92 risultati in 2.362 secondi (fonte: PEOPLE) BibTeX | JSON | 2023 - Articoli in rivista | | | 1
| Marzi C., Melloni C. e Vender M. (2023) “Finger-tracking reading profiles in monolingual and bilingual early graders”, Lingue e linguaggio, ISSN 1720-9331, edito da Il Mulino, Bologna (Italia), vol. XXII, pagg. 327-361. | | | 2
| Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (2023) “A discriminative information-theoretical analysis of the regularity gradient in inflectional morphology”, Morphology (Dordrecht), ISSN 1871-5621, edito da Springer (Heidelberg, Paesi Bassi), pagg. 1-51. | | | 3
| Mazzarino S. e Marzi C. (2023) “Morphological processing in Italian L2 developing readers: a pilot study”, Lingue e linguaggio, ISSN 1720-9331, edito da Il Mulino, Bologna (Italia), vol. XXII, pagg. 143-166. | 2023 - Curatele | | | 4
| Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (a cura di) (2023) “Integrative Views on Representations and Processes in Morphology”, edito da Springer (Dordrecht, NLD), vol. 33(4), pagg. 397-556. | 2023 - Editoriali | | | 5
| Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (2023) “Integrative views of representations and processes in morphology: an introduction”, Morphology (Dordrecht), ISSN 1871-5621, edito da Springer (Heidelberg, Paesi Bassi), vol. 33, pagg. 397-408. | 2022 - Articoli in rivista | | | 6
| Marzi C., Narzisi A., Milone A., Masi G. e Pirrelli V. (2022) “Reading behaviors through patterns of finger-tracking in Italian children with autism spectrum disorder”, Brain sciences, ISSN 2076-3425, edito da Molecular Diversity Preservation International (Basel), vol. 12, pagg. 1-17. | 2022 - Capitoli in volume | | | 7
| Crepaldi D., Ferro M., Marzi C., Nadalini A., Pirrelli V. e Taxitari L. (2022) “Finger movements and eye movements during adults' silent and oral reading”, Developing language and literacy-Studies in Honor of Dorit Diskin Ravid, ISBN 978-3-030-99890-5, Levie R., Bar On A., Ashkenazi O., Dattner E. e Brandes G. (a cura di), edito da Springer (Dordrecht, NLD), vol. 23, pagg. 443-471. | | | 8
| Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (2022) “Psycholinguistic Research on Inflectional Morphology in the Romance Languages”, Oxford Encyclopedia of Romance Linguistics, ISBN 9780199384655, Loporcaro M. (a cura di), edito da Oxford University Press (Oxford, GBR), pagg. 1-44. | 2022 - Contributi in conferenze | | | 9
| Marzi C., Narzisi A., Ferro M., Masi G., Milone A., Viglione V., Pelagatti S., Tomassini I. e Pirrelli V. (2022) “Patterns of finger-tracking in Italian early readers with Autism Spectrum Disorder”, 2022 annual meeting abstract book, INSAR, Austin, Texas, 11-14/05/2022, vol. 2022, pagg. 192-192. | | | 10
| Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (2022) “An information-theoretic analysis of the inflectional regular-irregular gradient for optimal processing units”, 20th International Morphology Meeting-(Dedicated to the memory of Ferenc Kiefer), Budapest, 01-04/09/2022, pagg. 50-51. | 2021 - Articoli in rivista | | | 11
| Marzi C., Greco A., Scilingo E. P. e Vanello N. (2021) “Towards a model of arousal change after affective word pronunciation based on electrodermal activity and speech analysis”, Biomedical signal processing and control (Print), ISSN 1746-8094, edito da Elsevier (Oxford, Regno Unito), vol. 67, pagg. 1-8. | 2021 - Libri | | | 12
