61 risultati in 2.182 secondi (fonte: PEOPLE) BibTeX | JSON | 2022 - Capitoli in volume | | | 1
| Crepaldi D., Ferro M., Marzi C., Nadalini A., Pirrelli V. e Taxitari L. (2022) “Finger movements and eye movements during adults' silent and oral reading”, Developing language and literacy-Studies in Honor of Dorit Diskin Ravid, ISBN 978-3-030-99890-5, Levie R., Bar On A., Ashkenazi O., Dattner E. e Brandes G. (a cura di), edito da Springer (Dordrecht, NLD), vol. 23, pagg. 443-471. | 2022 - Contributi in conferenze | | | 2
| Marzi C., Narzisi A., Ferro M., Masi G., Milone A., Viglione V., Pelagatti S., Tomassini I. e Pirrelli V. (2022) “Patterns of finger-tracking in Italian early readers with Autism Spectrum Disorder”, 2022 annual meeting abstract book, INSAR, Austin, Texas, 11-14/05/2022, vol. 2022, pagg. 192-192. | 2021 - Capitoli in volume | | | 3
| Cappa C., Ferro M. e Giulivi S. (2021) “Valutare l'efficienza di lettura in classe, fra "ecologia" e tecnologie”, Didattica dell'italiano, ISBN 978-88-6923-829-1, Garulli V., Pasetti L. e Viale M. (a cura di), edito da Bononia University Press (Bologna, ITA), vol. 3, pagg. 49-69. | 2021 - Articoli in conferenze | | | 4
| Bruno E., Giulivi S., Cappa C., Marini M. e Ferro M. (2021) “Evaluating the accuracy of decoding in children who read aloud”, Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (MAVEBA'21), ISBN 978-88-5518-449-6, 12th International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (MAVEBA'21), Firenze (Italy), 14-16/12/2021, Manfredi C. (a cura di), edito da Firenze University Press (Firenze, ITA), pagg. 145-148. | | | 5
| Taxitari L., Cappa C., Ferro M., Marzi C., Nadalini A. e Pirrelli V. (2021) “Using mobile technology for reading assessment”, ISBN 9781728166469, 6th IEEE Congress on Information Science & Technology (IEEE CIST'20), online, 05/06/2021, pagg. 1-6. | 2021 - Contributi in conferenze | | | 6
| Marzi C., Taxitari L., Ferro M., Nadalini A. e Pirrelli V. (2021) “Valutare la lettura "in tempo reale": un esempio di integrazione tra linguistica computazionale e linguistica applicata”, FARE LINGUISTICA APPLICATA CON LE DIGITAL HUMANITIES, XXI Congresso Internazionale di AItLA, Bergamo (I), 11-12/02/2021, vol. 2021, pagg. 5-5. | 2020 - Capitoli in volume | | | 7
| Pirrelli V., Marzi C., Ferro M., Cardillo F. A., Baayen H. R. e Milin P. (2020) “Psycho-computational modelling of the mental lexicon”, Word Knowledge and Word Usage, ISBN 9783110440577, Pirrelli V., Plag I. e Dressler W. U. (a cura di), edito da De Gruyter Saur (Berlin/Munich, DEU), vol. 337, pagg. 23-82. | 2020 - Articoli in conferenze | | | 8
| Ferro M., Giulivi S. e Cappa C. (2020) “The AEREST reading database”, CEUR workshop proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, ISBN 9791280136282, 7th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLIC-IT'20), Bologna, Italy, 01-03/03/2021, edito da Accademia University Press (Torino, ITA), vol. 2769, pagg. 1-6. | 2020 - Contributi in conferenze | | | 9
| Pirrelli V., Cappa C., Crepaldi D., Del Pinto V., Ferro M., Giulivi S., Marzi C., Nadalini A. e Taxitari L. (2020) “Tracking the pace of reading with finger movements”, Words in the World International Conference, Montreal (Canada), 16-18/10/2020, 1 pagina. | 2019 - Articoli in rivista | | | 10
| Marzi C., Ferro M. e Pirrelli V. (2019) “A processing-oriented investigation of inflectional complexity”, Frontiers in communication, ISSN 2297-900X, edito da Frontiers Media (Lausanne, Svizzera), vol. 4, pagg. 1-23. | 2018 - Articoli in rivista | | | 11
