Monica Monachini

Monica Monachini

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Gruppo: LaRI Group

Sede: Pisa

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Membro di ISO/TC 37/SC 4/WG 4
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2022 - Capitoli in volume
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Calamai S., Piccardi D., Pretto N., Candeo G., Stamuli M. F. e Monachini M. (2022) “Not Just Paper: Enhancement of Archive Cultural Heritage”, CLARIN The Infrastructure for Language Resources, ISBN 9783110767377, Fišer D. e Witt A. (a cura di), edito da Walter De Gruyter & Co (Berlin, DEU), vol. 1.
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI2
De Jong F. e Monachini M. (2022) “Introduction. Selected papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2021”, SELECTED PAPERS FROM THE CLARIN ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2021, ISBN 978-91-7929-444-1, Monachini M. e Eskevich M. (a cura di), vol. 189, pagg. i-v.
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Del Fante D., Frontini F., Monachini M. e Quochi V. (2022) “Italian Language Resources. From CLARIN-IT to the VLO and Back: Sketching a Methodology for Monitoring LRs Visibility”, Selected Papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2021, ISBN 978-91-7929-444-1, Monachini, Monica, Eskevich e Maria (a cura di), pagg. 10-22.
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI4
Vagionakis I., Del Gratta R., Boschetti F., Baroni P., Del Grosso A. M., Mancinelli T. e Monachini M. (2022) “'Cretan Institutional Inscriptions' Meets CLARIN-IT”, Selected Papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2021, ISBN 978-91-7929-444-1, Monachini M. e Eskevich M. (a cura di), vol. 189, pagg. 139-150.
2022 - Curatele
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI5
Monachini M. e Eskevich M. (a cura di) (2022) “Selected Papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2021”, ISBN 978-91-7929-444-1, vol. 189, pagg. 1-212.
2022 - Articoli in conferenze
Mostra risorse web6
Del Fante D., Frontini F., Monachini M. e Quochi V. (2022) “CLARIN-IT: An Overview on the Italian Clarin Consortium After Six Years of Activity”, Proceedings of the 18th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries, ISSN 1613-0073, Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries, Università degli Studi di Padova, 24/02/2022, Di Nunzio G. M., Portelli B., Redavid D. e Silvello G. (a cura di), edito da CEUR-WS. org (Aachen, DEU), 8 pagine.
Mostra risorse web7
Gamba F., Frontini F., Broeder D. e Monachini M. (2022) “Language Technologies for the Creation of Multilingual Terminologies. Lessons Learned from the SSHOC Project”, 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022), Marseille, France, 22/06/2022-24/06/2022, edito da European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pagg. 154-163.
2022 - Rapporti tecnici
Mostra risorse web8
Tasovac T., Tiberius C., Bamberg C., Bellandi A., Burch T., Costa R., Ďurčo M., Frontini F., Hennemann J., Heylen K., Jakubíček M., Khan F., Klee A., Kosem I., Kovář V., Matuška O., McCrae J., Monachini M., Mörth K., Munda T., Quochi V., Repar A., Roche C., Salgado A., Sievers H., Váradi T., Weyand S., Woldrich A. e Zhanial S. (2022) “D5. 3 Overview of Online Tutorials and Instruction Manuals”, 31 pagine.
2022 - Miscellanea
Mostra risorse web9
Frontini F., Bellandi A., Quochi V., Monachini M., Mörth K., Zhanial S., Ďurčo M. e Woldrich A. (2022) “CLARIN Tools and Resources for Lexicographic Work”.
Mostra risorse web10
Martelli F., Navigli R., Krek S., Kallas J., Gantar P., Koeva S., Nimb S., Pedersen B. S., Olsen S., Langemets M., Koppel K., Üksik T., Dobrovoljc K., Ureña Ruiz R., Sancho Sánchez J., Lipp V., Váradi T., Győrffy A., László S., Quochi V., Monachini M., Frontini F., Tiberius C., Tempelaars R., Costa R., Salgado A., Čibej J. e Munda T. (2022) “Parallel sense-annotated corpus ELEXIS-WSD 1. 0”.
2021 - Articoli in rivista
Mostra risorse web11
Monachini M., Stamuli M. F., Calamai S., Pretto N. e Bianchi S. (2021) “The Grey-side of Audio Archives”, The GL-conference series. Conference proceedings, ISSN 1386-2316, edito da TransAtlantic (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 22, pagg. 34-37.
2021 - Curatele
Mostra risorse web12
Monachini M. e Eskevich M. (a cura di) (2021) “CLARIN Annual Conference Proceedings”, pagg. 1-178.
2021 - Articoli in conferenze
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI13
Calamai S., Pretto N., Stamuli M. F., Piccardi D., Candeo G., Bianchi S. e Monachini M. (2021) “COMMUNITY-BASED SURVEY AND ORAL ARCHIVE INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE ARCHIVIO VI. VO. PROJECT”, SELECTED PAPERS FROM THE CLARIN ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2020, ISBN 978-91-7929-609-4, CLARIN2020 Annual Conference, virtual, 5/10/2020-7/10/2020, Navarretta C. e Eskevich M. (a cura di), vol. 180.
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI14
Di Donato F., Dumouchel S., Monachini M. e Pohle S. (2021) “The discovery platform GOTRIPLE: An EOSC service for social sciences and humanities research”, AIUCD 2021-Book of Extended Abstracts. p. 624, AIUCD 2021-DH per la società: e-guaglianza, partecipazione, diritti e valori nell'era digitale, on-line, 19-22/01/2021, Boschetti F., Del Grosso A. M. e Salvatori E. (a cura di), pagg. 31-38.
Mostra risorse web15
Martelli F., Navigli R., Krek S., Tiberius C., Kallas J., Gantar P., Koeva S., Nimb S., Pedersen B. S., Olsen S., Langements M., Koppel K., Üksik T., Dobrovolijc K., Ureña Ruiz R., Sanchosánchez J., Lipp V., Varadi T., Györffy A., László S., Quochi V., Monachini M., Frontini F., Tempelaars R., Costa R., Salgado A., Čibej J. e Munda T. (2021) “Designing the ELEXIS Parallel Sense-Annotated Dataset in 10 European Languages”, Proceedings of the eLex 2021 conference, eLex 2021, 05/-7/2021-07/07/2021, pagg. 377-396.
Mostra risorse web16
Vagionakis I., Del Gratta R., Boschetti F., Baroni P., Del Grosso A. M., Mancinelli T. e Monachini M. (2021) “'Cretan Institutional Inscriptions' Meets CLARIN-IT”, Proceedings of CLARIN Annual Conference 2021 (Virtual Edition), CLARIN Annual Conference 2021, Virtual Edition, 27-29/09/2021, Monachini M. e Eskevich M. (a cura di), pagg. 48-53.
2021 - Rapporti tecnici
Mostra risorse web17
Frontini F., Gamba F. e Monachini M. (2021) “D3. 9 Report on Ontology and Vocabulary Collection and Publication”.
2021 - Miscellanea
Mostra risorse web18
Frontini F., Gamba F., Monachini M. e Broeder D. (2021) “SSHOC Multilingual Data Stewardship Terminology”.
Mostra risorse web19
Frontini F., Gamba F., Monachini M. e Broeder D. (2021) “SSHOC Multilingual Metadata”.
2020 - Articoli in rivista
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI20
Nicolosi A., Monachini M. e Nava B. (2020) “CLARIN-IT and the Definition of a Digital Critical Edition for Ancient Greek Poetry”, Linköping electronic conference proceedings (Online), ISSN 1650-3740, edito da Linköping University Electronic Press (Linköping, Svezia), vol. 172, pagg. 85-93.
2020 - Curatele
Mostra risorse web21
Broeder D., Eskevich M. e Monachini M. (a cura di) (2020) “Proceedings of the Workshop about Language Resources for the SSH Cloud”, ISBN 979-10-95546-43-6, edito da European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pagg. 1-46.
2020 - Articoli in conferenze
Mostra risorse web22
Boschetti F., Del Gratta R., Monachini M., Buzzoni M., Monella P. e Del Turco R. R. (2020) “"Tea for two": the Archive of the Italian Latinity of the Middle Ages meets the CLARIN infrastructure”, CLARIN Annual Conference 2020, 05-07/10/2021, pagg. 121-125.
Mostra risorse web23
Broeder D., Eskevich M. e Monachini M. (2020) “LR4SSHOC: The Future of Language Resources in the Context of the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud”, Proceedings of the Workshop about Language Resources for the SSH Cloud, ISBN 979-10-95546-43-6, LREC, virtual, 10/5/2020, Broeder D., Eskevich M. e Monachini M. (a cura di), pagg. 33-36.
Mostra risorse web24
Calamai S., Pretto N., Monachini M., Stamuli M. F., Bianchi S. e Bonazzoli P. (2020) “Building a Home for Italian Audio Archives”, CLARIN2020 Annual Conference Proceedings ISSN 2773-2177 (online), virtual, 5/10/2020-7/10/2020, pagg. 112-116.
Mostra risorse web25
Di Donato F., Monachini M., Eskevich M., Pohle S., Moranville Y. e Dumouchel S. (2020) “Social Sciences and Humanities Pathway. Towards the European Open Science Cloud”, Proceedings of the Workshop about Language Resources for the SSH Cloud, ISBN 979-10-95546-43-6, Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020), Marseille, 11-16/05/2020, Broeder D., Eskevich M. e Monachini M. (a cura di), edito da European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pagg. 5-9.
2020 - Contributi in conferenze
Mostra risorse web26
Bianchi S., Calamai S., Monachini M., Pretto N. e Stamuli M. F. (2020) “The grey-side of audio archives”, The GL-conference series. Conference proceedings, ISSN 1386-2316, GL2020 22nd International Conference on Grey Literature, 20/11/2020, edito da TransAtlantic (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 2020-November.
Mostra risorse web27
Boschetti F., Del Gratta R. e Monachini M. (2020) “Latin digital archives and research infrastructures: just a trendy option or a substantive need?”, ALIM and beyond, Venezia, 27-28/01/2020.
2020 - Rapporti tecnici
Mostra risorse web28
Bartolini R., Quochi V., Monachini M. e Affé F. (2020) “Relazione di fine progetto "PIM-Piattaforma Integrata Monitoraggio"”, 156 pagine.
Mostra risorse web29
Di Donato F., Lombardo T., Breitfuss G., Chen Y., Dumouchel S., Eskevich M., Gingold A., Gorgaini E., Monachini M., Moranville Y., Ocansey J. T., Thiel C. e Tóth Czifra E. (2020) “TRIPLE D 6. 1-Report on the General Interoperability Requirements”.
2019 - Articoli in rivista
Mostra risorse web30
Goggi S., Pardelli G., Bartolini R., Monachini M., Biagioni S. e Carlesi C. (2019) “Semantic Query Analysis from the Global Science Gateway”, The Grey journal (Print), ISSN 1574-1796, edito da TextRelease (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 15, pagg. 147-155.
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI31
Stefanini A. E., Nicolosi A. e Monachini M. (2019) “A Mock-up for the Development of a Digital Edition for Ancient Greek Fragmentary Poetry: Results of Its Evaluation”, International journal of art, culture and design technologies (Online), ISSN 2155-420X, edito da IGI Global (Hershey, PA, Stati Uniti d'America), vol. 8, pagg. 41-57.
2019 - Capitoli in volume
Mostra risorse web32
Bellandi A., Monachini M. e Khan F. (2019) “LexO: Where Lexicography Meets the Semantic Web”, Tour de CLARIN volume two, Fiser D. e Lenardic J. (a cura di), vol. 2, pagg. 43-47.
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI33
Russo I., Marconi L., Cutugno P. e Monachini M. (2019) “Le parole sono ponti: risorse digitali per l'integrazione in contesti multilingue”, Linguaggi, ricerca, comunicazione. Focus CNR, ISBN 9788880803775, Cadeddu M. E. e Marras C. (a cura di), edito da Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Roma, ITA), vol. I, pagg. 127-136.
