L’amministrazione della giustizia in italia: il caso della neurogenetica e delle neuroscienze, un approccio multidisciplinare.

Type of project: National  |  Start date: 01/04/2013  |  End date: 01/04/2014

The project addresses a focused set of closely-related problems at the intersection of neuroscience and criminal justice from a multidisciplinary perspective: in particular, it aims at assessing whether, and if so how, neuroscientific evidence is starting to be admitted and evaluated in individual cases in Italy.

The role of ILC within the project is to develop advanced technologies for the textual and linguistic analysis of cases with the final aim of building a terminological resource of Neuroscience in Law.


Funding programme:
Fondo Ordinario per gli Enti di Ricerca - Quota finalizzata al Finanziamento Premiale di Specifici Programmi e Progetti

Funding body:
Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca


CNR-ILC role:

Giulia Venturi