| Marzi C. (2021) “Modelling the morphological lexicon-A computational approach to mono-and bilingual learning and processing of verb inflection”, ISBN 978-88-351-3548-7, edito da Franco Angeli (Milano, ITA), vol. 1095. 82, pagg. 5-171. | 2021 - Articoli in conferenze | | | 13
| Taxitari L., Cappa C., Ferro M., Marzi C., Nadalini A. e Pirrelli V. (2021) “Using mobile technology for reading assessment”, ISBN 9781728166469, 6th IEEE Congress on Information Science & Technology (IEEE CIST'20), online, 05/06/2021, pagg. 1-6. | 2021 - Contributi in conferenze | | | 14
| Marzi C., Taxitari L., Ferro M., Nadalini A. e Pirrelli V. (2021) “Valutare la lettura "in tempo reale": un esempio di integrazione tra linguistica computazionale e linguistica applicata”, FARE LINGUISTICA APPLICATA CON LE DIGITAL HUMANITIES, XXI Congresso Internazionale di AItLA, Bergamo (I), 11-12/02/2021, vol. 2021, pagg. 5-5. | 2020 - Articoli in rivista | | | 15
| Marzi C. (2020) “Modeling Word Learning and Processing with Recurrent Neural Networks”, Information (Basel), ISSN 2078-2489, edito da Molecular Diversity Preservation International (Basel), vol. 11, 14 pagine. | | | 16
| Marzi C. (2020) “Modelling the interaction of regularity and morphological structure: the case of Russian verb inflection”, Lingue e linguaggio, ISSN 1720-9331, edito da Il Mulino, Bologna (Italia), vol. XIX, pagg. 131-156. | 2020 - Capitoli in volume | | | 17
| Marzi C., Blevins J. P., Booij G. e Pirrelli V. (2020) “Inflection at the morphology-syntax interface”, Word Knowledge and Word Usage. A cross-interdisciplinary guide to the mental lexicon, ISBN 9783110440577, Pirrelli V., Plag I. e Dressler W. U. (a cura di), edito da De Gruyter Saur (Berlin/Munich, DEU), vol. 337, pagg. 228-294. | | | 18
| Pirrelli V., Marzi C., Ferro M., Cardillo F. A., Baayen H. R. e Milin P. (2020) “Psycho-computational modelling of the mental lexicon”, Word Knowledge and Word Usage, ISBN 9783110440577, Pirrelli V., Plag I. e Dressler W. U. (a cura di), edito da De Gruyter Saur (Berlin/Munich, DEU), vol. 337, pagg. 23-82. | 2020 - Articoli in conferenze | | | 19
| Marzi C., Rodella A., Nadalini A., Taxitari L. e Pirrelli V. (2020) “Does finger-tracking point to child reading strategies?”, Proceedings of the Seventh Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, ISSN 1613-0073, Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics 2020, Bologna, 1-3/03/2021, Monti J., Dell'Orletta F. e Tamburini F. (a cura di), edito da CEUR-WS. org (Aachen, DEU), vol. vol-2769, pagg. 1-7. | 2020 - Contributi in conferenze | | | 20
| Pirrelli V., Cappa C., Crepaldi D., Del Pinto V., Ferro M., Giulivi S., Marzi C., Nadalini A. e Taxitari L. (2020) “Tracking the pace of reading with finger movements”, Words in the World International Conference, Montreal (Canada), 16-18/10/2020, 1 pagina. | 2019 - Articoli in rivista | | | 21
| Marzi C., Ferro M. e Pirrelli V. (2019) “A processing-oriented investigation of inflectional complexity”, Frontiers in communication, ISSN 2297-900X, edito da Frontiers Media (Lausanne, Svizzera), vol. 4, pagg. 1-23. | 2019 - Articoli in conferenze | | | 22
| Greco A., Marzi C., Lanata A., Scilingo E. P. e Vanello N. (2019) “Combining Electrodermal Activity and Speech Analysis towards a more Accurate Emotion Recognition System”, Conference proceedings (IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Soc., Conf.), ISSN 1557-170X, ISBN 978-1-5386-1311-5, 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Berlin, Germany, 23-27 July 20, edito da IEEE Service Center (Piscataway, NJ, Stati Uniti d'America), vol. 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pagg. 229-232. | | | 23