2019 - Articoli in conferenze
Mostra risorse web34
Goggi S., Pardelli G., Bartolini R., Monachini M., Biagioni S. e Carlesi C. (2019) “Semantic query analysis from the global science gateway”, Research Data Fuels and Sustains Grey Literature, ISBN 978-90-77484-33-3, GL20-Twentieth International Conference on Grey Literature: Research Data Fuels and Sustains Grey Literature, New Orleans, USA, 3-4 December 2018, Farace D. e Frantzen J. (a cura di), vol. 20, pagg. 105-113.
2019 - Contributi in conferenze
Mostra risorse web35
Monachini M. (2019) “Ricerche di alta qualità negli Studi umanistici: l'infrastruttura CLARIN-IT”, Scuola di Dottorato di Ateneo Corso di UMANESIMO E TECNOLOGIE, 13/11/2019.
Mostra risorse web36
Monachini M. (2019) “Success stories of collaboration in Social Sciences and Humanities (between Italy and Slovenia)”, RESEARCH DAY ITALY-SLOVENIA Bilateral meeting Italy Slovenia on the role of research in the society, University of Nova Gorica, Vipava, Glavni trg 8, 16/4/2019.
Mostra risorse web37
Monachini M. (2019) “CLARIN-IT nella prospettiva delle Digital Humanities”, Seminars in Digital Public Humanities, Venezia, 23 ottobre 2019.
Mostra risorse web38
Monachini M., Stamuli M. F. e Calamai S. (2019) “Folk in Tuscany: the Caterina Bueno sound archive”, CLARIN Annual Conference 2019 Abstracts, CLARIN 2019 Annual Conference, Leipzig, 30/09/2019-2/10/2019.
2018 - Articoli in rivista
Mostra risorse web39
Goggi S., Pardelli G., Russo I., Bartolini R. e Monachini M. (2018) “Providing Access to Grey Literature: The CLARIN Infrastructure”, The Grey journal (Print), ISSN 1574-1796, edito da TextRelease (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 14, pagg. 87-93.
2018 - Capitoli in volume
Mostra risorse web40
Monachini M., Nicolosi A. e Stefanini A. (2018) “Digital Classics and CLARIN-IT: What Italian Scholars of Ancient Greek Expect from Digital Resources and Technology”, Selected papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2017, Budapest, 18-20 September 2017, ISBN 978-91-7685-273-6, vol. 147, pagg. 61-74.
2018 - Articoli in conferenze
Mostra risorse web41
Bartolini R., Goggi S., Monachini M. e Pardelli G. (2018) “The LREC Workshops Map”, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), ISBN 979-10-95546-00-9, Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), Miyazaki, Japan, 7-12/05/2018, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Cieri C., Declerck T., Goggi S., Hasida K., Isahara H., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Mazo H., Moreno A., Odijk J., Piperidis S. e Tokunaga T. (a cura di), edito da European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pagg. 557-562.
Mostra risorse web42
Goggi S., Pardelli G., Russo I., Bartolini R. e Monachini M. (2018) “Providing Access to Grey Literature: The CLARIN Infrastructure”, Nineteenth International Conference on Grey Literature "Public Awareness and Access to Grey Literature", ISBN 978-90-77484-31-9, Nineteenth International Conference on Grey Literature, GL19, Roma, October 23-24, 2017, Farace D. e Frantzen J. (a cura di), edito da TextRelease (Amsterdam, NLD), vol. 19, pagg. 93-99.
Mostra risorse web43
Khan F., Bellandi A., Frontini F. e Monachini M. (2018) “One Language to rule them all: modelling Morphological Patterns in a Large Scale Italian Lexicon with SWRL”, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), ISBN 979-10-95546-00-9, Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), Miyazaki, Japan, 7-12/05/2018, Calzolari N. (a cura di), edito da European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pagg. 4385-4389.
Mostra risorse web44
Monachini M. e Khan A. F. (2018) “Towards the Construction of a Lexical Data and Technology Ecosystem: The Experience of ILC-CNR”, Proceedings of the LREC 2018 Workshop "Globalex 2018-Lexicography & WordNets", ISBN 979-10-95546-28-3, LREC 2018 Workshop "Globalex 2018-Lexicography & WordNets, Miyazaki, Japan, 7-12/05/2018, Kernerman I. e Krek S. (a cura di), edito da European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pagg. 52-54.
Mostra risorse web45
Nicolas L., König A., Monachini M., Del Gratta R., Calamai S., Abel A., Enea A., Biliotti F., Quochi V. e Stella F. V. (2018) “CLARIN-IT: State of Affairs, Challenges and Opportunities”, Selected papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2017, Budapest, 18-20 September 2017, ISBN 978-91-7685-273-6, CLARIN Annual Conference 2017, Budapest, Hungary, 18-20 September, 2017, vol. 147, pagg. 1-14.
2018 - Contributi in conferenze
Mostra risorse web46
Goggi S., Pardelli G., Bartolini R., Monachini M., Biagioni S. e Carlesi C. (2018) “Semantic query analysis from the global science gateway”, Research Data Fuels and Sustains Grey Literature, ISBN 978-90-77484-34-0, Twentieth International Conference on Grey Literature "Research Data Fuels and Sustains Grey Literature", New Orleans, USA (Loyola University), December 3-4, 2018, Farace D. e Frantzen J. (a cura di), vol. 20, pagg. 93-95.
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI47
Stefanini A., Nicolosi A. e Monachini M. (2018) “An experiment on the development of a digital edition for ancient Greek fragmentary poetry: A case study on Archilochus of Paros”, Settimo Convegno Annuale AIUCD 2018. Patrimoni culturali nell'era digitale. Memorie, culture umanistiche e tecnologia. Book of Abstracts, ISBN 9788894253528, Settimo Convegno Annuale AIUCD 2018, Bari, 31/01/2018-2/02/2018, Daria S. (a cura di), pagg. 86-89.
2017 - Capitoli in volume
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Manzella G. M. R., Bartolini R., Bustaffa F., D'Angelo P., De Mattei M., Frontini F., Maltese M., Medone D., Monachini M., Novellino A. e Spada A. (2017) “Semantic Search Engine for Data Management and Sustainable Development: Marine Planning Service Platform”, Oceanographic and Marine Cross-Domain Data Management for Sustainable Development, Diviacco P., Leadbetter A. e Glaves H. (a cura di), edito da IGI Global (Hershey, USA), vol. Volume 7, pagg. 127-154.
2017 - Articoli in conferenze
Mostra risorse web49
Pardelli G., Goggi S., Bartolini R., Russo I. e Monachini M. (2017) “A Geographical Visualization of GL Communities: A Snapshot”, GL18 Conference Proceedings Eighteenth International Conference on Grey Literature: Leveraging Diversity in Grey Literature, ISBN 978-90-77484-30-2, Eighteenth International Conference on Grey Literature: Leveraging Diversity in Grey Literature, Washington, November 28-29, 2016, Farace D. e Frantzen J. (a cura di), edito da TextRelease (Amsterdam, NLD), vol. 18, pagg. 109-113.
2017 - Contributi in conferenze
Mostra risorse web50
Bellandi A., Boschetti F., Khan A. F., Del Grosso A. M. e Monachini M. (2017) “Provando e riprovando modelli di dizionario storico digitale: collegare voci, citazioni, interpretazioni”, AIUCD 2017 Conference, AIUCD 2017 Conference & 3rd EADH Day, Roma, Università "Sapienza", 24-28 January 2017, pagg. 119-125.
Mostra risorse web51
Goggi S., Pardelli G., Russo I., Bartolini R. e Monachini M. (2017) “Providing Access to Grey Literature: The CLARIN Infrastructure”, Nineteenth International Conference on Grey Literature Public Awareness and Access to Grey Literature. Program Book, ISBN 978-90-77484-32-6, Nineteenth International Conference on Grey Literature, GL19, Rome, National Research Council, CNR, October 23-24, 2017, Farace D. e Frantzen J. (a cura di), vol. 19, pagg. 60-62.
Mostra risorse web52
Monachini M. (2017) “Discipline umanistiche: vantaggi, opportunità e benefici dell'Infrastruttura di Ricerca CLARIN e del nodo nazionale CLARIN-IT per la comunità italiana”, Università Ca' Foscari. Cerimonia conclusiva Master Digital Humanities, Venezia, 3/11/2017.
Mostra risorse web53
Monachini M. (2017) “Infrastrutture di Ricerca e Studi Classici. CLARIN-IT: opportunità e prospettive”, DIGITAL HUMANITIES E FILOLOGIA GRECA: risorse e infrastrutture di ricerca applicate allo studio del greco antico, Parma, 20/11/2017.
Mostra risorse web54
Monachini M. (2017) “Nuove tecnologie e nuovi sviluppi di indagine: CLARIN-IT e alcuni esempi di applicazione allo studio del greco antico”, 2° Workshop di Studio Insegnamenti di Storia della Lingua Greca (LT) e Filologia Greca (LM), Parma, 1/12/2017.
Mostra risorse web55
Monachini M. (2017) “Digital Humanities and Research Infrastructures: CLARIN and CLARIN-IT”, Course "Digital Humanities: Web Resources, Tools and Infrastructures" Venice International University, Venezia, 4/12/2017.
Mostra risorse web56
Monachini M., Nicolosi A. e Stefanini A. (2017) “Digital Classics: A Survey of the Needs of Ancient Greek Scholars in Italy”, CLARIN Annual Conference 2017, Budapest, Hungary, 18-20 September, 2017, 5 pagine.
Mostra risorse web57
Nicolas L., Konig A., Monachini M., Del Gratta R., Calamai S., Abel A., Enea A., Biliotti F. e Quochi V. (2017) “CLARIN-IT: State of Affairs, Challenges and Opportunities”, CLARIN Annual Conference 2017, Budapest, Hungary, 18-20 September, 2017, 4 pagine.
2016 - Articoli in rivista
Mostra risorse web58
Goggi S., Pardelli G., Bartolini R., Frontini F., Monachini M., Manzella G., De Mattei M. e Bustaffa F. (2016) “A semantic engine for grey literature retrieval in the oceanography domain”, The Grey journal (Print), ISSN 1574-1796, edito da TextRelease (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 12, pagg. 155-161.
Mostra risorse web59
Monachini M. e Frontini F. (2016) “CLARIN, l'infrastruttura europea delle risorse linguistiche per le scienze umane e sociali e il suo network italiano CLARIN-IT”, Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics, ISSN 2499-4553, edito da aAccademia University Press, Torino (Italia), vol. Vol. 2, pagg. 1-30.
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI60
Rehm G., Uszkoreit H., Ananiadou S., Bel N., Bieleviciene A., Borin L., Branco A., Budin G., Calzolari N., Daelemans W., Garabik R., Grobelnik M., Garcia Mateo C., Van Genabith J., Hajic J., Hernaez I., Judge J., Koeva S., Krek S., Krstev C., Linden K., Magnini B., Mariani J., McNaught J., Melero M., Monachini M., Moreno A., Odijk J., Ogrodniczuk M., Pezik P., Piperidis S., Przepiorkowski A., Rognvaldsson E., Rosner M., Pedersen B. S., Skadina I., De Smedt K., Tadic M., Thompson P., Tufis D., Varadi T., Vasiljevs A., Vider K. e Zabarskaite J. (2016) “The strategic impact of META-NET on the regional, national and international level”, Language resources and evaluation (Print), ISSN 1574-020X, edito da Springer (Dordrecht, Paesi Bassi), vol. 50, pagg. 351-374.
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI61
Rhem G., Uzkoreit H., Calzolari N. e Monachini M. (2016) “The strategic impact of META-NET on the regional, national and international level”, Language resources and evaluation (Print), ISSN 1574-020X, edito da Springer (Dordrecht, Paesi Bassi), 26 pagine.
2016 - Capitoli in volume
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI62
Del Gratta R., Boschetti F., Del Grosso A., Khan F. e Monachini M. (2016) “Cooperative philology on the way to web services: The case of the cophiwordnet platform”, Worldwide Language Service Infrastructure: Second International Workshop, WLSI 2015, Kyoto, Japan, January 22-23, 2015. Revised Selected Papers, ISBN 978-3-319-31468-6, Murakami Y. e Li D. (a cura di), edito da Springer International Publishing (Switzerland, CHE), vol. 9442, pagg. 173-187.
