The Cnr-Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli” is actively involved in the editorship of the following international journals:
- Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics
- Language Resources and Evaluation
- Lingue e Linguaggio
- The Mental Lexicon
- TranScript
- International Journal of Information Science and Technology (iJIST)
- Linguistica Computazionale (journal no longer active)
Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics – JCOL
Launched by the Italian Association of Computational Linguistics, the journal aims to serve as an up-to-date forum for discussion around Computational Linguistics, with the goal of fostering synergies between studies related to different areas of Natural Language Processing. It covers topics related to language and computation, approached from different perspectives, e.g.: natural language processing; language machine learning; computational models of language, cognition and linguistic variation; acquisition of knowledge from texts; construction of language resources; development of infrastructures for interoperability and integration of language resources and technologies; different applications of natural language processing (information extraction, question answering, machine summarisation, machine translation, etc.).
Type: peer-reviewed open access journal
Periodicity: six-monthly
ISSN: 2499-4553
Editors-in-Chief: Roberto Basili, Simonetta Montemagni
Editore: Accademia University Press
Language Resources and Evaluation
It is the first international journal devoted to the acquisition, creation, annotation, and use of language resources and methods for evaluating resources, technologies, and applications. Language resources include linguistic data and descriptions in computer-readable form used to assist and augment language processing applications, such as corpora and lexicons of writing or speech, multimodal resources, grammars, terminological or domain-specific databases and dictionaries, ontologies, multimedia databases, etc., as well as basic software tools for their acquisition, preparation, annotation, management, adaptation, and use. Language technology assessment consists of evaluating: the state of the art of a given technology by comparing different approaches to a given problem; the availability of resources and technologies for a given application; and system usability and user satisfaction.
Type: journal
Periodicity: quarterly
Print ISSN : 1574-020X
Online ISSN : 1574-0218
Editors-in-Chief: Nancy Ide, Nicoletta Calzolari
Publisher: Springer, Netherlands
Lingue e Linguaggio
Lingue e linguaggio aims at exploring the latest developments of theoretical linguistics, paying particular attention to its closest neighbouring disciplines: psychology, neuroscience, computer science and cognitive sciences in general. The journal is devoted primarily to the theoretical study of language; nevertheless it is also interested to other issues in linguistics such as the evolution and acquisition of language, the historical development of linguistic categories, linguistic typology, etc. The journal seeks to present data and results drawing researchers’ attention in the various domains of linguistics both from a theoretical and from an applied point of view. Lingue e linguaggio does not favour any theoretical or methodological standpoint: original contributions in all sectors of linguistics (and related fields) are evaluated for publication.
Type: journal
Periodicity: six-monthly
ISSN: 1720-9331
Editors-in-Chief: Vito Pirrelli, Sergio Scalise
Publisher: Società Editrice Il Mulino, Bologna
The Mental Lexicon

The Mental Lexicon is an interdisciplinary journal that provides an international forum for research that bears on the issues of the representation and processing of words in the mind and brain. Original research and reviews of significant new developments in the understanding of the mental lexicon are presented.
Type: journal
Periodicity: quarterly
e-ISSN: 1871-1375
Editors-in-Chief: Vito Pirrelli et al.
Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing Company
Traduzione e scrittura nel Medioevo europeo
TranScript is concerned, with particular reference to the 11th-15th centuries, with the phenomena of translation and mediation between cultures and traditions, with respect to the relationship with Latin, the relationships between different vernacular languages and also the transposition between orality and writing – the process of writing also being an act of translation. Translation is, therefore, understood as a cognitive process involving cultures, languages and writings: space is to be given to an interdisciplinary methodology of investigation that renews the ‘traditional’ approach proposed by Philology, Linguistics and Paleography, also opening up to Anthropology, Sociology and the History of Culture in a broad sense; an integral part of this renewal is the programmatic inclusion of the possibilities offered by the Digital Humanities. Contributions written in a Romance language, English and German are accepted.
Type: journal
Periodicity: six-monthly
e-ISSN: 2785-5708
Editors-in-Chief: Antonio Montefusco, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy
Managing Editor: Michela Rusi, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy
Vice Editors: Elisa Guadagnini et al.
Publisher: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari (ECF)
International Journal of Information Science and Technology
The International Journal of Information Science and Technology (iJIST) is a peer-reviewed online journal aimed at addressing the growing needs of the scientific community whose research interests involve the field of Information Science and Technology. iJIST publishes basic and applied research and promotes contributions from studies such as learning systems for education, digital preservation of written heritage and text processing technology, machine learning and natural language processing, optimisation and modelling of complex systems, smart cities and applications.
Type: peer-reviewed open access journal
Periodicity: quarterly
e-ISSN: 2550-5114
Publication: open access. iJIST has an archiving agreement with Portico for longtime preservation of the content of this journal.
Editors-in-Chief: Mohammed El Mohajir, Ouafae Nahli
Publisher: International Association of Innovation Development – Using OJS (PKP – Public Knowledge Project)
Linguistica Computazionale
Journal (no longer active) containing articles from the various fields of linguistic data processing: text processing, statistical and literary analysis, computational lexicography and terminology, language models, natural language processing, and applied computational linguistics.
Type: journal
Coverage: Volume I (1981) – Volume XXVI (2006)
ISSN: 1824-1573
Publisher: Fabrizio Serra, Pisa
Previous publishers: Giardini Editori e Stampatori in Pisa [from Volume I (1981) to Volumes XII-XIII (1997)] | Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, Pisa-Roma [from Volumes XIV-XV (2001) to Volume XXVI (2006)]