
Piattaforma cloud per il monitoraggio e il potenziamento a distanza delle capacità di lettura del bambino con videogiochi educativi

Type of project: National  |  Start date: 01/12/2021  |  End date: 30/11/2024

ReadGround aims to offer a powerful, adaptive and minimally invasive multifunctional virtual laboratory interfaced with the user via a user-friendly tablet and a common internet connection. The platform enables the acquisition and analysis of large amounts of reading data at low cost and under highly ecological conditions, with a significant impact on neuropsychological and psycho-educational research on reading. In the same environment, users will be able to improve their reading skills through educational games, and will be able to check their progress by recording new reading sessions. The experimentation envisaged within the project is aimed at evaluating the use of the platform in real application contexts, with recreational, educational and clinical purposes.


Funding body:


CNR-ILC role:

Project coordinator:
Vito Pirrelli

CNR-ILC Research Unit Chair:
Vito Pirrelli

Claudia Marzi
Marcello Ferro
Andrea Nadalini
Noemi Terreni