| Cardillo F. A., Ferro M., Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (2018) “Deep Learning of Inflection and the Cell-Filling Problem”, Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics, ISSN 2499-4553, edito da aAccademia University Press, Torino (Italia), vol. 4, pagg. 57-75. | | | 12
| Ferro M., Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (2018) “Discriminative word learning is sensitive to inflectional entropy”, Lingue e linguaggio, ISSN 1720-9331, edito da Il Mulino, Bologna (Italia), vol. XVII, pagg. 307-327. | 2018 - Articoli in conferenze | | | 13
| Ferro M., Cappa C., Giulivi S., Marzi C., Nahli O., Cardillo F. A. e Pirrelli V. (2018) “ReadLet: Reading for Understanding”, ISBN 978-1-5386-4385-3, IEEE-CIST2018 LED-ICT, Marrakech, Morocco, 21-27/10/2018, edito da IEEE (New York, USA), pagg. 404-409. | | | 14
| Marzi C., Ferro M., Nahli O., Belik P., Bompolas S. e Pirrelli V. (2018) “Evaluating Inflectional Complexity Crosslinguistically: a Processing Perspective”, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), ISBN 979-10-95546-00-9, Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), Miyazaki, Japan, 7-12/05/2018, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Cieri C., Declerck T., Goggi S., Hasida K., Isahara H., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Mazo H., Moreno A., Odijk J., Piperidis S. e Tokunaga T. (a cura di), edito da European language resources association (ELRA) (Paris, FRA), vol. 2018, pagg. 3860-3866. | 2018 - Contributi in conferenze | | | 15
| Cappa C., Ferro M., Giulivi S., Marzi C., Nahli O., Cardillo F. A. e Pirrelli V. (2018) “ReadLet: piattaforma ICT per valutare l'efficienza di lettura”, XXVII Congresso Nazionale AIRIPA, Arezzo (Italy), 28-29/09/2018. | | | 16
| Ferro M., Cappa C., Giulivi S., Marzi C., Cardillo F. A. e Pirrelli V. (2018) “ReadLet: an ICT platform for the assessment of reading efficiency in early graders”, 11th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Edmonton, Alberta (Canada), 25-28/09/2018, pagg. 61-61. | | | 17
| Leoni F., Muzio C., Cappa C., Ferro M. e Giulivi S. (2018) “Il progetto AEREST: primi risultati in Italia e in Canton Ticino”, XXVII Congresso Nazionale AIRIPA, Arezzo (Italy), 28-29/09/2018. | | | 18
| Marzi C., Ferro M. e Pirrelli V. (2018) “Is inflectional irregularity dysfunctional to human processing?”, 11th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Edmonton, Alberta (Canada), 25-28/09/2018, pagg. 60-60. | | | 19
| Pirrelli V., Ferro M., Marzi C., Gagné C., Spalding T. e Marelli M. (2018) “Processing compounds: what frequency (alone) cannot explain”, 11th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Edmonton (Canada), 25-28/09/2018, pagg. 60-60. | 2017 - Articoli in rivista | | | 20
| Bompolas S., Ferro M., Marzi C., Cardillo F. A. e Pirrelli V. (2017) “For a performance-oriented notion of regularity in inflection: the case of Modern Greek conjugation”, Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics, ISSN 2499-4553, edito da aAccademia University Press, Torino (Italia), vol. 3, pagg. 77-92. | | | 21
| Marzi C., Ferro M. e Nahli O. (2017) “Arabic word processing and morphology induction through adaptive memory self-organisation strategies”, Journal of King Saud University. Computer and information sciences (Online), ISSN 2213-1248, edito da Elsevier (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 29, pagg. 179-188. | 2017 - Articoli in conferenze | | | 22
