Type of project: Regional | Start date: 03/09/2020 | End date: 02/09/2022
The project aims to coordinate, harmonize and enhance various regional research infrastructures operating in the marine environmental sector, mainly in the fields of climate change, environmental monitoring, marine-coastal anthropogenic impact and the protection of marine technologies.
The main objective of the project is to consolidate and structure a long-lasting collaboration relationship among the various regional research infrastructures, creating a system of complementary skills with the aim of proposing a marine environmental and technological offer to companies and the Ligurian territory.
The project is coordinated by the University of Genova with the participation of the Institute for Computational Linguistics “A. Zampolli” of the National Research Council of Italy and Ticass S.c.r.l., the manager of the pole “Energy Environment and Sustainable Development”.
Blue-Lab Net
Funding body:
Regione Liguria (POR FESR 2014-2020 – Asse 1 - Azione 1.5.1 - “Sostegno alle infrastrutture di ricerca considerate critiche/cruciali per i sistemi regionali")
Grant agreement:
CUP G31B20000220007
CNR-ILC role:
Project coordinator:
Università di Genova
CNR-ILC Research Unit Chair:
Paola Cutugno
Noemi Terreni