| Marzi C., Greco A., Scilingo E. P. e Vanello N. (2019) “Electrodermal activity and speech features as predictors for arousal level changes after affective word pronunciation”, Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications, ISBN 978-88-6453-961-4, 11th international workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications, Firenze, 17-19/12/2019, Manfredi C. (a cura di), edito da Firenze University Press (Firenze, Italia), vol. 122, pagg. 93-96. | | | 24
| Rorberi S. e Marzi C. (2019) “Modelling the interaction of regularity and morphological structure: the case of Russian verb inflection”, International Symposium of Morphology (ISMo) 2019, Université de Paris, France, 25-27/09/2019, Crysmann B. e Villoing F. (a cura di), vol. 2019, pagg. 107-110. | 2018 - Articoli in rivista | | | 25
| Cardillo F. A., Ferro M., Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (2018) “Deep Learning of Inflection and the Cell-Filling Problem”, Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics, ISSN 2499-4553, edito da aAccademia University Press, Torino (Italia), vol. 4, pagg. 57-75. | | | 26
| Ferro M., Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (2018) “Discriminative word learning is sensitive to inflectional entropy”, Lingue e linguaggio, ISSN 1720-9331, edito da Il Mulino, Bologna (Italia), vol. XVII, pagg. 307-327. | 2018 - Capitoli in volume | | | 27
| Marzi C. (2018) “Morpho - phonotactic typicality and second language acquisition and processing”, Tipologia, Acquisizione, Grammaticalizzazione-Typology, Acquisition, Grammaticalization studies, ISBN 978-88-917-7847-5, Chini M. e Cuzzolin P. (a cura di), edito da Franco Angeli (Milano, ITA), vol. 1095. 79, pagg. 219-232. | 2018 - Articoli in conferenze | | | 28
| Ferro M., Cappa C., Giulivi S., Marzi C., Nahli O., Cardillo F. A. e Pirrelli V. (2018) “ReadLet: Reading for Understanding”, ISBN 978-1-5386-4385-3, IEEE-CIST2018 LED-ICT, Marrakech, Morocco, 21-27/10/2018, edito da IEEE (New York, USA), pagg. 404-409. | | | 29
| Marzi C., Ferro M., Nahli O., Belik P., Bompolas S. e Pirrelli V. (2018) “Evaluating Inflectional Complexity Crosslinguistically: a Processing Perspective”, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), ISBN 979-10-95546-00-9, Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), Miyazaki, Japan, 7-12/05/2018, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Cieri C., Declerck T., Goggi S., Hasida K., Isahara H., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Mazo H., Moreno A., Odijk J., Piperidis S. e Tokunaga T. (a cura di), edito da European language resources association (ELRA) (Paris, FRA), vol. 2018, pagg. 3860-3866. | 2018 - Contributi in conferenze | | | 30
| Cappa C., Ferro M., Giulivi S., Marzi C., Nahli O., Cardillo F. A. e Pirrelli V. (2018) “ReadLet: piattaforma ICT per valutare l'efficienza di lettura”, XXVII Congresso Nazionale AIRIPA, Arezzo (Italy), 28-29/09/2018. | | | 31
| Ferro M., Cappa C., Giulivi S., Marzi C., Cardillo F. A. e Pirrelli V. (2018) “ReadLet: an ICT platform for the assessment of reading efficiency in early graders”, 11th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Edmonton, Alberta (Canada), 25-28/09/2018, pagg. 61-61. | | | 32
| Marzi C., Ferro M. e Pirrelli V. (2018) “Is inflectional irregularity dysfunctional to human processing?”, 11th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Edmonton, Alberta (Canada), 25-28/09/2018, pagg. 60-60. | | | 33