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI63
Frontini F., Del Gratta R. e Monachini M. (2016) “GeoDomainWordNet: Linking the Geonames Ontology to WordNet”, Human Language Technology. Challenges for Computer Science and Linguistics, ISBN 978-3-319-43808-5, Vetulani Z., Uszkoreit H. e Kubis M. (a cura di), vol. 9561, pagg. 229-242.
2016 - Articoli in conferenze
Mostra risorse web64
Del Gratta R., Frontini F., Monachini M., Pardelli G., Russo I., Bartolini R., Khan F., Soria C. e Calzolari N. (2016) “LREC as a Graph: People and Resources in a Network”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-9-1, Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portoroz, Slovenia, 23-28 may, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Goggi S., Grobelnik M., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Mazo H., Moreno A., Odijk J. e Piperidis S. (a cura di), edito da European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pagg. 2529-2532.
Mostra risorse web65
Goggi S., Pardelli G., Bartolini R., Frontini F., Monachini M., Manzella G., De Mattei M. e Bustaffa F. (2016) “A semantic engine for grey literature retrieval in the oceanography domain”, ISBN 978-90-77484-27-2, Seventeenth International Conference on Grey Literature. A New Wave of Textual and Non-Textual Grey Literature, Amsterdam, December 1st-2nd 2015, Farace D. e Frantzen J. (a cura di), vol. 17, pagg. 104-111.
Mostra risorse web66
Khan A. F., Bellandi A. e Monachini M. (2016) “Tools and Instruments for Building and Querying Diachronic Computational Lexica”, ISBN 978-4-87974-708-2, Language Technology Resources and Tools for Digital Humanities (LT4DH 2016), Osaka, Japan, December 11-16, 2016, pagg. 164-171.
Mostra risorse web67
Khan F., Díaz Vera J. E. e Monachini M. (2016) “Representing Polysemy and Diachronic Lexico-Semantic Data on the Semantic Web”, SWASH 2016 Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage co-located with 13th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2016), ISSN 1613-0073, Second International Workshop on Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage co-located with 13th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2016), Heraklion, Greece, May 30th, 2016, Draelants I., Zucker C. F., Monnin A. e Zucker A. (a cura di), edito da M. Jeusfeld c/o Redaktion Sun SITE, Informatik V, RWTH Aachen (Aachen, Germania), vol. 1595, pagg. 37-45.
Mostra risorse web68
Khan F., Díaz Vera J. e Monachini M. (2016) “The Representation of an Old English Emotion Lexicon as Linked Open Data”, LDL 2016 5th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics: Managing, Building and Using Linked Language Resources, ISBN 978-2-9517408-9-1, Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portoroz, Slovenia, 23-28 may, McCrae J. P., Chiarcos C., Ponsoda E. M., Declerck T., Osenova P. e Hellmann S. (a cura di), edito da European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pagg. 73-76.
Mostra risorse web69
Nahli O., Frontini F., Monachini M., Khan F., Zarghili A. e Khalfi M. (2016) “Al Qamus al Muhit, a Medieval Arabic Lexicon in LMF”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-9-1, Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portoroz, Slovenia, 23-28 may, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Goggi S., Grobelnik M., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Mazo H., Moreno A., Odijk J. e Piperidis S. (a cura di), edito da European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pagg. 943-950.
Mostra risorse web70
Russo I. e Monachini M. (2016) “Samskara minimal structural features for detecting subjectivity and polarity in Italian tweets”, CEUR workshop proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, Fifth Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. Final Workshop EVALITA 2016, Napoli, 7/12/2016, edito da M. Jeusfeld c/o Redaktion Sun SITE, Informatik V, RWTH Aachen (Aachen, Germania), vol. 1749.
2016 - Contributi in conferenze
Mostra risorse web71
Arrigoni S., Khan F., Monachini M. e Boschetti F. (2016) “Misurare Memorata Poetis: prime statistiche”, AIUCD 2016-Book of Abstracts, Quinto Convegno Annuale AIUCD. Edizioni digitali: rappresentazione, interoperabilità, analisi del testo e infrastrutture, Ca' Dolfin, Venezia, Italia, 7-9/9/2016, Boschetti F. (a cura di), pagg. 151-155.
Mostra risorse web72
Manzella G. M. R., Bartolini R., Bustaffa F., D'Angelo P., De Mattei M., Frontini F., Maltese M., Medone D., Monachini M., Novellino A. e Spada A. (2016) “Marine Planning and Service Platform: Specific Ontology Based semantic Search Engine Serving Data Management and Sustainable Development”, Geophysical research abstracts (Online), ISSN 1607-7962, European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2016), Vienna, Austria, 17-22 aprile 2016, edito da Copernicus GmbH (Katlenburg-Lindau, Germania), vol. 18, 2 pagine.
Mostra risorse web73
Monachini M. (2016) “CLARIN-IT The Italian Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure CLARIN-IT: l'infrastruttura di ricerca per le scienze umane e sociali”, 5th Annual Conference of the Associazione per l'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale (AIUCD), Venezia, 7th to 9th September 2016.
Mostra risorse web74
Monachini M. (2016) “Infrastrutture e ricerca nel settore umanistico”, Utilizzo e diffusione di metodi, strumenti e tecnologie digitali per gli studi filologici: l'applicazione della filologia digitale al greco antico, Parma, 10. 10. 2016.
Mostra risorse web75
Monachini M., Enea A. e Frontini F. (2016) “CLARIN-IT: servizi per la comunità italiana delle scienze umane e sociali”, CLARIN-IT @ IDEM Day 2016, Roma [Università degli Studi di Roma Tre], 6-8 giugno 2016.
Mostra risorse web76
Pardelli G., Goggi S., Monachini M., Bartolini R. e Russo I. (2016) “A Geographical Visualization of GL Community: a Snapshot”, GL18 Program Book, ISBN 978-90-77484-29-6, Eighteenth International Conference on Grey Literature: Leveraging Diversity in Grey Literature, New York, November 28-29, 2016, Farace D. e Frantzen J. (a cura di), vol. 18, pagg. 67-67.
2015 - Articoli in rivista
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI77
Del Gratta R., Frontini F., Khan F. e Monachini M. (2015) “Converting the PAROLE SIMPLE CLIPS Lexicon into RDF with lemon”, Semantic web (Print), ISSN 1570-0844, edito da IOS Press (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 6, pagg. 387-392.
Mostra risorse web78
Goggi S., Monachini M., Frontini F., Bartolini R., Pardelli G., De Mattei M., Bustaffa F. e Manzella G. (2015) “Marine Planning and Service Platform (MAPS) An Advanced Research Engine for Grey Literature in Marine Science”, The Grey journal (Print), ISSN 1574-1796, edito da TextRelease (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 11, pagg. 171-178.
2015 - Articoli in conferenze
Mostra risorse web79
Del Gratta R., Frontini F., Monachini M., Pardelli G., Russo I., Bartolini R., Goggi S., Khan F., Quochi V., Soria C. e Calzolari N. (2015) “Visualising Italian Language Resources: a Snapshot”, Proceedings of the Second Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2015, ISBN 978-88-99200-62-6, Second Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2015, Trento, 3-4 December 2015, Bosco C., Tonelli S. e Zanzotto F. M. (a cura di), pagg. 100-104.
Mostra risorse web80
Frontini F., Quochi V. e Monachini M. (2015) “Generative Lexicon and polysemy: inducing logical alternations”, MAPLEX2015 Multiple Approaches to Lexicon Conference, Yamagata, Japan, February 9-10, 2015, Hsieh S. e Kanzaki K. (a cura di), edito da MAPLEX2015 Multiple Approaches to Lexicon Conference (Yamagata, JPN), 7 pagine.
Mostra risorse web81
Goggi S., Monachini M., Frontini F., Bartolini R., Pardelli G., De Mattei M., Bustaffa F. e Manzella G. (2015) “Marine Planning and Service Platform (MAPS): An Advanced Research Engine for Grey Literature in Marine Science”, Grey Literature Lobby: Engines and Requesters for Change, ISBN 978-90-77484-23-4, Sixteenth International Conference on Grey Literature Grey Literature Lobby: Engines and Requesters for Change, Library of Congress Washington D. C., USA, December 8-9 2014, Farace D. e Frantzen J. (a cura di), edito da TextRelease (Amsterdam, NLD), vol. 16, pagg. 108-114.
Mostra risorse web82
Russo I., Caselli T. e Monachini M. (2015) “Extracting and Visualising Biographical Events from Wikipedia”, BD2015 Biographical Data in a Digital World 2015, BD2015 Biographical Data in a Digital World 2015, Amsterdam, April 9, 2015, Braake S. T., Fokkens A., Sluijter R., Declerck T. e Wandl Vogt E. (a cura di), vol. Vol-1399, pagg. 111-115.
2015 - Contributi in conferenze
Mostra risorse web83
Boschetti F., Del Gratta R., Del Grosso A., Monachini M., Diakoff H. e Nahli O. (2015) “Collaborative Philology on the way to Web Services: the case of CoPhiWordnet”, The Second International Workshop on Worldwide Language Service Infrastructure, WLSI 2015, Kyoto, 22-23rd January 2015.
Mostra risorse web84
Goggi S., Pardelli G., Bartolini R., Frontini F., Monachini M., Manzella G., De Mattei M. e Bustaffa F. (2015) “A semantic engine for grey literature retrieval in the oceanography domain”, GL17 Program Book, ISBN 978-90-77484-26-5, Seventeenth International Conference on Grey Literature. A New Wave of Textual and Non-Textual Grey Literature, Amsterdam, December 1-2, Farace D. e Frantzen J. (a cura di), vol. 17, pagg. 76-77.
2014 - Articoli in rivista
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI85
Soria C., Calzolari N., Monachini M., Quochi V., Bel N., Choukri K., Mariani J., Odijk J. e Piperidis S. (2014) “The language resource Strategic Agenda: the FLaReNet synthesis of community recommendations”, Language resources and evaluation (Print), ISSN 1574-020X, edito da Springer (Dordrecht, Paesi Bassi), vol. 48, pagg. 753-775.
2014 - Capitoli in volume
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI86
Calzolari, Nicoletta, Monachini M., Quochi V., Soria C. e Toral A. (2014) “Lexicons, Terminologies, Ontologies: Reflections from Experiences in Resource Construction”, Language, Culture, Computation. Computational Linguistics and Linguistics. Essays Dedicated to Yaacov Choueka on the Occasion of His 75th Birthday, Part III, ISBN 978-3-642-45326-7, Dershowitz N. e Nissan E. (a cura di), edito da Springer (Berlin Heidelberg, DEU), vol. 8003, pagg. 103-121.
2014 - Articoli in conferenze
Mostra risorse web87
Antico G., Quochi V., Monachini M. e Martinelli M. (2014) “Marrying Technical Writing with LRT”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-8-4, 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Reykjavik, Iceland, 26-31 may 2014, Isahara H., Lee K. C. S. e Nam S. (a cura di), edito da European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pagg. 19-25.
Mostra risorse web88
Bartolini R., Quochi V., De Felice I., Russo I. e Monachini M. (2014) “From Synsets to Videos: Enriching ItalWordNet Multimodally”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-8-4, LREC 2014. European Language Resources Association ELRA: Paris (Francia), Reykjavik, Iceland, 26-31 may, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Loftsson H., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Moreno A., Odijk J. e Piperidis S. (a cura di), edito da European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pagg. 3110-3117.
Mostra risorse web89
Bizzoni Y., Boschetti F., Diakoff H., Del Gratta R., Monachini M. e Crane G. (2014) “The Making of Ancient Greek WordNet”, LREC 2014. European Language Resources Association ELRA: Paris (Francia), Reykjavik, Iceland, 26-31 may, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Loftsson H., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Moreno A., Odijk J. e Piperidis S. (a cura di), edito da European language resources association (ELRA) (Paris, FRA), pagg. 1140-1147.