| Cardillo F. A., Ferro M., Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (2017) “How "deep" is learning word inflection?”, Proceedings of the Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2017), ISSN 1613-0073, ISBN 978-88-99982-76-8, Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, Roma, 11-13/12/2017, Basili R., Nissim M. e Satta G. (a cura di), edito da Accademia University Press (Torino, ITA), vol. 2006, pagg. 77-82. | 2017 - Contributi in conferenze | | | 23
| Bompolas S., Marzi C., Ferro M., Cardillo F. A., Pirrelli V. e Ralli A. (2017) “Transparency and predictability in Modern Greek conjugation: Implications for models of word processing”, MMM 11: 11th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, Cyprus, 22-25/06/2017, pagg. 17-19. | | | 24
| Pirrelli V., Marzi C., Ferro M. e Cardillo F. A. (2017) “Paradigm Relative Entropy and Discriminative Learning”, ParadigMo 2017: First Workshop on Paradigmatic Word Formation Modeling, Toulouse, 19-20/06/2017, 5 pagine. | 2016 - Articoli in rivista | | | 25
| Marzi C., Ferro M., Cardillo F. A. e Pirrelli V. (2016) “Effects of frequency and regularity in an integrative model of word storage and processing”, Rivista di Linguistica, ISSN 1120-2726, edito da Pacini (Ospedaletto, Italia), vol. 28, pagg. 79-114. | 2016 - Articoli in conferenze | | | 26
| Bompolas S., Marzi C., Ferro M., Cardillo F. A. e Pirrelli V. (2016) “Reassessing inflectional regularity in Modern Greek conjugation”, CLiC-it & EVALITA 2016-Proceedings of Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2016) & Fifth Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. Final Workshop (EVALITA 2016), ISSN 1613-0073, ISBN 978-88-99982-08-9, Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2016) & Fifth Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. Final Workshop (EVALITA 2016), Napoli, Italy, 05-07/12/2016, Basile P., Corazza A., Monetmagni S., Nissim M., Patti V., Semeraro G. e Sprugnoli R. (a cura di), edito da Accademia University Press (Torino, ITA), vol. 1749, pagg. 72-77. | | | 27
| Ferro M., Cardillo F. A., Pirrelli V., Gagné C. L. e Spalding T. L. (2016) “Written word production and lexical self-organisation: evidence from English (pseudo)compounds”, Proceedings CLiC-it 2016, ISSN 1613-0073, ISBN 9788899982546, Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2016), Napoli (Italia), 5-6/12/2016, Basile P., Corazza A., Cutugno F., Montemagni S., Nissim M., Patti V., Semeraro G. e Sprugnoli R. (a cura di), edito da Accademia University Press (Torino, ITA), vol. 1749, pagg. 146-151. | 2016 - Contributi in conferenze | | | 28
| Recchia V., Ferro M., Maglie R. e Dodaro A. (2016) “Readability of current patient information leaflets for informed consent in UK radiotherapy centers”, COMMUNICATION, MEDICINE AND ETHICS CONFERENCE 2016, Aalborg, Denmark, 4-6/6/2016, 1 pagina. | 2015 - Capitoli in volume | | | 29
| Pirrelli V., Ferro M. e Marzi C. (2015) “Computational complexity of abstractive morphology”, Understanding and Measuring Mprphological Complexity, ISBN 978-0-19-872376-9, Baerman M., Brown D. e Corbett G. G. (a cura di), edito da Oxford University Press (Oxford, GBR), pagg. 141-166. | 2015 - Curatele | | | 30
| Pirrelli V., Marzi C. e Ferro M. (a cura di) (2015) “Proceedings of the NetWordS Final Conference on Word Knowledge and Word Usage: Representations and Processes in the Mental Lexicon”, edito da CEUR-WS. org (Aachen, DEU), vol. 1347, pagg. 1-189. | 2015 - Articoli in conferenze | | | 31
