TRasporti e collegamenti Innovativi e sostenibili tra Porti e piattaforme LOgistiche - PLUS

Type of project: European  |  Start date: 01/05/2022  |  End date: 28/10/2023

The TRIPLO PLUS project is the natural continuation of the TRIPLO project. In fact, starting from the main output of TRIPLO, namely the Strategic Plan, TRIPLO Plus aims at strengthening the solutions identified for a noise reduction, by carrying out both small investments and capitalization activities.

In particular, on the basis of the analysis carried out in TRIPLO and of the dynamics characterizing the pilot areas of the project partners, specific actions, some demonstrative, others of capitalization, will be developed. That will make it possible to obtain further data and elements of knowledge, so as to enrich and consolidate the indications contained in the TRIPLO Strategic Plan, transforming it into the TRIPLO PLUS Strategic Plan.

The demonstrative actions will be preceded and followed by acoustic measurements, in order to demonstrate the level of noise reduction. Moreover, in continuity with TRIPLO, the physical analysis will be accompanied by the perceptual analysis (an innovative approach, this one, introduced by TRIPLO), in order to understand, before and after the intervention, how citizens perceive the improvement of the acoustic climate. A specific report containing the effectiveness assessment results will be drawn up to be used by the project partners and the target groups identified.

The actions of capitalization will be aimed at deepening the capitalization process already started with TRIPLO, in order to know how other European projects have used ITS systems for noise reduction, in which ways citizens have been involved and how measures of noise attenuation are managed at the institutional level and in the interaction between the ports and the neighboring areas connected to them.



Funding programme:
Interreg V-A - Italy-France (Maritime) 2014 – 2020

Grant agreement:
CUP B55G21000010006


CNR-ILC role:

Project coordinator:
Provincia di Lucca

CNR-ILC Research Unit Chair:
Paola Cutugno

Davide Chiarella
Alessandra Cinini
Noemi Terreni
