellanea
View web resources69
Pardelli G., Sassi M., Goggi S., and Orsolini P. (2005) “NLPterminology”.
2004 - Conference papers
View web resources70
Pardelli G., Sassi M., and Goggi S. (2004) “From Weaver to the ALPAC Report”, ISBN 2-9517408-1-6, LREC 2004: Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Lisbona, 26th, 27th & 28 May 2004, Lino T., Xavier M. F., Ferreira F., Costa R., and Silvia R. (eds.), published by European Language Resources Association (ELRA)-Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA) (Paris, FRA), pp. 2005-2008.
2003 - Journal articles
View web resources71
Marinelli R., Biagini L., Bindi R., Goggi S., Monachini M., Orsolini P., Picchi E., Rossi S., Calzolari N., and Zampolli A. (2003) “The Italian PAROLE corpus: an overview”, Linguistica computazionale (Testo stamp.), ISSN 0392-6907, published by Giardini editori e stampatori (Pisa, Italia), vol. 16-17, pp. 401-421.
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