| Pirrelli V., Ferro M., Marzi C., Gagné C., Spalding T. e Marelli M. (2018) “Processing compounds: what frequency (alone) cannot explain”, 11th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Edmonton (Canada), 25-28/09/2018, pagg. 60-60. | 2017 - Articoli in rivista | | | 34
| Bompolas S., Ferro M., Marzi C., Cardillo F. A. e Pirrelli V. (2017) “For a performance-oriented notion of regularity in inflection: the case of Modern Greek conjugation”, Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics, ISSN 2499-4553, edito da aAccademia University Press, Torino (Italia), vol. 3, pagg. 77-92. | | | 35
| Marzi C., Ferro M. e Nahli O. (2017) “Arabic word processing and morphology induction through adaptive memory self-organisation strategies”, Journal of King Saud University. Computer and information sciences (Online), ISSN 2213-1248, edito da Elsevier (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 29, pagg. 179-188. | 2017 - Articoli in conferenze | | | 36
| Cardillo F. A., Ferro M., Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (2017) “How "deep" is learning word inflection?”, Proceedings of the Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2017), ISSN 1613-0073, ISBN 978-88-99982-76-8, Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, Roma, 11-13/12/2017, Basili R., Nissim M. e Satta G. (a cura di), edito da Accademia University Press (Torino, ITA), vol. 2006, pagg. 77-82. | 2017 - Contributi in conferenze | | | 37
| Bompolas S., Marzi C., Ferro M., Cardillo F. A., Pirrelli V. e Ralli A. (2017) “Transparency and predictability in Modern Greek conjugation: Implications for models of word processing”, MMM 11: 11th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, Cyprus, 22-25/06/2017, pagg. 17-19. | | | 38
| Pirrelli V., Marzi C., Ferro M. e Cardillo F. A. (2017) “Paradigm Relative Entropy and Discriminative Learning”, ParadigMo 2017: First Workshop on Paradigmatic Word Formation Modeling, Toulouse, 19-20/06/2017, 5 pagine. | 2016 - Articoli in rivista | | | 39
| Marzi C., Ferro M., Cardillo F. A. e Pirrelli V. (2016) “Effects of frequency and regularity in an integrative model of word storage and processing”, Rivista di Linguistica, ISSN 1120-2726, edito da Pacini (Ospedaletto, Italia), vol. 28, pagg. 79-114. | 2016 - Curatele | | | 40
| Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (a cura di) (2016) “Word knowledge and word usage: A Foreword”, edito da Pacini (Pisa, ITA), vol. 28. 1, pagg. 3-6. | | | 41
| Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (a cura di) (2016) “Word knowledge and word usage: A foreword”, ISBN 978-88-15-26226-4, edito da Il Mulino (Bologna, ITA), vol. XV. 1, pagg. 3-6. | 2016 - Articoli in conferenze | | | 42
| Bompolas S., Marzi C., Ferro M., Cardillo F. A. e Pirrelli V. (2016) “Reassessing inflectional regularity in Modern Greek conjugation”, CLiC-it & EVALITA 2016-Proceedings of Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2016) & Fifth Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. Final Workshop (EVALITA 2016), ISSN 1613-0073, ISBN 978-88-99982-08-9, Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2016) & Fifth Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. Final Workshop (EVALITA 2016), Napoli, Italy, 05-07/12/2016, Basile P., Corazza A., Monetmagni S., Nissim M., Patti V., Semeraro G. e Sprugnoli R. (a cura di), edito da Accademia University Press (Torino, ITA), vol. 1749, pagg. 72-77. | 2015 - Articoli in rivista | | | 43
| Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (2015) “A Neuro-Computational Approach to Understanding the Mental Lexicon”, Journal of cognitive science (Seoul. Online), ISSN 1976-6939, edito da Institute for cognitive science, Seoul national university (Seoul, Corea del Sud), vol. 16, pagg. 493-535. | 2015 - Capitoli in volume | | | 44
| Pirrelli V., Ferro M. e Marzi C. (2015) “Computational complexity of abstractive morphology”, Understanding and Measuring Mprphological Complexity, ISBN 978-0-19-872376-9, Baerman M., Brown D. e Corbett G. G. (a cura di), edito da Oxford University Press (Oxford, GBR), pagg. 141-166. | 2015 - Curatele | | | 45
| Pirrelli V., Marzi C. e Ferro M. (a cura di) (2015) “Proceedings of the NetWordS Final Conference on Word Knowledge and Word Usage: Representations and Processes in the Mental Lexicon”, edito da CEUR-WS. org (Aachen, DEU), vol. 1347, pagg. 1-189. | 2015 - Articoli in conferenze | | | 46
| Ferro M., Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (2015) “Lexical parsability and morphological structure”, Morphology and Semantics, ISSN 1826-7491, Morphology and Semantics-Ninth Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, Dubrovnik (Croatia), 15-18/09/2013, Audring J., Koutsoukos N., Masini F. e Raffaelli I. (a cura di), edito da Università degli Studi di Bologna (Bologna, Italia), pagg. 22-37. | | | 47
| Marzi C., Ferro M. e Pirrelli V. (2015) “Lexical emergentism and the "frequency-by-regularity" interaction”, Word Knowledge and Word Usage 2015, ISSN 1613-0073, NetWordS Final Conference on Word Knowledge and Word Usage: Representations and Processes in the Mental Lexicon, Pisa (Italy), 30-31/03 01/04 2015, Pirrelli V., Marzi C. e Ferro M. (a cura di), edito da M. Jeusfeld c/o Redaktion Sun SITE, Informatik V, RWTH Aachen (Aachen, Germania), vol. 1347, pagg. 37-41. | | | 48
| Pirrelli V., Nahli O., Boschetti F., Del Gratta R. e Marzi C. (2015) “Computational Linguistics and Language Physiology: Insights from Arabic NLP and Cooperative Editing”, Third AIUCD Annual Conference-Humanities and Their Methods in the Digital Ecosystem, ISBN 978-1-4503-3295-8, Third AIUCD Annual Conference-Humanities and Their Methods in the Digital Ecosystem, Bologna (IT), 18-19/09/2014, Tomasi F., Del Turco R. R. e Tammaro A. M. (a cura di), pagg. 1-8. | 2015 - Rapporti tecnici | | | 49
| Marzi C. (2015) “Word knowledge and word usage-Representations and processes in the mental lexicon”, pagg. 2-12. | 2014 - Articoli in rivista | | | 50
| Marzi C., Ferro M. e Keuleers E. (2014) “Perception of typicality in the lexicon: Wordlikeness, lexical density and morphonotactic constraints”, Suvremena lingvistika, ISSN 0586-0296, edito da Zavod za lingvistiku Filozofskog fakulteta (Zagreb, Croazia), vol. 40, pagg. 171-191. | | | 51
| Marzi C., Ferro M. e Pirrelli V. (2014) “Morphological structure through lexical parsability”, Lingue e linguaggio, ISSN 1720-9331, edito da Il Mulino, Bologna (Italia), vol. XIII, pagg. 263-290. | 2014 - Articoli in conferenze | | | 52
| Marzi C., Nahli O. e Ferro M. (2014) “Word Processing for Arabic Language: A reappraisal of morphology induction through adaptive memory self-organisation strategies”, IEEE Conference Publications-Catalog Number: CFP1467R-ART, ISBN 978-1-4799-5979-2, Third IEEE International Colloquium in Information Science and Technology (CIST), Tetuan (Morocco), 20-22/10/2014, El Mohajir M., Al Achhab M., Chahhou M., Mounir A., El Mohajir B., Pirrelli V., Zarghili A. e Elfar M. (a cura di), edito da IEEE (New York, USA), pagg. 241-247. | | | 53
