Call for n. 1 Post-Graduate Fellowship – ILC.ASS.005.2024.PI

Call for n. 1 Post-Graduate Fellowship within the Age-It research project (“Ageing individuals in an ageing society. Building institutional, biomedical and technological solutions for a successful Italian ageing society” (Age-It | PE_00000015 | CUP B83C22004880006) nell’ambito del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNNR), Missione 4 “Istruzione e ricerca”, Componente 2 “Dalla ricerca all’impresa”).

Activities: development of web services for database management and language models of reading.

Location: CNR-ILC, Pisa

Duration: 12 months

Unit of personnel: n. 1 personnel unit


Expiration date: 12/03/24