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI90
De Felice I., Bartolini R., Russo I., Quochi V. e Monachini M. (2014) “Evaluating ImagAct-WordNet mapping for English and Italian through videos”, ISBN 978-88-67-41472-7, Proceedings of the First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2014 & the Fourth International Workshop EVALITA 2014. Pisa University Press srl: Pisa (Italia), Pisa, 9-11 December 2014, Pisa, Basili R., Lenci A. e Magnini B. (a cura di), edito da Pisa University Press srl (Pisa, ITA), pagg. 128-131.
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI91
Frontini F., Quochi V. e Monachini M. (2014) “Polysemy alternations extraction using the PAROLE SIMPLE CLIPS Italian lexicon”, ISBN 978-88-67-41472-7, Proceedings of the First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2014 & the Fourth International Workshop EVALITA 2014, Pisa, 9-11 December 2014, Pisa, Basili R., Lenci A. e Magnini B. (a cura di), edito da Pisa University Press srl (Pisa, ITA), pagg. 175-179.
Mostra risorse web92
Frontini F., Quochi V., Padó S., Utt J. e Monachini M. (2014) “Polysemy Index for Nouns: an Experiment on Italian using the PAROLE SIMPLE CLIPS Lexical Database”, LREC 2014 Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation Proceedings, ISBN 978-2-9517408-8-4, 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland, 26-31 may, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Loftsson H., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Moreno A., Odijk J. e Piperidis S. (a cura di), edito da European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pagg. 2955-2963.
Mostra risorse web93
Moneglia M., Brown S., Frontini F., Gagliardi G., Khan F., Monachini M. e Panunzi A. (2014) “The IMAGACT Visual Ontology. an Extendable Multilingual Infrastructure for the Representation of Lexical Encoding of Action”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-8-4, 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland, 26-31 may, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Loftsson H., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Moreno A., Odijk J. e Piperidis S. (a cura di), edito da European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pagg. 3425-3432.
Mostra risorse web94
Pallotti G., Frontini F., Affè F., Monachini M. e Ferrari S. (2014) “Presenting a System of Human-Machine Interaction for Performing Map Tasks”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-8-4, 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Loftsson H., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Moreno A., Odijk J. e Piperidis S. (a cura di), edito da European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pagg. 3963-3966.
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI95
Panunzi A., De Felice I., Gregori L., Jacoviello S., Monachini M., Moneglia M., Quochi V. e Russo I. (2014) “Translating action verbs using a dictionary of images: the IMAGACT ontology”, Proceedings of the XVI EURALEX International Congress: The User in Focus, ISBN 978-88-88906-97-3, XVI EURALEX International Congress: The User in Focus, Bolzano, 15-19/07/2014, Abel A., Vettori C. e Ralli N. (a cura di), edito da EURAC (Bolzano, ITA), pagg. 1163-1170.
Mostra risorse web96
Rhem G., Uzkoreit H., Calzolari N. e Monachini M. (2014) “The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-8-4, 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland, 26-31 may, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Loftsson H., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Moreno A., Odijk J. e Piperidis S. (a cura di), edito da European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pagg. 1517-1524.
2014 - Contributi in conferenze
Mostra risorse web97
Goggi S., Monachini M., Frontini F., Bartolini R., Pardelli G., De Mattei M., Bustaffa F. e Manzella G. (2014) “Marine Planning and Service Platform (MAPS): An Advanced Research Engine for Grey Literature in Marine Science”, ISBN 978-90-77484-24-1, Sixteenth International Conference on Grey Literature Grey Literature Lobby: Engines and Requesters for Change, Library of Congress Washington D. C., USA, December 8-9, 2014, Farace C. B. D. e Frantzen J. (a cura di), pagg. 93-94.
Mostra risorse web98
Khan F., Frontini F. e Monachini M. (2014) “A Model for Representing Diachronic Semantic Information in Lexico-Semantic Resources on the Semantic Web”, Greek and Latin in an age of Open Data. Open Philology Project, University of Leipzig, GERMANY, December 1-4, 2014, pagg. 1-3.
2014 - Rapporti tecnici
Mostra risorse web99
De Mattei M., Medone D., D'Angelo P., Monachini M., Bartolini R. e Frontini F. (2014) “MAPS: Architettura del Sistema”, pagg. 1-35.
Mostra risorse web100
De Mattei M., Medone D., Maltese M., Frontini F., Bartolini R. e Monachini M. (2014) “META: Report di progettazione degli algoritmi individuati”, pagg. 1-19.
Mostra risorse web101
Frontini F., Bartolini R. e Monachini M. (2014) “MAPS: Stato dell'Arte”, pagg. 1-21.
Mostra risorse web102
Frontini F., Bartolini R. e Monachini M. (2014) “META:-Report sui modelli e tecniche linguistiche”, pagg. 1-20.
Mostra risorse web103
Frontini F., Bartolini R., Monachini M., Pardelli G. e Goggi S. (2014) “Stato dell'arte dei motori semantici. Progetto MAPS, programma operativo regionale POR-FESR (2007-2013)”, pagg. 1-22.
2013 - Capitoli in volume
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI104
Calzolari N., Bertagna F., Lenci A. e Monachini M. (2013) “Boosting Lexical Resources for the Semantic Web: Generative Lexicon and Lexicon Interoperability”, Text, Speech and Language Technology, ISBN 9789400751880, Pustejovsky J., Bouillon P., Isahara H., Kanzaki K. e Lee C. (a cura di), edito da Springer (Dordrecht, NLD), vol. 46, pagg. 415-431.
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI105
Calzolari N., Monachini M. e Soria C. (2013) “LMF-Historical Context and Perspectives”, LMF Lexical Markup Framework, ISBN 978-1-118-71259-7, Gil F. e Patrick P. (a cura di), edito da John Wiley & Sons, Inc (Hoboken, USA), pagg. 1-18.
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI106
Hayashi Y., Monachini M., Savas B., Soria C. e Calzolari N. (2013) “LMF as a Foundation for Servicized Lexical Resources”, LMF-Lexical Markup Framework, ISBN 9781118712696, Francopoulo G. (a cura di), edito da Wiley-ISTE (Hoboken, USA), pagg. 201-213.
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI107
Vossen P., Soria C. e Monachini M. (2013) “Wordnet-LMF: A Standard Representation for Multilingual Wordnets”, LMF-Lexical Markup Framework, ISBN 9781118712696, Francopoulo G. (a cura di), edito da Wiley-ISTE (Hoboken, USA), pagg. 51-66.
2013 - Curatele
Mostra risorse web108
Saurí R., Calzolari N., Huang C. R., Lenci A., Monachini M. e Pustejovsky J. (a cura di) (2013) “Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon Generative Lexicon and Distributional Semantics”, ISBN 978-1-937284-98-5, edito da Association for Computational Linguistics (Stroudsburg, USA), pagg. i-126.
2013 - Articoli in conferenze
Mostra risorse web109
Frontini F., Del Gratta R. e Monachini M. (2013) “Linking the Geonames ontology to WordNet”, Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics. Proceedings, 6th Language & Technology Conference, December 7-9, 2013, Poznañ, Poland, ISBN 978-2-9517408-8-4, 6th Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics, Poznan, Poland, December 7-9, 2013, Vetulani Z. e Uszkoreit H. (a cura di), edito da Fundacja Uniwersytetu im A. Mickiewicza (Poznan, POL), pagg. 263-267.
Mostra risorse web110
Marchetti A., Tesconi M., Abbate S., Lo Duca A., D'Errico A., Frontini F. e Monachini M. (2013) “Tour-pedia: a web application for the analysis and visualization of opinions for tourism domain”, ISBN 978-83-932640-4-9, 6th Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics, Poznan, Poland, December 7-9, 2013, Vetulani Z. e Uszkoreit H. (a cura di), edito da Fundacja Uniwersytetu im A. Mickiewicza (Poznan, POL), pagg. 594-595.
Mostra risorse web111
Moneglia M., Panunzi A., Gagliardi G., Monachini M., Russo I., De Felice I., Khan F. e Frontini F. (2013) “IMAGACT E-learning Platform for Basic Action Types. In: Pixel (ed.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference ICT for Language Learning”, Conference Proceedings. ICT for Language Learning, ISBN 978-88-6292-423-8, International Conference "ICT for Language Learning", 6th edition, Florence, Italy, 14-15 november 2013, Pixel (a cura di), edito da libreriauniversitaria. it (Limena, ITA), pagg. 85-89.
Mostra risorse web112
Russo I., De Felice I., Frontini F., Khan F. e Monachini M. (2013) “(Fore)seeing actions in objects. Acquiring distinctive affordances from language”, Proceedings of NLPCS 2013-10th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, NLPCS 2013-10th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, Marseille, 15-17/10/2013, Sharp B. e Zock M. (a cura di), pagg. 151-161.
Mostra risorse web113
Russo I., Frontini F., De Felice I., Khan F. e Monachini M. (2013) “Disambiguation of Basic Action Types through Nouns' Telic Qualia”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon. Generative Lexicon and Distributional Semantics, ISBN 978-1-937284-98-5, 6th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon Generative Lexicon and Distributional Semantics, Pisa, Italy, 24-25/09/2013, Saurí R., Calzolari N., Huang C., Lenci A., Monachini M. e Pustejovsky J. (a cura di), edito da Association for Computational Linguistics (Stroudsburg, USA), pagg. 70-75.
2012 - Articoli in rivista
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI114
Hayashi Y., Savas B., Monachini M., Soria C. e Calzolari N. (2012) “LMF-aware Web services for accessing semantic lexicons”, Language resources and evaluation (Print), ISSN 1574-020X, edito da Springer (Dordrecht, Paesi Bassi), vol. 46, pagg. 253-264.
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI115
Toral A., Ferrández S., Monachini M. e Munoz R. (2012) “Web 2. 0, Language Resources and standards to automatically build a multilingual Named Entity Lexicon”, Language resources and evaluation (Print), ISSN 1574-020X, edito da Springer (Dordrecht, Paesi Bassi), vol. 46, pagg. 383-419.
2012 - Articoli in conferenze
Mostra risorse web116
Del Gratta R., Frontini F., Monachini M., Quochi V., Rubino F., Abrate M. e Lo Duca A. (2012) “L-LEME: an Automatic Lexical Merger based on the LMF Standard”, Proceedings of the LREC 2012 Workshop on Language Resource Merging, ISBN 978-2-9517408-7-7, The Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC) 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012, Bel N., Gavrilidou M., Monachini M., Quochi V. e Rimell L. (a cura di), pagg. 31-40.
Mostra risorse web117
Gavrilidou M., Labropoulou P., Desipri E., Piperidis S., Papageorgiou H., Monachini M., Frontini F., Declerck T., Francopoulo G., Arranz V. e Mapelli V. (2012) “The META-SHARE Metadata Schema for the Description of Language Resources”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-7-7, The Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 may 2012, pagg. 1090-1097.
Mostra risorse web118
Monachini M., Frontini F., De Felice I., Russo I., Khan F., Gagliardi G. e Panunzi A. (2012) “Verb interpretation for basic action types: annotation, ontology induction and creation of prototypical scenes”, COLING 2012-3rd Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex-III), Mumbai, India, 15 Dicembre 2012, pagg. 69-80.
Mostra risorse web119
Moneglia M., Gagliardi G., Panunzi A., Frontini F., Russo I. e Monachini M. (2012) “IMAGACT: Deriving an Action Ontology from Spoken Corpora”, Proceedings of the Eight Joint ISO-ACL SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation ISA-8, ISBN 978-90-74029-00-1, Eighth Joint ISO-ACL SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA-8), Pisa, Italy, 3-5 October 2012, Bunt H. (a cura di), pagg. 42-47.
Mostra risorse web120
Moneglia M., Monachini M., Calabrese O., Panunzi A., Frontini F., Gagliardi G. e Russo I. (2012) “The IMAGACT Cross-linguistic Ontology of Action. A new infrastructure for natural language disambiguation”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-7-7, The Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 may 2012, pagg. 2606-2613.