| Pirrelli V., Marzi C. e Ferro M. (2014) “Two-dimensional Wordlikeness Effects in Lexical Organisation”, The First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics-Proceedings, ISBN 978-8-86741-472-7, First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2014 & Fourth International Workshop EVALITA 2014, Pisa, Italy, 9-11/12/2014, Basili R., Lenci A. e Magnini B. (a cura di), vol. 1, pagg. 301-305. | 2014 - Contributi in conferenze | | | 54
| Boschetti F., Del Gratta R., Marzi C., Nahli O. e Pirrelli V. (2014) “Modelli, metodi e strumenti per il trattamento automatico della lingua araba e per l'editing in ambienti collaborativi”, La metodologia della ricerca umanistica nell'ecosistema digitale-AIUCD 2014 Terzo convegno annuale, AIUCD 3rd annual conference, Bologna, 18-19 settembre 2014, Rossi F. e Tomasi F. (a cura di). | 2014 - Rapporti tecnici | | | 55
| Marzi C. (2014) “Lexical acquisition in bilingual contexts: aspects of (extra)linguistic and psycholinguistic modeling”. | | | 56
| Marzi C., Plag I. e Vulchanova M. (2014) “Words: structure, meaning, acquisition, processing”. | 2014 - Miscellanea | | | 57
| Marzi C. (2014) “Models and dynamics of the morphological lexicon in mono-and bilingual acquisition”. | 2013 - Articoli in rivista | | | 58
| Marzi C. (2013) “Innovation, language, and grey literature”, The Grey journal (Print), ISSN 1574-1796, edito da TextRelease (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 9, pagg. 145-151. | | | 59
| Marzi C. e Ferro M. (2013) “Adaptive strategies in lexical acquisition”, Lingue e linguaggio, ISSN 1720-9331, edito da Il Mulino, Bologna (Italia), vol. XII, pagg. 307-328. | 2013 - Articoli in conferenze | | | 60
| Marzi C. (2013) “Innovation, language, and the web”, Tracking innovation thorugh grey literature, ISSN 1386-2316, ISBN 9789077484203, Fourteenth International Conference on Grey Literature, CNR, Rome Italy, 29-30 November 2012, Farace D. J., Frantzen J. e Greynet (a cura di), edito da TextRelease (Amsterdam, NLD), vol. 14, pagg. 153-159. | 2013 - Contributi in conferenze | | | 61
| Marzi C. e Daelemans W. (2013) “On memory and computation: a reappraisal of German noun plural inflection”, Third NetWordS Workshop on "Variation and Adaptation in Lexical Processing and Acquisition", Dubrovnik, Croatia, 19-20/09/2013. | | | 62
| Marzi C., Ferro M. e Pirrelli V. (2013) “Lexical parsability and morphological structure”, Morphology and Semantics-Books of Abstracts, 9th Mediterannean Morphology Meeting on "Morphology and Semantics" (9th MMM), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 15-18/09/2013, pagg. 33-34. | 2013 - Rapporti tecnici | | | 63
| Marzi C. e Giraudo H. (2013) “Perspectives on Synergy”. | | | 64
| Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (2013) “NetWordS: the European Network on Word Structure (2011-2015) ESF RNP Mid-Term Report (2011-2013)”. | | | 65
| Marzi C. e Raffaelli I. (2013) “Variation and Adaptation in Lexical Processing and Acquisition”. | 2012 - Articoli in rivista | | | 66
| Marzi C. (2012) “First 'NetWordS'Workshop on Understanding the Architecture of the Mental Lexicon: Integration of Existing Approaches”, ERCIM news, ISSN 0926-4981, edito da ERCIM (Le Chesnay), vol. 89, pagg. 52-52. | | | 67
| Marzi C. (2012) “Knowledge communities in grey”, The Grey journal (Print), ISSN 1574-1796, edito da TextRelease (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 8, pagg. 27-33. | | | 68