| Ferro M., Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (2015) “Lexical parsability and morphological structure”, Morphology and Semantics, ISSN 1826-7491, Morphology and Semantics-Ninth Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, Dubrovnik (Croatia), 15-18/09/2013, Audring J., Koutsoukos N., Masini F. e Raffaelli I. (a cura di), edito da Università degli Studi di Bologna (Bologna, Italia), pagg. 22-37. | | | 32
| Marzi C., Ferro M. e Pirrelli V. (2015) “Lexical emergentism and the "frequency-by-regularity" interaction”, Word Knowledge and Word Usage 2015, ISSN 1613-0073, NetWordS Final Conference on Word Knowledge and Word Usage: Representations and Processes in the Mental Lexicon, Pisa (Italy), 30-31/03 01/04 2015, Pirrelli V., Marzi C. e Ferro M. (a cura di), edito da M. Jeusfeld c/o Redaktion Sun SITE, Informatik V, RWTH Aachen (Aachen, Germania), vol. 1347, pagg. 37-41. | 2014 - Articoli in rivista | | | 33
| Chersi F., Ferro M., Pezzulo G. e Pirrelli V. (2014) “Topological Self-Organization and Prediction Learning Support Both Action and Lexical Chains in the Brain”, Topics in cognitive science (Print), ISSN 1756-8757, edito da Cognitive Science Society, Inc (Hoboken, NJ, Stati Uniti d'America), vol. 6, pagg. 476-491. | | | 34
| Marzi C., Ferro M. e Keuleers E. (2014) “Perception of typicality in the lexicon: Wordlikeness, lexical density and morphonotactic constraints”, Suvremena lingvistika, ISSN 0586-0296, edito da Zavod za lingvistiku Filozofskog fakulteta (Zagreb, Croazia), vol. 40, pagg. 171-191. | | | 35
| Marzi C., Ferro M. e Pirrelli V. (2014) “Morphological structure through lexical parsability”, Lingue e linguaggio, ISSN 1720-9331, edito da Il Mulino, Bologna (Italia), vol. XIII, pagg. 263-290. | 2014 - Articoli in conferenze | | | 36
| Gaggioli A., Cipresso P., Serino S., Pioggia G., Tartarisco G., Baldus G., Corda D., Ferro M., Carbonaro N., Tognetti A., De Rossi D., Giakoumis D., Tzovaras D., Riera A. e Riva G. (2014) “A decision support system for real-time stress detection during virtual reality exposure”, Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, ISSN 0926-9630, Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR21), Westwood J. D. (a cura di), edito da IOS Press (Tokyo, Paesi Bassi), vol. 196, pagg. 114-120. | | | 37
| Marzi C., Nahli O. e Ferro M. (2014) “Word Processing for Arabic Language: A reappraisal of morphology induction through adaptive memory self-organisation strategies”, IEEE Conference Publications-Catalog Number: CFP1467R-ART, ISBN 978-1-4799-5979-2, Third IEEE International Colloquium in Information Science and Technology (CIST), Tetuan (Morocco), 20-22/10/2014, El Mohajir M., Al Achhab M., Chahhou M., Mounir A., El Mohajir B., Pirrelli V., Zarghili A. e Elfar M. (a cura di), edito da IEEE (New York, USA), pagg. 241-247. | | | 38
| Pirrelli V., Marzi C. e Ferro M. (2014) “Two-dimensional Wordlikeness Effects in Lexical Organisation”, The First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics-Proceedings, ISBN 978-8-86741-472-7, First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2014 & Fourth International Workshop EVALITA 2014, Pisa, Italy, 9-11/12/2014, Basili R., Lenci A. e Magnini B. (a cura di), vol. 1, pagg. 301-305. | 2013 - Articoli in rivista | | | 39