Mostra risorse web121
Moneglia M., Monachini M., Panunzi A., Frontini F., Gagliardi G. e Russo I. (2012) “Mapping a corpusinduced ontology of action verbs on ItalWordNet”, Proceedings of the 6th Global WordNet Conference (GWC2012), ISBN 978-80-263-0244-5, Global Wordnet Conference (GWC2012), Matsue, Japan, 9-13 January 2012, Fellbaum C. e Vossen P. (a cura di), pagg. 219-226.
Mostra risorse web122
Soria C., Bel N., Choukri K., Mariani J., Monachini M., Odijk J., Piperidis S., Quochi V. e Calzolari N. (2012) “The FLaReNet Strategic Language Resource Agenda”, Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2012), ISBN 978-2-9517408-7-7, The Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 may 2012, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Dogan M. U., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Odijk J. e Piperidis S. (a cura di), pagg. 1379-1386.
2012 - Contributi in conferenze
Mostra risorse web123
Abrate M., Bacciu C., Frontini F., Lapolla M. N., Marchetti A. e Monachini M. (2012) “Web Language Identification Testing Tool”, The Multilingual Web-the Way Ahead, Luxembourg, 15-16 March 2012.
Mostra risorse web124
Frontini F., Monachini M., Lapolla M. N., Marchetti A., Abrate M. e Bacciu C. (2012) “Web Language Identification Testing Tool”, W3C Workshop, Call for Participation: The Multilingual Web-The Way Ahead, Luxembourg, 15-16/03/2012, pagg. 1-1.
2012 - Rapporti tecnici
Mostra risorse web125
Del Gratta R., Monachini M., Tesconi M., Abrate M., Lo Duca A., Rimell L., Bel N. e Padró M. (2012) “D6. 4 Lexical Merger”, pagg. 1-39.
Mostra risorse web126
Rimell L., Bel N., Padró M., Frontini F., Monachini M. e Quochi V. (2012) “D6. 2 Integrated Final Version of the Components for Lexical Acquisition”.
Mostra risorse web127
Rimell L., Bel N., Padró M., Frontini F., Monachini M., Quochi V. e Del Gratta R. (2012) “D6. 5 Merged dictionaries”.
Mostra risorse web128
Rimell L., Bel N., Padrò M., Frontini F., Monachini M., Quochi V. e Del Gratta R. (2012) “D6. 3 Monolingual lexica for English, Spanish and Italian tuned for a particular domain (LAB and ENV)”.
2011 - Articoli in rivista
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI129
Thompson P., McNaught J., Montemagni S., Calzolari N., Del Gratta R., Lee V., Marchi S., Monachini M., Pezik P., Quochi V., Rupp C., Sasaki Y., Venturi G., Rebholz Schuhmann D. e Ananiadou S. (2011) “The BioLexicon: a large-scale terminological resource for biomedical text mining”, BMC bioinformatics, ISSN 1471-2105, edito da BioMed Central ([London], Regno Unito), vol. 12, pagg. 1-29.
2011 - Capitoli in volume
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI130
Hayashi Y., Declerck T., Calzolari N., Monachini M., Soria C. e Buitelaar P. (2011) “Language Service Ontology”, The Language Grid, ISBN 978-3-642-21177-5, Ishida T. (a cura di), edito da Springer-Verlag (Berlin/Heidelberg, DEU), pagg. 85-100.
2011 - Curatele
Mostra risorse web131
Calzolari N., Baroni P., Soria C., Goggi S., Monachini M. e Quochi V. (a cura di) (2011) “Proceedings of the 3rd European Language Resources and Technologies Forum: Language Resources in the Sharing Age-the Strategic Agenda”, 86 pagine.
2011 - Articoli in conferenze
Mostra risorse web132
Calzolari N., Monachini M. e Quochi V. (2011) “Interoperability Framework: The FLaReNet action plan proposal”, ISBN 978-974-466-564-5, Workshop on Language Resources, Technology and Services in the Sharing Paradigm, Chiang Mai, 12 Novembre 2011, pagg. 41-49.
Mostra risorse web133
Frontini F., Monachini M., Gavrilidou M., Labropoulou P., Piperidis S., Francopoulo G., Arranz V. e Mapelli V. (2011) “A Metadata Schema for the Description ofLanguage Resources (LRs)”, ISBN 978-974-466-564-5, Workshop on Language Resources, Technology and Services in the Sharing Paradigm, Chiang Mai, 12 Novembre 2011, pagg. 84-92.
2011 - Contributi in conferenze
Mostra risorse web134
Frontini F. e Monachini M. (2011) “Towards interfacing lexical and ontological resources”, ONTOLOGIES AND LEXICAL SEMANTICS, Roma, 01 Ottobre 2011, 26 pagine.
2011 - Rapporti tecnici
Mostra risorse web135
Arranz V., Bel N., Budin G., Caselli T., Choukri K., Del Gratta R., Frontini F., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V., Rubino F. e Russo I. (2011) “The FLaReNet Databook”, pagg. 1-8.
Mostra risorse web136
Calzolari N., Bel N., Choukri K., Mariani J., Monachini M., Odijk J., Piperidis S., Quochi V. e Soria C. (2011) “Final FLaReNet deliverable: Language Resources for the Future-The Future of Language Resources”, 97 pagine.
Mostra risorse web137
Desipri E., Gavrilidou M., Labropoulou P., Piperidis S., Frontini F., Monachini M., Arranz V., Mapelli V., Francopoulo G. e Declerck T. (2011) “Documentation and User Manual of the META-SHARE Metadata Model”, 150 pagine.
Mostra risorse web138
Monachini M., Frontini F. e Soria C. (2011) “KYOTO-LMF WordNet Representation Format”, 32 pagine.
Mostra risorse web139
Monachini M., Quochi V., Calzolari N., Bel N., Budin G., Caselli T., Choukri K., Francopoulo G., Hinrichs E., Krauwer S., Lemnitzer L., Mariani J., Odijk J., Piperidis S., Przepiorkowski A., Romary L., Schmidt H., Uszkoreit H. e Wittenburg P. (2011) “The Standards' Landscape Towards an Interoperability Framework”, 23 pagine.
Mostra risorse web140
Vossen P., Bosma W., Rigau G., Agirre E., Soroa A., Aliprandi C., De Jonge J., Hielkema F., Monachini M., Bartolini R. e Frontini F. (2011) “KyotoCore: integrated system for knowledge mining from text”, 56 pagine.
2010 - Capitoli in volume
Mostra risorse web141
Ronzano F., Monachini M., Marchetti A., Tesconi M. e Calzolari N. (2010) “Bootstrapping and Collaboratively Enriching the Italian Domain WordNet through the WiKyoto Knowledge Editor”, Multilinguality and Interoperability in Language Processing with Emphasis on Romanian, ISBN 978-973-27-1972-5, Tufis D. e Forascu I. (a cura di), edito da Romanian Academy Publishing House (Bucharest, ROU), pagg. 181-208.
2010 - Curatele
Mostra risorse web142
Calzolari N., Baroni P., Monachini M. e Soria C. (a cura di) (2010) “Proceedings of the 2nd European Language Resources and Technologies Forum: Language Resources of the future-the future of Language Resources”, 120 pagine.
2010 - Articoli in conferenze
Mostra risorse web143
Agirre E., López D. L. O., Fellbaum C., Hsieh S., Tesconi M., Monachini M., Vossen P., Vossen P. e Segers R. (2010) “SemEval-2010 task 17: All-words word sense disambiguation on a specific domain”, ISBN 978-1-932432-70-1, ACL 2010-SemEval 2010: 5th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, Uppsala, Sweden, 15-16 Luglio 2010, Erk K. e Strapparava C. (a cura di), pagg. 75-80.
Mostra risorse web144
Attia M., Toral A., Tounsi L., Monachini M. e Van Genabith J. (2010) “An Automatically Built Named Entity Lexicon for Arabic”, ISBN 2-9517408-6-7, Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Valletta, Malta, 2010.
Mostra risorse web145
Del Gratta R., D'Onofrio L., Bartolini R., Caselli T., Enea A., Monachini M., Quochi V., Soria C., Toral A. e Calzolari N. (2010) “A Web-based Architecture for Interoperability of Lexical Resources”, 2nd International Conference on Global Interoperability for Language Resources, ICGL 2010, ISBN 978-962-442-323-5, 2nd International Conference on Global Interoperability for Language Resources, Hong Kong, 18-20 January 2010, Fang A. C., Ide N. e Webster J. (a cura di), edito da City university of Hong Kong press (Hong Kong, CHN), pagg. 53-62.
Mostra risorse web146
Savas B., Hayashi Y., Monachini M., Soria C. e Calzolari N. (2010) “An LMF-based Web Service for Accessing WordNet-type Semantic Lexicons”, ISBN 2-9517408-6-7, Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Valletta, Malta, 17-21/05/2010.
Mostra risorse web147
Soroa A., Agirre E., López D. L. O., Bosma W., Vossen P., Monachini M., Lo J. e Hsieh S. (2010) “Kyoto: An Integrated System for Specific Domain WSD”, ISBN 978-1-932432-70-1, SemeEval2010-5th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, Uppsala, Sweden, 15-16 Luglio 2010, Erk K. e Strapparava C. (a cura di), pagg. 417-420.
Mostra risorse web148
Toral A., Bracale S., Monachini M. e Soria C. (2010) “Rejuvenating the ItalianWordNet: upgrading, standardising, extending”, 5th Global Wordnet Conference, Mumbai (India), 31/01-4/02-2010, Bhattacharyya P., Fellbaum C. e Vossen P. (a cura di).
Mostra risorse web149
Toral A., Monachini M., Soria C., Cuadros M., Rigau G., Bosma W. e Vossen P. (2010) “Linking a domain thesaurus toWordNet and conversion toWordNet-LMF”, ICGL2010-Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Global Interoperability for Language Resources-5th Joint ISO-ACL/SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation, ISBN 978-962-442-323-5, ICGL 2010-The Second International Conference on Global Interoperability for Language Resources, Hong Kong, 18-20 Gennaio 2010, Fang A. C., Ide N. e Webster J. (a cura di), pagg. 157-165.
Mostra risorse web150
Vossen P., Rigau G., Agirre E., Soroa A., Monachini M. e Bartolini R. (2010) “KYOTO: an Open Platform for Mining Facts”, ONTOLEX-COLING 2010, ISBN 978-7-900268-00-6, OntoLex 2010, Beijing, 2010.
2010 - Rapporti tecnici
Mostra risorse web151
Vossen P., Hielkema F., Aliprandi C., Rigau G., Fellbaum C., Monachini M., Isahara H., Bond F., Hsieh S., Jones Walters L. e De Boom K. (2010) “Exploitation and Dissemination Plan”.
Mostra risorse web152
Vossen P., Segers R., Hicks A., Herold A., Rigau G., Agirre E., Estarrona A., Cuadros M., Laparra E., Kanzaki K. e Monachini M. (2010) “Wordnets mapped to central ontology-revised”.
2009 - Articoli in rivista
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI153
Francopoulo G., Bel N., George M., Calzolari N., Monachini M., Pet M. e Soria C. (2009) “Multilingual resources for NLP in the Lexical Markup Framework (LMF)”, Language resources and evaluation (Print), ISSN 1574-020X, edito da Springer (Dordrecht, Paesi Bassi), vol. 43, pagg. 57-70.
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI154
Quochi V., Del Gratta R., Sassolini E., Bartolini R., Monachini M. e Calzolari N. (2009) “A Standard Lexical-Terminological Resource for the Bio Domain”, Lecture notes in computer science, ISSN 0302-9743, edito da Springer (Berlin, Germania), vol. 5603, pagg. 325-335.
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI155
Soria C., Monachini M., Bertagna F., Calzolari N., Huang C., Hsieh S., Marchetti A. e Tesconi M. (2009) “Exploring Interoperability of Language Resources: the Case of Cross-lingual Semi-automatic Enrichment of Wordnets”, Language resources and evaluation (Print), ISSN 1574-020X, edito da Springer (Dordrecht, Paesi Bassi), vol. 43, pagg. 87-96.