| Marzi C., Ferro M. e Pirrelli V. (2012) “Word alignment and paradigm induction”, Lingue e linguaggio, ISSN 1720-9331, edito da Il Mulino, Bologna (Italia), vol. XI, pagg. 251-274. | | | 69
| Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (2012) “Understanding the Architecture of the Mental Lexicon”, Lingue e linguaggio, ISSN 1720-9331, edito da Il Mulino, Bologna (Italia), vol. XI, pagg. 101-105. | 2012 - Curatele | | | 70
| Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (a cura di) (2012) “Understanding the Architecture of the Mental Lexicon”, ISBN 978-88-15-23601-2, edito da Il Mulino (Bologna, ITA), vol. XI, pagg. 101-274. | 2012 - Articoli in conferenze | | | 71
| Marzi C. (2012) “Knowledge communities in grey”, The Grey Circuit-From Social Networking to Wealth Creation, ISSN 1386-2316, ISBN 9789077484173, Thirteenth International Conference on Grey Literature: The Grey Circuit-From Social Networking to Wealth Creation (GL13), Washington D. C.-USA, 05-06/12 2011, Farace D. J. e Fratzen J. (a cura di), edito da TextRelease (Amsterdam, NLD), vol. 13, pagg. 34-40. | | | 72
| Marzi C., Ferro M., Caudai C. e Pirrelli V. (2012) “Evaluating Hebbian Self-Organizing Memories for Lexical Representation and Access”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-7-7, 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25/05/2012, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Uğur Doğan M., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Odijk J. e Piperidis S. (a cura di), pagg. 886-893. | | | 73
| Marzi C., Ferro M. e Pirrelli V. (2012) “Prediction and Generalisation in Word Processing and Storage”, Eighth Mediterranean Morphology Meeting on "Morphology and the architecture of the grammar" (MMM8), Cagliari, Italy, 14-17 September 2011, Ralli A., Booij G., Scalise S. e Karasimos A. (a cura di), pagg. 114-131. | 2012 - Contributi in conferenze | | | 74
| Marzi C. (2012) “Innovation, Language, and the Web”, Tracking Innovation thorugh Grey Literature, ISSN 1385-2308, ISBN 978-90-77484-19-7, Fourteenth international Conference on Grey Literature (GL14), National Research Council, Rome-Italy, 29-30 November 2012, Farace D. J., Frantzen J. e Greynet (a cura di), vol. 14, pagg. 85-88. | 2012 - Rapporti tecnici | | | 75
| Marzi C. (2012) “Neuroimaging: mania, revolution, or technological evolution? A critical review”. | 2012 - Miscellanea | | | 76
| Marzi C. (2012) “Seminario sulla rete europea della struttura della parola (NetWordS)-Dottorato in Linguistica, UniPV”. | 2011 - Articoli in rivista | | | 77
| Ferro M., Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (2011) “A Self-Organizing Model of Word Storage and Processing: Implications for Morphology Learning”, Lingue e linguaggio, ISSN 1720-9331, edito da Il Mulino, Bologna (Italia), vol. 2, pagg. 209-226. | | | 78
| Marzi C., Pardelli G. e Sassi M. (2011) “A terminology based re-definition of Grey Literature”, The Grey journal (Print), ISSN 1574-1796, edito da TextRelease (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 7, pagg. 19-23. | 2011 - Articoli in conferenze | | | 79
| Ferro M., Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (2011) “T2HSOM: Understanding the Lexicon by Simulating Memory Processes for Serial Order”, First International Workshop on Lexical Resources, First International Workshop on Lexical Resources, Ljubljana Slovenia, 1-5 Agosto 2011, Sagot B. (a cura di), pagg. 32-41. | | | 80
