
The foundation of C.N.U.C.E.

With a signed agreement between the University of Pisa and IBM containing a 5 years free right to use the IBM 7090 computer, the National University Center for Electronic Computing (C.N.U.C.E.) starts its activities.


Antonio Zampolli, head of the Linguistic Division of C.N.U.C.E.

Antonio Zampolli becomes head of the Linguistics Division of C.N.U.C.E. in Pisa.

Antonio Zampolli is appointed as the 1st Italian Chair professor of “Mathematical Linguistics”

The University of Pisa establishes the first Italian professorship in “Computational Linguistics”, at that time called “Mathematical Linguistics,” and entrusts it to Antonio Zampolli.


C.N.U.C.E. becomes part of CNR

C.N.U.C.E. becomes an Institute of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italian National Research Council) changing its name from C.N.U.C.E. to CNUCE.

From CNUCE Linguistics Division to Laboratory

The Linguistics Division of CNUCE (National University Centre for Electronic Computing) becomes a Laboratory (Laboratorio di Linguistica Computazionale del CNR).

The Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale (CNR-ILC) is established.

CNUCE’s Linguistics Division becomes an autonomous institute of CNR: the Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli” based in Pisa. Since then, CNR-ILC has been active in proposing and implementing initiatives at the national and international level to promote the development of the strategic research areas of the discipline.
Late 1990s

First two Italian projects on NLP

Thanks to funding received from the Italian Ministry of Education, Research and Development, Antonio Zampolli promotes and coordinates the first two Italian projects on Natural Language Processing (NLP), involving key players in both academia and industry:
– the SI-TAL project “Integrated System for Natural Language Processing”, is funded under Law 46/82 Art.10 (National Infrastructure for Language Resources in the field of spoken and written natural language processing);
– the “Computational Linguistics: monolingual and multilingual research”  Plan, is funded under Law No. 488 of Dec. 19, 1992 (Cluster 18).



New CNR-ILC Unit in Genoa

The Genoa Organizational Support Unit (UOS) of Cnr-Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli” is established in Genoa.


New CNR-ILC Unit in Venice

At the Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities (VeDPH) of the Department of Humanities, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice the Research Unit at Third Parties (URT) of Cnr-Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli” is established.