2009 - Curatele
Mostra risorse web156
Calzolari N., Baroni P., Bel N., Budin G., Choukri K., Goggi S., Mariani J., Monachini M., Odijk J., Piperidis S., Quochi V., Soria C. e Toral A. (a cura di) (2009) “Proceedings of the 1st European Language Resources and Technologies Forum: Shaping the Future of the Multilingual Digital Europe”, 105 pagine.
2009 - Articoli in conferenze
Mostra risorse web157
Bosma W., Vossen P., Soroa A., Rigau G., Tesconi M., Marchetti A., Monachini M. e Aliprandi C. (2009) “KAF: a generic semantic annotation format”, 5th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon, Pisa, 17-19 September 2009, pagg. 145-152.
Mostra risorse web158
Soria C., Monachini M. e Vossen P. (2009) “Wordnet-LMF: Fleshing out a Standardized Format for Wordnet Interoperability”, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Intercultural Collaboration, ISBN 978-1-60558-198-9, International Workshop on Intercultural Collaboration, Palo Alto, California, USA, 20-21 Febbraio 2009, edito da ACM, Association for computing machinery (New York, USA), pagg. 139-146.
Mostra risorse web159
Tokunaga T., Kaplan D., Calzolari N., Monachini M., Soria C., Sornlertlamvanich V., Charoenporn T., Tesconi M., Xia Y., Huang C., Hsieh S. e Kiyoaki S. (2009) “Query Expansion using LMF-Compliant Lexical Resources”, ISBN 978-1-932432-56-5, ACL-IJCNLP 2009-7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources, Singapore, 6-7 Agosto 2009, pagg. 145-152.
Mostra risorse web160
Toral A., Monachini M., Soroa A. e Rigau G. (2009) “Studying the role of Qualia Relations for Word Sense Disambiguation”, 5th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon, Pisa, 2009.
2009 - Contributi in conferenze
Mostra risorse web161
Monachini M. (2009) “A 15-year journey in Standards for Lexical Resources”, New horizons for Linguistic Resources in a Global Context, Barcelona, Spain, 2009.
Mostra risorse web162
Monachini M. (2009) “The WordNet-LMF Representation Format”, The First KYOTO Workshop Environmental Knowledge Transition and Exchange, Amsterdam, 2009.
2009 - Rapporti tecnici
Mostra risorse web163
Aliprandi C., Neri F., Marchetti A., Ronzano F., Tesconi M., Soria C., Monachini M., Vossen P., Bosma W., Agirre E., Artola X., De Ilarraza A. D., Rigau G. e Soroa A. (2009) “Database Models and Data Formats DELIVERABLE NR. 1/WP NR. 2”.
Mostra risorse web164
Aliprandi C., Neri F., Marchetti A., Ronzano F., Tesconi M., Soria C., Monachini M., Vossen P., Bosma W., Agirre E., Artola X., Diaz D. I. A., Rigau G. e Soroa A. (2009) “Database Models and Data Formats”.
Mostra risorse web165
Calzolari N., Baroni P., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V., Soria C. e Toral A. (2009) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Dissemination Plan”.
Mostra risorse web166
Calzolari N., Baroni P., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V., Soria C. e Toral A. (2009) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Progress Report No. 1”.
Mostra risorse web167
Calzolari N., Monachini M., Soria C., Baroni P., Goggi S., Quochi V. e Toral A. (2009) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Progress Report No. 2”.
Mostra risorse web168
Calzolari N., Soria C., Baroni P., Caselli T., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V., Toral A., Bel N., Budin G., Choukri K., Mariani J., Odijk J. e Piperidis S. (2009) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Action Plan”.
Mostra risorse web169
Calzolari N., Soria C., Baroni P., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V. e Toral A. (2009) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Evaluation Plan for the functioning of the Network”.
Mostra risorse web170
Calzolari N., Soria C., Baroni P., Monachini M. e Quochi V. (2009) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Annual Report No. 1”.
Mostra risorse web171
Calzolari N., Soria C., Baroni P., Monachini M., Quochi V. e Toral A. (2009) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Project Presentation”.
Mostra risorse web172
Calzolari N., Soria C., Bel N., Budin G., Caselli T., Choukri K., Mariani J., Monachini M., Odijk J., Piperidis S., Quochi V. e Toral A. (2009) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Blueprint of actions and infrastructures No. 1”.
Mostra risorse web173
Herold A., Hicks A., Segers R., Vossen P., Rigau G., Agirre E., Laparra E., Monachini M., Toral A. e Soria C. (2009) “WordNets mapped to Central Ontology”.
2009 - Miscellanea
Mostra risorse web174
Calzolari N., Baroni P., Bel N., Budin G., Choukri K., Goggi S., Mariani J., Monachini M., Odijk J., Piperidis S., Quochi V., Soria C. e Toral A. (2009) “The European Language Resources and Technologies Forum: Shaping the Future of the Multilingual Digital Europe”.
Mostra risorse web175
Calzolari N., Bel N., Budin G., Choukri K., Mariani J., Odijk J., Piperidis S., Baroni P., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V., Soria C. e Toral A. (2009) “Extended Report of: The European Language Resources and Technologies Forum: Shaping the Future of the Multilingual Digital Europe”.
Mostra risorse web176
Calzolari N., Bel N., Budin G., Choukri K., Mariani J., Odijk J., Piperidis S., Baroni P., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V., Soria C. e Toral A. (2009) “Short Report of The European Language Resources and Technologies Forum: Shaping the Future of the Multilingual Digital Europe”.
2008 - Articoli in conferenze
Mostra risorse web177
Ananiadou S., Monachini M., Nenadic G. e Su J. (2008) “Foreword”, ISBN 2-9517408-4-0, LREC 2008, Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation-Workshop, Marrakech, Marocco, 26-05/1-06-2008.
Mostra risorse web178
Del Gratta R., Bartolini R., Caselli T., Monachini M., Soria C. e Calzolari N. (2008) “UFRA: a UIMA-based Approach to Federated Language Resource Architecture”, ISBN 2-9517408-4-0, LREC 2008, Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marrakech, Marocco, 26 May-1 June 2008, edito da European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pagg. 2634-2639.
Mostra risorse web179
Francopoulo G., Declerck T., Sornlertlamvanich V., De La Clergerie E. e Monachini M. (2008) “Data Category Registry: Morpho-syntactic and Syntactic Profiles”, ISBN 2-9517408-4-0, LREC 2008, Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation-Workshop: Use and usage of language resource-related standards, Marrakech, Marocco, 26-27-28 May 2004, pagg. 31-39.
Mostra risorse web180
Hayashi Y., Declerck T., Buitelaar P. e Monachini M. (2008) “Ontologies for a Global Language Infrastructure”, ICGL 2008-The First International Conference on Global Interoperability for Language Resources, Hong Kong, 9-11/01/2008, Webster J., Ide N. e Fang A. (a cura di), pagg. 105-112.
Mostra risorse web181
Hayashi Y., Narawa C., Monachini M., Soria C. e Calzolari N. (2008) “Ontologizing Lexicon Access Functions based on an LMF-based Lexicon Taxonomy”, ISBN 2-9517408-4-0, LREC 2008, Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marrakech, Marocco, 26-05/1-06-2008, pagg. 916-922.
Mostra risorse web182
Marchetti A., Tesconi M., Vossen P., Agirre E., Rigau G., Calzolari N., Monachini M., Fellbaum C., Hsieh S., Isahara H., Kanzaki K., Neri F., Raffaelli R. e Vangent J. (2008) “KYOTO: A System for Mining, Structuring, and Distributing Knowledge Across Languages and Cultures”, ISBN 978-963-482-854-9, GWC2008-The Fourth Global WordNet Conference, Szeged, Hungary, 22-25 Gennaio 2008, Tanács A., Csendes D., Vincze V., Fellbaum C. e Vossen P. (a cura di), pagg. 474-484.
Mostra risorse web183
Monachini M., Quochi V., Del Gratta R. e Calzolari N. (2008) “Using LMF to Shape a Lexicon for the Biomedical Domain”, LangTech 2008-Tecnologia applicata alla linguistica, Roma, 28-29 February 2008, Delogu C. e Falcone M. (a cura di), pagg. 153-157.
Mostra risorse web184
Quochi V., Monachini M., Del Gratta R. e Calzolari N. (2008) “A lexicon for biology and bioinformatics: the BOOTStrep experience”, ISBN 2-9517408-4-0, LREC 2008, Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marrakech, Marocco, 26-05/1-06-2008, edito da European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pagg. 2285-2292.
Mostra risorse web185
Takenobu T., Kaplan D., Huang C., Hsieh S., Calzolari N., Monachini M., Soria C., Shirai K., Sornlertlamvanich V., Charoenporn T. e Yingju X. (2008) “Adapting International Standard for Asian Language Technologies”, ISBN 2-9517408-4-0, LREC 2008, Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marrakech, Morocco, 26-05/1-06-2008, edito da European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), 1663 pagine.
Mostra risorse web186
Toral R. A., Muñoz R. e Monachini M. (2008) “Named Entity WordNet”, ISBN 2-9517408-4-0, LREC 2008, Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marrakech, Marocco, 26-05/1-06-2008, pagg. 741-747.
Mostra risorse web187
Toral R. A., Quochi V., Del Gratta R., Monachini M., Soria C. e Calzolari N. (2008) “Lexically-based Ontologies and Ontologically Based Lexicons”, AI*IA 2008-10th Congress of Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, Cagliari, 11-13 Settembre 2008, pagg. 49-59.
Mostra risorse web188
Vossen P., Agirre E., Calzolari N., Fellbaum C., Hsieh S., Huang C., Isahara H., Kanzaki K., Marchetti A., Monachini M., Neri F., Raffaelli R., Rigau G., Tesconi M. e Vangent J. (2008) “KYOTO: A System for Mining, Structuring, and Distributing Knowledge Across Languages and Cultures”, ISBN 2-9517408-4-0, LREC 2008, Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marrakech, Marocco, 26-05/1-06-2008.
2008 - Contributi in conferenze
Mostra risorse web189
Rebholz Schuhmann D., Pezik P., Lee V., Del Gratta R., Kim J., Sasaki Y., McNaught J., Montemagni S., Monachini M., Calzolari N. e Ananiadou S. (2008) “BioLexicon: Towards a reference terminological resource in the biomedical domain”, ISBN 978-1-61567-371-1, 16th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, Toronto, Canada, 19-23 Luglio 2008.
2008 - Rapporti tecnici
Mostra risorse web190
Aliprandi C., Neri F., Marchetti A., Ronzano F., Tesconi M., Soria C., Monachini M., Vossen P., Bosma W., Agirre E., Artola X., Arantza D., Rigau G. e Soroa A. (2008) “Database models and data formats”.
Mostra risorse web191
Marchetti A., Ronzano F., Tesconi M., Soria C., Monachini M., Vossen P. e Bosma W. (2008) “XML Schema for Wordnet and Ontology: DELIVERABLE NR. 1 /WP NR. 7”.
Mostra risorse web192
Marchetti A., Ronzano F., Tesconi M., Soria C., Monachini M., Vossen P. e Bosma W. (2008) “XML Schema for Wordnet and Ontology”.
Mostra risorse web193
Monachini M. e Soria C. (2008) “Report on use of LMF for representing WordNets”.
Mostra risorse web194
Monachini M. e Soria C. (2008) “Report on use of TMF and LMF for representing raw terms”.
Mostra risorse web195
Monachini M., Soria C. e Calzolari N. (2008) “The Lexical Grid: Lexical Resources in Language Infrastructures”.
Mostra risorse web196
Soria C. e Monachini M. (2008) “KYOTO-LMF WordNet Representation Format”.
Mostra risorse web197
Tokunaga T., Calzolari N., Huang C., Kiyoaki S., Sornlertlamvanich V., Yingju X., Charoenporn T., Chung S., Hsieh S., Kaplan D., Monachini M., Prévot L. e Soria C. (2008) “Developing International Standards of Language Resources for Semantic Web Applications-Research Report of the International Joint Research Program NEDO”.
