
Soluzioni innovative perla creazione, la certificazione, il riuso e la condivisione di unità didattiche digitali all'interno del sistema Scuola

Type of project: Regional  |  Start date: 06/11/2017  |  End date: 10/08/2020

The aim of the project is to exploit the emerging digital technologies to relaunch the role of teachers as creators of original knowledge, enhancing the intangible but precious component of educational creativity and empathic mediation of knowledge.

The project aims to define an optimized format of digital Lesson Object, which is the result of the assembly of elementary content (the Cognitive Learning Objects) and is in its turn organized into free curricular schemes, which is the product of the educational creativity of the single teacher but is equally interchangeable in a wide network of original educational resources available to the School system.

The digital Lesson Objects will be structured according to frontier methodologies such as the phenomenon-based learning, which replaces the ordinary educational taxonomies with insights on germinal themes able to attract a network of connected knowledge, with evident advantages in terms of attention and cognitive effectiveness.

A parallel approach will be developed in the realization of the systems of access to contents through the educational author system foreseen by the project.

In fact, this will be equipped with semantic navigation tools able to offer versatile paths through knowledge, also by means of specific phenomenal functionalities.

The project represents one of the very first examples, if not the first one, in Italy of the application of the BlockChain seminal technology to the school world and opens scenarios of potentially strategic importance for a retraining of the teacher’s figure within the Italian school, a passage certainly unavoidable of any effective reform process.

POR CreO FESR 2014-2020 - Ali Idee - Logo


Funding body:
Regione Toscana (POR CreO FESR 2014-2020 - Linea 1.1.4 - Azione 1.1.5 - Sub-azione a1 - Bando 2)

Grant agreement:
CUP D51B18000370009


CNR-ILC role:

Project coordinator:
M.E.T.A. S.r.l.

CNR-ILC Research Unit Chair:
Felice Dell'Orletta

Franco Alberto Cardillo
Claudia Marzi
Gabriella Pardelli
Noemi Terreni