The Cnr-Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli” develops Computational Linguistics (LC) methods, tools and techniques for learning, teaching and digital publishing. Solutions are targeted to:


  • innovative and collaborative learning environments
  • tools for the study of classical and foreign languages
  • functionalities for e-learning systems to support personalised learning
  • solutions for involving students in the digitisation process of classical texts and historical documents


  • monitoring students’ language proficiency
  • assessment of the accessibility of teaching materials on the basis of linguistic parameters
  • production of teaching materials customised according to school level and language skills
  • creation of customised digital content, ontologies and concept maps to facilitate learning
  • assessment of the linguistic complexity for the personalisation of the teaching activity and the enhancement of learning

Digital publishing

  • ebooks adaptable to readers’ educational needs and software for interoperable digital school books
  • technologies for conceptual-based content navigation on mobile, web and off-line platforms
  • collaborative web platforms for text translation and annotation
  • supportive tools for assessing language difficulty levels and adapting texts to the target reader