2007 - Articoli in rivista
Mostra risorse web198
Bertagna F., Monachini M., Soria C., Calzolari N., Huang C., Hsieh S., Marchetti A. e Tesconi M. (2007) “Fostering Intercultural Collaboration: a Web Service Architecture for Cross-Fertilization of Distributed Wordnets”, Lecture notes in computer science, ISSN 0302-9743, edito da Springer (Berlin, Germania), vol. 4568, pagg. 146-158.
2007 - Articoli in conferenze
Mostra risorse web199
Bertagna F., Monachini M., Soria C., Calzolari N., Ronzano N., Tesconi M. e Marchetti A. (2007) “Cooperative Building of Semantic Resources”, ISBN 3-540-74781-8, 10th Congress of Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence-Cooperative construction of linguistic knowledge bases Workshop, Roma, 10-13 September 2007.
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI200
Bertagna F., Monachini M., Soria C., Marchetti A., Tesconi M., Huang C. e Hsich S. (2007) “Fostering Intercultural Collaboration: a Web Service Architecture for Cross-Fertilization of Distributed Wordnets”, ISBN 978-1-60558-198-9, IWIC 2007-The First International Workshop on Intercultural Collaboration, Kyoto, Japan, 25-26 Gennaio 2007, edito da Springer (Berlin, DEU), vol. 4568, pagg. 185-198.
Mostra risorse web201
Francopoulo G., Bel N., George M., Calzolari N., Monachini M., Pet M. e Soria C. (2007) “Lexical Markup Framework: an ISO Standard for Semantic Information in NLP Lexicons”, ISBN 978-3-8233-6314-9, GLDV2007-Lexical-Semantic and Ontological Resources of the GLDV Working Group on Lexicography at the Biennal Spring Conference, Tubingen, 13-14/04/2007.
Mostra risorse web202
Monachini M., Quochi V., Ruimy N. e Calzolari N. (2007) “Lexical Relations and Domain Knowledge: The BioLexicon Meets the Qualia Structure”, GL2007: Fourth International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon, Parigi, 10-11 Maggio 2007, Bouillon P., Danlos L. e Kanzaki K. (a cura di).
Mostra risorse web203
Quochi V., Del Gratta R., Sassolini E., Monachini M. e Calzolari N. (2007) “Toward a Standard Lexical Resource in the Bio Domain”, ISBN 978-83-7177-413-3, LTC07-3rd Language and Technology Conference: Human Language Technology. Challenges of the Information Society, Poznan, Poland, 5-7 Ottobre 2007, edito da Fundacja Uniwersytetu im A. Mickiewicza (Poznan, POL), pagg. 295-299.
Mostra risorse web204
Toral A. e Monachini M. (2007) “Formalising and bottom-up enriching the ontology of a Generative Lexicon”, ISBN 978-954-91743-7-3, RANLP-2007-International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Borovets, Bulgaria, 27-29 September 2007, Angelova G., Bontcheva K., Mitkov R., Nicolov N. e Nicolov N. (a cura di), edito da INCOMA Ltd (Shoumen, BGR), pagg. 599-603.
Mostra risorse web205
Toral A. e Monachini M. (2007) “SIMPLE-OWL: a Generative Lexicon Ontology for NLP and the Semantic Web”, ISBN 3-540-74781-8, 10th Congress of Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence-Senso Comune Workshop, Roma, 10-13 Settembre 2007.
Mostra risorse web206
Toral A., Monachini M. e Muñoz R. (2007) “Automatically converting and enriching a computational lexicon Ontology for NLP semantic tasks”, ISBN 978-83-7177-413-3, LTC07-3rd Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics, Poznan, 5-7 Ottobre 2007, edito da Fundacja Uniwersytetu im A. Mickiewicza (Poznan, POL), pagg. 216-220.
2007 - Rapporti tecnici
Mostra risorse web207
Calzolari N., Monachini M., Quochi V., Soria C., Goggi S. e Baroni P. (2007) “FLaReNet: Fostering Language Resources Network. Grant Agreement n° 617001, eContentPlus”.
Mostra risorse web208
Del Gratta R., Bartolini R., Caselli T., Enea A., Monachini M., Quochi V. e Sassolini V. (2007) “TimeML: An Ontological Mapping onto the UIMA Type Systems”.
Mostra risorse web209
Del Gratta R., Monachini M., Quochi V., Sassolini E. e Calzolari N. (2007) “Bio-Lexicon DataBase: Architecture, Concepts and Loading Software”.
Mostra risorse web210
Del Gratta R., Toral A., Quochi V. e Monachini M. (2007) “LocalBioLex: A database framework for biolinguistic research on integrated databases”.
Mostra risorse web211
Francopoulo G., Monachini M. e Calzolari N. (2007) “Lexical Markup Framework: an ISO Standard for Semantic Information in NLP Lexicons”.
Mostra risorse web212
Francopoulo G., Monachini M. e Calzolari N. (2007) “Lexical Standards for ISO ballot”.
Mostra risorse web213
Monachini M. (2007) “Test-suites of ISO conformant lexical entries”.
Mostra risorse web214
Romary L., Francopoulo G., Monachini M., Declerck T., Bunt H., Wittenburg P., Funk A. e Gillam L. (2007) “LIRICS-Final Public Report”.
2007 - Miscellanea
Mostra risorse web215
Tesconi M., Marchetti A., Bertagna F., Monachini M., Soria C. e Calzolari N. (2007) “LeXFlow: a Prototype Supporting Collaborative Lexicon Development and Cross-fertilization”.
2006 - Articoli in conferenze
Mostra risorse web216
Calzolari F., Sassolini E., Sassi M., Cucurullo S., Picchi E., Bertagna F., Enea A., Monachini M., Soria C. e Calzolari N. (2006) “Next Generation Language Resources using Grid”, ISBN 2-9517408-2-4, LREC 2006: 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Genova, 24-26 Maggio 2006, pagg. 1858-1861.
Mostra risorse web217
Francopoulo G., Bel N., George M., Calzolari N., Monachini M., Pet M. e Soria C. (2006) “Lexical markup framework (LMF) for NLP multilingual resources”, Proceedings of the Workshop on Multilingual Language Resources and Interoperability, ISBN 1-932432-69-8, COLING-ACL Workshop on Multilingual Lexical Resources and Interoperability, Sydney (Australia), 2006, pagg. 1-8.
Mostra risorse web218
Francopoulo G., Declerck T., Monachini M. e Romary L. (2006) “The relevance of standards for research infrastructures”, LREC 2006: 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Genoa, 2006.
Mostra risorse web219
Francopoulo G., George M., Calzolari N., Monachini M., Bel N., Pet M. e Soria C. (2006) “LMF for multilingual, specialized lexicons”, ISBN 2-9517408-2-4, LREC 2006: 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Genova, 24-26 Maggio 2006, pagg. 27-32.
Mostra risorse web220
Francopoulo G., George M., Calzolari N., Monachini M., Bel N., Pet M. e Soria C. (2006) “Lexical Markup Framework (LMF)”, ISBN 2-9517408-2-4, LREC 2006: 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Genoa, 2006, edito da European Language Resources Association (ELRA)-Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA) (Paris, FRA), pagg. 233-236.
Mostra risorse web221
Francopoulo G., Monachini M., Romary L. e Salmont Alt S. (2006) “Lexical Markup Framework: Working to Reach a Consensual ISO Standard on Lexicons”, Lexical Markup Framework: Working to Reach a Consensual ISO Standard on Lexicons-Tutorial, LREC 2006: 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Genova, 22 Maggio 2006.
Mostra risorse web222
Giouli V., Labropoulou P., Gavrilidou M., Piperidis S., Monachini M., Soria C., Calzolari N. e Choukri K. (2006) “Language Resources Production Models: the Case of the INTERA Multilingual Corpus and Terminology”, ISBN 2-9517408-2-4, LREC 2006: 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Genova, 24-26 Maggio 2006, pagg. 609-614.
Mostra risorse web223
Marchetti A., Tesconi M., Ronzano F., Rosella M., Bertagna F., Monachini M., Soria C., Calzolari N., Huang C. R. e Hsieh S. K. (2006) “Towards an Architecture for the GlobalWordNet Initiative”, SWAP-06, the 3rd Italian Semantic Web Workshop, Pisa, 2006.
Mostra risorse web224
Marchetti A., Tesconi M., Ronzano F., Rosella M., Bertagna F., Monachini M., Soria C., Calzolari N., Huang C. e Hsieh S. (2006) “Toward an Architecture for the Global Wordnet Initiative”, SWAP 2006-Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives, Pisa, Italy, 18-20 December, 2006, pagg. 7-35.
Mostra risorse web225
Monachini M. (2006) “LMF semantic package and mapping of existing semantic lexicons”, Lexical Markup Framework: Working to Reach a Consensual ISO Standard on Lexicons-Tutorial, ISBN 2-9517408-2-4, LREC 2006: 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Genova, 22 Maggio 2006, Francopoulo G., Monachini M., Romary L. e Salmon Alt S. (a cura di), 29 pagine.
Mostra risorse web226
Monachini M., Calzolari N., Choukri K., Friedrich J., Maltese G., Mammini M., Odijk J. e Ulivieri M. (2006) “Unified Lexicon and Unified Morphosyntactic Specifications for Written and Spoken Italian”, LREC 2006: 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Genoa, 2006.
Mostra risorse web227
Soria C., Tesconi M., Bertagna F., Calzolari N., Marchetti A. e Monachini M. (2006) “Moving to dynamic computational lexicons with LeXFlow”, ISBN 2-9517408-2-4, LREC 2006: 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Genova, 24-26 Maggio 2006, 12 pagine.
Mostra risorse web228
Tesconi M., Marchetti A., Bertagna F., Monachini M., Huang C., Calzolari N. e Soria C. (2006) “Towards agent-based cross-lingual interoperability of distributed lexical resources”, Proceedings of the Workshop on Multilingual Language Resources and Interoperability, ISBN 1-932432-69-8, ACL Workshop on Multilingual Lexical Resources and Interoperability, Sydney (Australia), 15-23 Luglio 2006, pagg. 17-24.
Mostra risorse webMostra risorse DOI229
Tesconi M., Marchetti A., Bertagna F., Monachini M., Soria C. e Calzolari N. (2006) “LeXFlow: a system for cross-fertilization of computational lexicons”, COLING-ACL '06 Proceedings of the COLING/ACL on Interactive presentation sessions, Sydney (Australia), 16-23 luglio 2006.
Mostra risorse web230
Tesconi M., Marchetti A., Bertagna F., Monachini M., Soria C. e Calzolari N. (2006) “LeXFlow: a framework for cross-fertilization of computational lexicons”, Proceedings of the COLING/ACL 2006 Interactive Presentation Sessions, ISBN 1-932432-69-8, COLING/ACL 2006, Sydney (Australia), 15-23 Luglio 2006, pagg. 9-12.
Mostra risorse web231
Tokunaga T., Sornlertlamvanich V., Charoenporn T., Calzolari N., Monachini M., Soria C., Huang C., Prevot L., Xia Y., Yu H. e Kiyoaki S. (2006) “Infrastructure for standardization of Asian language resources”, Proceedings of the COLING/ACL 2006 Main Conference Poster Sessions, ISBN 1-932432-69-8, COLING/ACL 2006, Sydney (Australia), 15-26 luglio 2006, pagg. 827-834.
2006 - Rapporti tecnici
Mostra risorse web232
Monachini M., Soria C., Calzolari N., Francopoulo G. e Bel N. (2006) “WD of Lexica standard for CD ballot”.
Mostra risorse web233
Quochi V., Monachini M., Calzolari N., Del Gratta R. e Sassolini E. (2006) “Bio-Lexicon Model and Preliminary ISO Conformant Data Categories”.
Mostra risorse web234
Ruimy N., Monachini M. e Calzolari N. (2006) “Lessico Computazionale Multilivello dell'Italiano PAROLE-SIMPLE-CLIPS”.
2005 - Articoli in rivista
Mostra risorse web235
Monachini M. e Soria C. (2005) “Building Multilingual Terminological Lexicons for Less Widely Available Languages”, Archives of Control Sciences, ISSN 1230-2384, edito da Polish Scientific Publishers PWN (Warszawa, Polonia), vol. 15, pagg. 251-261.
