Type of project: Regional | Start date: 28/10/2020 | End date: 29/08/2022
Patients and family members look for medical information, as well as via web/mobile applications with e-Community functionality (e.g. forum), through digital helpers such as Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant.
However, these systems are not safe.
To create safe e-Communities and digital helpers, optimized for the healthcare sector and the Italian language, and also linguistically customized according to the interlocutor (education, sentiment etc.), it is necessary a production process involving experts from IT (WEBMONKS S.R.L.), Computational Linguistics (Institute of Computational Linguistics “A. Zampolli” of the National Research Council of Italy) and Healthcare (University Campus BioMedico of Rome).
Objectives of the project:
- create a software enabling biomedical engineers to rapidly develop e-Community and Digital Help web/mobile applications based on Instant Messaging and Chatbots;
- optimize digital help algorithms with Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning techniques for the healthcare sector;
- use the system to create an e-Community of patients suffering from Multiple Sclerosis and Chatbots able to answer both general questions on the functioning of the UCBM Polyclinic and specific questions on the treatment of fatigue through personalized electroceutical therapy.
Funding body:
Regione Lazio (POR FESR 2014-2020 – Azione 1.1.4 - Progetti Stategici 2019)
Grant agreement:
CUP B89C20001430002 - Progetto n. A0320-2019-28109
CNR-ILC role:
Project coordinator:
CNR-ILC Research Unit Chair:
Felice Dell'Orletta
Franco Alberto Cardillo
Noemi Terreni
Franca Matilde Tecchio (ISTC)