HLT Opportunity Promotion in Europe

Tipo di progetto: European  |  Data inizio: 01/02/2000  |  Data di fine: 28/02/2003

HOPE provided the ideal opportunity for the exploitation of the skills, knowledge and information gathered during the first two projects (EUROMAP and EUROMAP II) in order to provide well-targeted awareness to selected high priority communities.

The effective communication channels established between the NFPs during EUROMAP I and II provided a sound basis for more extensive cross-border.

The HOPE project objectives were:

  • to increase the number of HLT projects that deliver tested, ready-for-market results;
  • to boost the number of best-of-class technology developers participating in HLT research projects;
  • to accelerate the awareness within user sectors of potential HLT solutions for observed information and communication management problems in their sector;
  • to improve the relevance of HLT RTD project targets and technology supplier/user needs;
  • to safeguard the linguistic integrity of each language.


Programma di Finanziamento:
5th Framework Programme

Ente Finanziatore:
European Commission



Coordinatore progetto:
Consorzio Pisa Ricerche

Nicoletta Calzolari Zamorani
Hilary Hanahoe