2005 - Articoli in conferenze
Mostra risorse web236
Gavrilidou M., Labropoulou P., Monachini M., Piperidis S. e Soria C. (2005) “Building Multilingual Language Resources”, ISBN 954-91743-2-8, Language and Speech Infrastructure for Information Access in the Balkan Countries, Borovets, Bulgaria, 25/2/2005.
Mostra risorse web237
Monachini M. e Calzolari N. (2005) “Initiatives towards the integration of Lexicons: MILE is taking steps forward”, Machine Translation, Kothen, Germany, 2005.
Mostra risorse web238
Monachini M. e Soria C. (2005) “Building Multilingual Terminological Lexicons for Less Widely Available Languages”, 2nd Language & Technology Conference Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics Poznan, ISBN 83-7111-341-2, 2nd Language & Technology Conference Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics, Poznan, 21-23 Aprile 2005, Vetulani Z. (a cura di), edito da IMPRESJA Wydawnictwa Elektroniczne S. A (Poznan, POL), pagg. 129-133.
Mostra risorse web239
Soria C. e Monachini M. (2005) “Methods, Models and Standardization Issues for the Creation of Linguistic Resources: the Case of Under-Represented Languages”, TALN & RECITAL 2005: 12ème conférence annuelle sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, Dourdan-France, 6-10 Giugno 2005.
2005 - Contributi in conferenze
Mostra risorse web240
Calzolari N., Bertagna F., Lenci A. e Monachini M. (2005) “Boosting Lexical Resources for the Semantic Web. Generative Lexicon and Lexicon Interoperability”, GL2005-3rd International Workshop on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon, Genève, Switzerland, 19-21 Maggio 2005.
2005 - Rapporti tecnici
Mostra risorse web241
Declerck T., Kessler M., Bel N. e Monachini M. (2005) “Evaluation of initiatives for morpho-syntactic and syntactic annotation”.
Mostra risorse web242
Francopoulo G., Bontcheva K., Bunt H., Declerck T., Monachini M., Budin G., Schiffrin A. e Gillam L. (2005) “Periodic Progress Report”.
Mostra risorse web243
Francopoulo G., Bontcheva K., Bunt H., Declerck T., Monachini M., Budin G., Schiffrin A. e Gillam L. (2005) “Annual Progress Report”.
Mostra risorse web244
Francopoulo G., Bunt H., Monachini M. e Nioche J. (2005) “Risk Management Plan”.
Mostra risorse web245
Francopoulo G., George M., Calzolari N., Monachini M., Bel N., Pet M. e Soria C. (2005) “Language Resource Management – Lexical Markup Framework”.
Mostra risorse web246
Mammini M., Ulivieri M. e Monachini M. (2005) “Unified Lexica: Common sample lexicon and harmonized morpho-syntactic specifications between PAROLE and LCStar”.
Mostra risorse web247
Monachini M., Soria C., Choukri K., Declerck T. e Wittenburg P. (2005) “Final Evaluation Report”.
Mostra risorse web248
Monachini M., Soria C., Ulivieri M., Calzolari N., Declerck T. e Mammini M. (2005) “Evaluation of existing standards for NLP Lexica: Proposal for Candidate Data Categories”.
2005 - Miscellanea
Mostra risorse web249
Francopoulo G., George M., Calzolari N., Monachini M., Bel N., Pet M. e Soria C. (2005) “Lexical Markup Framework”.
Mostra risorse web250
Gavrilidou M., Labropoulou P., Monachini M., Piperidis S. e Soria C. (2005) “INTERA Business model”.
Mostra risorse web251
Mammini M., Ulivieri M. e Monachini M. (2005) “Lessici Unificati “su richiesta””.
Mostra risorse web252
Mammini M., Ulivieri M. e Monachini M. (2005) “Lessico Unificato”.
Mostra risorse web253
Mammini M., Ulivieri M. e Monachini M. (2005) “Specifiche Lessicali Morfo-sintattiche Unificate”.
Mostra risorse web254
Monachini M. e Soria C. (2005) “Terminologia Multilingue (inglese-greco-serbo-sloveno-bulgaro)”.
Mostra risorse web255
Monachini M., Soria C., Picchi E., Sassolini E. e Ruffolo P. (2005) “Procedure e tecniche di acquisizione semi-automatica di terminologie da testi paralleli”.
Mostra risorse web256
Monachini M., Soria C., Ulivieri M., Calzolari N., Declerck T. e Mammini M. (2005) “Data Category Registry”.
Mostra risorse web257
Ruimy N., Monachini M. e Calzolari N. (2005) “Lessico elettronico multi-livello dell'italiano: PAROLE-SIMPLE-CLIPS”.
Mostra risorse web258
Soria C. e Monachini M. (2005) “MILE-OWL”.
2004 - Articoli in conferenze
Mostra risorse web259
Bertagna F., Calzolari N., Monachini M., Soria C. e Ulivieri M. (2004) “Report on the interlingual annotation experience at ILC-CNR”, Biennal Conference of the AMTA-Determining Interlingua Utility for Machine Translation, Seventh Interlingua Workshop on Determining Interlingua Utility for Machine Translation, Washington DC, 2 Ottobre 2004, Habash N., Dorr B., Hovy E. e Reeder F. (a cura di).
Mostra risorse web260
Bertagna F., Lenci A., Monachini M. e Calzolari N. (2004) “The MILE Lexical Classes: Data Categories for Content Interoperability among Lexicons”, ISBN 2-9517408-1-6, LREC 2004: Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation-Workshop: A Registry of Linguistic Data Categories within an Integrated Language Resources Repository Area (INTERA), Lisbon, Portugal, 29-5-2004, 8 pagine.
Mostra risorse web261
Bertagna F., Lenci A., Monachini M. e Calzolari N. (2004) “Content Interoperability of Lexical Resources: Open Issues and MILE Perspectives”, ISBN 2-9517408-1-6, LREC 2004: Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, held in Memory of Antonio Zampolli. Lisbon, Portugal, Proceedings, Volume I, Paris, The European Language Resources Association (ELRA), Lisbon, Portugal, 26-27-28 May 2004, pagg. 131-134.
Mostra risorse web262
Calzolari N., Choukri K., Gavrilidou M., Maegaard B., Baroni P., Fersøe H., Lenci A., Mapelli V., Monachini M. e Piperidis S. (2004) “ENABLER Thematic Network of National Projects: Technical, Strategic and Political Issues of LRs”, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, ISBN 2-9517408-1-6, LREC 2004-Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Lisbon, 24-30/05/2004, Lino M. T., Xavier M. F., Ferreira F., Costa R. e Silva R. (a cura di), edito da European Language Resources Association (ELRA)-Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA) (Paris, FRA), vol. III, pagg. 937-940.
Mostra risorse web263
Fersøe H. e Monachini M. (2004) “ELRA Validation Methodology and Standard Promotion for Linguistic Resources”, ISBN 2-9517408-1-6, LREC 2004: Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Lisbona, 26-27-28/05/2004, pagg. 941-944.
Mostra risorse web264
Monachini M., Calzolari F., Mammini M., Rossi S. e Ulivieri M. (2004) “Unifying Lexicons in view of a Phonological and Morphological Lexical DB”, ISBN 2-9517408-1-6, LREC 2004: Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Lisbona, 26-27-28 May 2004, pagg. 1107-1110.
2004 - Rapporti tecnici
Mostra risorse web265
Gavrilidou M., Giouli V., Desipri E., Labropoulou P., Monachini M., Soria C., Picchi E., Ruffolo P. e Sassolini E. (2004) “Report on the multilingual resources production”.
Mostra risorse web266
Gavrilidou M., Giouli V., Desipri E., Monachini M. e Soria C. (2004) “Report on the model of LRs production. INTERA”.
2003 - Articoli in rivista
Mostra risorse web267
Marinelli R., Biagini L., Bindi R., Goggi S., Monachini M., Orsolini P., Picchi E., Rossi S., Calzolari N. e Zampolli A. (2003) “The Italian PAROLE corpus: an overview”, Linguistica computazionale (Testo stamp.), ISSN 0392-6907, edito da Giardini editori e stampatori (Pisa, Italia), vol. 16-17, pagg. 401-421.
Mostra risorse web268
Monachini M. e Calzolari N. (2003) “Methods for standardization: the case of morphosyntax within the EAGLES project”, Linguistica computazionale (Testo stamp.), ISSN 0392-6907, edito da Giardini editori e stampatori (Pisa, Italia), vol. 16-17, pagg. 423-460.
Mostra risorse web269
Ruimy N., Monachini M., Gola E., Calzolari N., Del Fiorentino M. C., Ulivieri M. e Rossi S. (2003) “A computational semantic lexicon of Italian: SIMPLE”, Linguistica computazionale (Testo stamp.), ISSN 0392-6907, edito da Giardini editori e stampatori (Pisa, Italia), vol. 18-19, pagg. 821-864.
2003 - Articoli in conferenze
Mostra risorse web270
Calzolari N., Bertagna F., Lenci A. e Monachini M. (2003) “New Perspectives for Lexical Resources in the Semantic Web Scenario”, GL 2003-Second International Workshop on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon, Genève, Switzerland, 15-17 May 2003, Bouillon P. e Kanzaki K. (a cura di), pagg. 10-19.
Mostra risorse web271
Ruimy N., Monachini M. e Calzolari N. (2003) “Un lexique électronique multi-niveaux de l'italien”, ISBN 80-86732-21-5, CIL XVII International Congress of Linguists, Prague, 24-29 Luglio 2003, pagg. 1-10.
2003 - Rapporti tecnici
Mostra risorse web272
Baroni P., Calzolari N., Fiorentini G., Lenci A. e Monachini M. (2003) “Resources Landscape Map (1st release)”.
Mostra risorse web273
Baroni P., Calzolari N., Fiorentini G., Lenci A. e Monachini M. (2003) “Resources Landscape (First Release)”.
Mostra risorse web274
Bertagna F., Calzolari N., Lenci A. e Monachini M. (2003) “Report on the Feasibility and the Organisational Requirements for the Construction of Multilingual LRs”.
Mostra risorse web275
Calzolari N., Bertagna F., Lenci A. e Monachini M. (2003) “Standards and Best Practice for Multilingual Computational Lexicons-MILE (the Multilingual ISLE Lexical Entry)”.
Mostra risorse web276
Calzolari N., Bertagna F., Lenci A. e Monachini M. (2003) “MILE Users? Evaluation and Feedback”.
Mostra risorse web277
Gavrilidou M., Desipri E., Labropoulo P., Calzolari N., Monachini M. e Soria C. (2003) “Technical Specifications for the Selection and Encoding of Multilingual Resources”.
Mostra risorse web278
Lenci A., Calzolari N. e Monachini M. (2003) “Report on LR Related Activities to Be Promoted”.
Mostra risorse web279
Monachini M., Bertagna F., Calzolari N. e Lenci A. (2003) “Improving Harmonisation between Resources: Divergence/Convergence between Specifications and de-facto Standards”.
Mostra risorse web280
Monachini M., Bertagna F., Calzolari N., Underwood N. e Navarretta C. (2003) “Towards a Standard for the Creation of Lexica”.
Mostra risorse web281
Monachini M. e Soria C. (2003) “Testing Scenario and Quality Assessment Strategy”.
Mostra risorse web282
Ruimy N., Monachini M. e Calzolari N. (2003) “Progetto CLIPS: Specifiche Linguistiche e Manuale di Codifica, Livello sintattico”.
Mostra risorse web283
Ruimy N., Monachini M. e Calzolari N. (2003) “Progetto CLIPS: Specifiche Linguistiche e Manuale di Codifica, Livello semantico”.
2001 - Capitoli in volume
Mostra risorse web284
Ruimy N., Gola E. e Monachini M. (2001) “Lexicography Informs Lexical Semantics: the SIMPLE Experience”, The Language of Word Meaning, ISBN 0521780489, Bouillon P., Busa F. e Bogouraev B. (a cura di), edito da Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, GBR), pagg. 350-362.
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