| Marzi C. e Ferro M. (2013) “Adaptive strategies in lexical acquisition”, Lingue e linguaggio, ISSN 1720-9331, edito da Il Mulino, Bologna (Italia), vol. XII, pagg. 307-328. | 2013 - Contributi in conferenze | | | 40
| Marzi C., Ferro M. e Pirrelli V. (2013) “Lexical parsability and morphological structure”, Morphology and Semantics-Books of Abstracts, 9th Mediterannean Morphology Meeting on "Morphology and Semantics" (9th MMM), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 15-18/09/2013, pagg. 33-34. | | | 41
| Ruta L., Siracusano R., Tortorella G., Boncoddo M., Colombi C., Crifaci G., Billeci L., Tartarisco G., Ferro M., Narzisi A., Muratori F. e Pioggia G. (2013) “The PRIMA-PIETRA Project: A Web-Based Platform for Early Autism Risk Assessment”, International Meeting for Autism Research, International Meeting for Autism Research 2013, San Sebastian, Spain, 2 May 2013. | 2012 - Articoli in rivista | | | 42
| Marzi C., Ferro M. e Pirrelli V. (2012) “Word alignment and paradigm induction”, Lingue e linguaggio, ISSN 1720-9331, edito da Il Mulino, Bologna (Italia), vol. XI, pagg. 251-274. | | | 43
| Tartarisco G., Baldus G., Corda D., Raso R., Arnao A., Ferro M., Gaggioli A. e Pioggia G. (2012) “Personal Health System architecture for stress monitoring and support to clinical decisions”, Computer communications, ISSN 0140-3664, edito da IPC Science and Technology Press (Guildford, Regno Unito), vol. 35, pagg. 1296-1305. | | | 44
| Terranova G., Ferro M., Carpeggiani C., Recchia V., Braga L., Semelka R. C. e Picano E. (2012) “Low Quality and Lack of Clarity of Current Informed Consent Forms in Cardiology: How to Improve Them”, JACC-CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, ISSN 1936-878X, edito da ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC (NEW YORK, USA, Stati Uniti d'America), vol. 5, pagg. 649-655. | 2012 - Capitoli in volume | | | 45
| Ioanndis D., Tzovaras D., Dalle Mura G., Ferro M., Valenza G., Tognetti A. e Pioggia G. (2012) “Gait and Anthropometric Profile Biometrics: A Step Forward”, Second Generation Biometrics: The Ethical, Legal and Social Context, ISBN 978-94-007-3891-1, Mordini E. e Tzovaras D. (a cura di), edito da Springer Verlag (Norwell MA, USA), vol. 11, pagg. 105-127. | | | 46
| Pirrelli V., Ferro M. e Calderone B. (2012) “Learning Paradigms in Time and Space: Computational Evidence from Romance Languages”, Morphological Autonomy: Perspectives for Romance Inflectional Morphology, ISBN 978-0-19-958998-2, Maiden M., Smith J. C., Goldbach M. e Hinzelin M. (a cura di), edito da Oxford University Press (Oxford, GBR), pagg. 135-157. | 2012 - Articoli in conferenze | | | 47
| Marzi C., Ferro M., Caudai C. e Pirrelli V. (2012) “Evaluating Hebbian Self-Organizing Memories for Lexical Representation and Access”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-7-7, 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25/05/2012, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Uğur Doğan M., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Odijk J. e Piperidis S. (a cura di), pagg. 886-893. | | | 48
| Marzi C., Ferro M. e Pirrelli V. (2012) “Prediction and Generalisation in Word Processing and Storage”, Eighth Mediterranean Morphology Meeting on "Morphology and the architecture of the grammar" (MMM8), Cagliari, Italy, 14-17 September 2011, Ralli A., Booij G., Scalise S. e Karasimos A. (a cura di), pagg. 114-131. | 2012 - Contributi in conferenze | | | 49