| Marzi C., Pardelli G. e Sassi M. (2011) “A terminology based re-definition of Grey Literature”, Trasparency in Grey Literature, Grey Tech Approaches to High Tech Issues, ISSN 1386-2316, ISBN 9789077484166, Twelfth International Conference on Grey Literature: Trasparency in Grey Literature, Grey Tech Approaches to High Tech Issues, Praga, 6-7 dicembre 2010, Farace D. J. e Fratzen J. (a cura di), edito da TextRelease (Amsterdam, NLD), vol. 12, pagg. 27-31. | 2011 - Contributi in conferenze | | | 81
| Marzi C. (2011) “Knowledge Communities in Grey”, The Grey Circuit-From Social Networking to Wealth Creation, ISSN 1385-2308, ISBN 978-90-77484-00-5, Thirteenth International Conference on Grey Literature: The Grey circuit-From Social networking to Wealth Creation, Washington D. C.-USA, 5-6 December 2011, Farace D. J. e Fratzen J. (a cura di), vol. 13, pagg. 26-30. | 2011 - Rapporti tecnici | | | 82
| Marzi C. (2011) “Understanding the Architecture of the Mental Lexicon: Integration of Existing Approaches”. | 2010 - Articoli in rivista | | | 83
| Marzi C., Pardelli G. e Sassi M. (2010) “Grey literature and computational linguistics: From paper to net”, The Grey journal (Print), ISSN 1574-1796, edito da TextRelease (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 6, pagg. 145-148. | 2010 - Articoli in conferenze | | | 84
| Marzi C., Pardelli G. e Sassi M. (2010) “Grey Literature and Computational Linguistics: From Paper to Net”, The Grey Mosaic, Piecing it All Together, ISSN 1386-2316, ISBN 978-90-77484-13-5, Eleventh International Conference on Grey Literature. The Grey Mosaic, Piecing it All Together, Washington, DC, 14-15 dicembre 2009, Farace D. J. e Frantzen J. (a cura di), edito da TextRelease (Amsterdam, NLD), vol. 11, pagg. 81-84. | 2010 - Contributi in conferenze | | | 85
| Marzi C., Pardelli G. e Sassi M. (2010) “A Terminology Based Re-Definition of Grey Literature”, Trasparency in Grey Literature, Grey Tech Approaches to High Tech Issues, ISSN 1385-2308, ISBN 978-90-77484-15-9, Twelfth International Conference on Grey Literature: Trasparency in Grey Literature, Grey Tech Approaches to High Tech Issues, Prague, 6-7/12/2010, Farace D. J. e Fratzen J. (a cura di), vol. 12, pagg. 24-28. | 2010 - Rapporti tecnici | | | 86
| Marzi C. e Marchi S. (2010) “Procedura Web per la generazione automatica dei bandi di concorso per Assegno di Ricerca in formato pdf”. | 2010 - Miscellanea | | | 87
| Ferro M., Marzi C. e Pirrelli V. (2010) “Word self-organization in time and space? Algorithms and evaluation”. | | | 88
| Marzi C. e Marchi S. (2010) “Procedura Web per la generazione automatica dei bandi di concorso per Assegno di Ricerca”. | 2009 - Contributi in conferenze | | | 89
| Marzi C., Pardelli G. e Sassi M. (2009) “Grey Literature and Computational Limguistics: From Paper to Net”, Eleventh International Conference on Grey Literature "The Grey Mosaic, Piecing it All Together" Acronimo titolo evento, ISBN 978-90-77484-14-2, Eleventh International Conference on Grey Literature "The Grey Mosaic, Piecing it All Together", Washington, DC, 14-15 December 2009, Farace D. J. e Frantzen J. (a cura di), vol. 11, pagg. 81-84. | 2009 - Rapporti tecnici | | | 90
| Pirrelli V. e Marzi C. (2009) “Words In Action: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Understanding Word Processing and Storage”. | 2003 - Rapporti tecnici | | | 91
| Marzi C., Petrongolo C. e Aprile N. (2003) “GLARS: Contratti dei servizi comuni di Area”. | 2003 - Miscellanea | | | 92
| Marzi C. (2003) “FONDI STRUTTURALI: linee direttrici”. | visualizzato in 0.010 secondi | powered by lib_pipol v4.0.20 |