| Pioggia G., Billeci L., Narzisi A., Farruggio V., Arnao A., Tartarisco G., Ferro M., Siracusano R., Germanò E., Deodato M., Tortorella G. e Muratori F. (2012) “PRIMA PIETRA: Research, Integration, Enhancement, Assistance and Education Program for Autism Services and Rehabilitation Technologies”, International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, Canada, 18 May 2012, 4 pagine. | 2012 - Rapporti tecnici | | | 50
| Tartarisco G., Baldus G., Corda D., Ferro M. e Pioggia G. (2012) “Decision Support Processing Architecture”. | | | 51
| Visintainer F., Muro M., Carlino A., Kalogirou K., Contreras J., Pioggia G., Tartarisco G. e Ferro M. (2012) “Two vehicle demonstrators for elderly drivers support”. | 2011 - Articoli in rivista | | | 52
| Chersi F., Ferro M., Pezzulo G. e Pirrelli V. (2011) “Time, Language and Action-A Unified Long-Term Memory Model for Sensory-Motor Chains and Word Schemata”, ERCIM news, ISSN 0926-4981, edito da ERCIM (Le Chesnay), vol. 84, pagg. 27-28. | | | 53
| Ferro M., Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (2011) “A Self-Organizing Model of Word Storage and Processing: Implications for Morphology Learning”, Lingue e linguaggio, ISSN 1720-9331, edito da Il Mulino, Bologna (Italia), vol. 2, pagg. 209-226. | | | 54
| Valenza G., Pioggia G., Armato A., Ferro M., Scilingo E. P. e De Rossi D. (2011) “A neuron-astrocyte transistor-like model for neuromorphic dressed neurons”, Neural networks, ISSN 0893-6080, edito da Pergamon (New York, Stati Uniti d'America), vol. 24, pagg. 679-685. | 2011 - Articoli in conferenze | | | 55
| Ferro M., Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (2011) “T2HSOM: Understanding the Lexicon by Simulating Memory Processes for Serial Order”, First International Workshop on Lexical Resources, First International Workshop on Lexical Resources, Ljubljana Slovenia, 1-5 Agosto 2011, Sagot B. (a cura di), pagg. 32-41. | 2011 - Contributi in conferenze | | | 56
| Terranova G., Ferro M., Carpeggiani C., Recchia V., Dodaro A., Gioffrè D., Richard S. e Picano E. (2011) “Unreadability of current informed consent forms in cardiology-and how to improve it”, European Society of Cardiology, Paris (France), Agosto 2011, vol. 32, pagg. 69-70. | 2010 - Articoli in rivista | | | 57
| Ferro M., Ognibene D., Pezzulo G. e Pirrelli V. (2010) “Reading as active sensing: a computational model of gaze planning in word recognition”, Frontiers in neurorobotics, ISSN 1662-5218, edito da Frontiers Research Foundation (Lausanne, Svizzera), vol. 4, pagg. 1-16. | | | 58
| Ferro M., Pezzulo G. e Pirrelli V. (2010) “Morphology, Memory and the Mental Lexicon”, Lingue e linguaggio, ISSN 1720-9331, edito da Il Mulino, Bologna (Italia), vol. 2, pagg. 203-242. | 2010 - Libri | | | 59
| Ferro M. (2010) “High Efficiency Real-Time Sensor and Actuator Control and Data Processing: A Framework Solution for Control Systems in Biomimetic Autonomous Robots”, ISBN 978-3-639-25356-6, Ferro M. (a cura di), edito da VDM Verlag Dr. Müller (Saarbrücken, DEU). | 2010 - Miscellanea | | | 60
| Ferro M., Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (2010) “Word self-organization in time and space? Algorithms and evaluation”. | 2009 - Capitoli in volume | | | 61
| Ferro M. e Pioggia G. (2009) “A biologically-based framework for distributed sensory fusion and data processing”, Sensor and Data Fusion, ISBN 978-3-902613-52-3, Milisavljevic N. (a cura di), pagg. 337-364. | visualizzato in 0.007 secondi | powered by lib_pipol v4.0.20 |