Paola Baroni

Qualification: Technologist

Group: LaRI Group, CoPhiLab

Venue: Pisa

Room: 11

Telephone: +39 050 315 2873


Skype: paolabaroni

Voip contact:

Membro di ISO/TC 37 (dall'08/11/2004 al 28/07/2020) | Membro di ISO/TC 37/SC 4/WG 4 (dall'08/11/2004, in corso)
Membro di UNI/CT 014 (dall'08/11/2004, in corso) | Membro di UNI/CT 014/GL 04 (dall'08/11/2004, in corso) | Osservatore di UNI/CT 006/GL 08 (dall'08/08/2020 al 09/10/2020)

Publications powered by PEOPLE:
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73 records in 2.131 seconds (source: PEOPLE)download BibTeX | JSON
2023 - Miscellanea
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Baroni P. (2023) “PRIN-20204EJYRX CWALM: Project Web Site”.
View web resources2
Baroni P. (2023) “CoPhiLab Web Site”.
2022 - Book chapters
View web resourcesView DOI resources3
Vagionakis I., Del Gratta R., Boschetti F., Baroni P., Del Grosso A. M., Mancinelli T., and Monachini M. (2022) “'Cretan Institutional Inscriptions' Meets CLARIN-IT”, Selected Papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2021, ISBN 978-91-7929-444-1, Monachini M. and Eskevich M. (eds.), vol. 189, pp. 139-150.
2022 - Miscellanea
View web resources4
Baroni P. (2022) “SIGUL Web Site”.
2021 - Conference papers
View web resources5
Vagionakis I., Del Gratta R., Boschetti F., Baroni P., Del Grosso A. M., Mancinelli T., and Monachini M. (2021) “'Cretan Institutional Inscriptions' Meets CLARIN-IT”, Proceedings of CLARIN Annual Conference 2021 (Virtual Edition), CLARIN Annual Conference 2021, Virtual Edition, 27-29/09/2021, Monachini M. and Eskevich M. (eds.), pp. 48-53.
2021 - Miscellanea
View web resources6
Baroni P. (2021) “DiPText-KC Web Site”.
2018 - Technical reports
View web resources7
Baroni P., Quochi V., Russo I., Soria C., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Hicks D., Kruse E., Salonen T., and Sarhimaa A. (2018) “Kit per la sopravvivenza digitale della lingua sarda-Le raccomandazioni del progetto DLDP per migliorare la vitalità digitale della lingua sarda”, 12 pages.
View web resources8
Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Baroni P., Hicks D., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “Euskarak Mundu Digitalean Bizirauteko Kita-DLDPren gomendioak, euskararen bizitasun digitala hobetu dadin”, 27 pages.
View web resources9
Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Baroni P., Hicks D., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “Kit de Supervivencia Lingüística Digital del Euskera-Recomendaciones del DLDP para mejorar la Vitalidad Digital del euskera”, 28 pages.
View web resources10
Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Baroni P., Hicks D., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “The DLDP Digital Language Survival Kit”, 38 pages.
View web resources11
Hicks D., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “The DLDP Roadmap”, 19 pages.
View web resources12
Hicks D., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “The DLDP Roadmap-Policy Recommendations & Timeline”, 6 pages.
View web resources13
Hicks D., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “DLDP etenemissuunnitelma-Toimenpidesuunnitelmat ja aikajana”, 6 pages.
View web resources14
Hicks D., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “La DLDP Hoja de Ruta-Políticas recomendadas & Cronograma”, 6 pages.
View web resources15
Hicks D., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “Diversità Linguistica Digitale: la Roadmap-Raccomandazioni strategiche & Sequenza”, 6 pages.
View web resources16
Hicks D., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “DLDP Bide Orria-Gomendatutako politikak & Kronograma”, 6 pages.
View web resources17
Hicks D., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “Die DLDP Roadmap-Strategieempfehlungen & Zeitplan”, 6 pages.
View web resources18
Hicks D., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “La Roadmap DLDP-Recommandations de politique et calendrier”, 6 pages.
View web resources19
Hicks D., Soria C., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., and Sarhimaa A. (2018) “Pak treuzveviñ ar Brezhoneg niverel-Erbedoù an DLDP evit gwellaat buhezegezh niverel ar brezhoneg”.
View web resources20
Hicks D., Soria C., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., and Sarhimaa A. (2018) “Kit de survie numerique pour la langue bretonne-Les recommandations du DLDP pour améliorer la vitalité numérique du Breton”.
View web resources21
Salonen T., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Hicks D., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “Karjalan digitaalinen kielenselviytymispakkaus-DLDP-suositukset karjalan kielen digitaalisen elinvoimaisuuden parantamiseksi”.
View web resources22
Salonen T., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Hicks D., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “Karjalan digitualine hengihjiämispakkavus-DLDP-rekomendatsiet karjalan kielen digitualizen elinvoimazuon kohendamizeh”, 12 pages.
2016 - Miscellanea
View web resources23
Baroni P. and Affè F. (2016) “ILC4CLARIN Web Site”.
2015 - Miscellanea
View web resources24
Baroni P. (2015) “2015-1-IT02-KA204-015090 DLDP: Interactive Web Site”.
View web resources25
Baroni P. (2015) “CLARIN-IT Web Site”.
View web resources26
Baroni P. (2015) “LaRI Web Site”.
2014 - Edited volumes
View web resources27
Pretorius L., Soria C., and Baroni P. (eds.) (2014) “Proceedings of the Workshop on Collaboration and Computing for Under-Resourced Languages in the Linked Open Data Era (CCURL 2014)”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-8-4, published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), 107 pages.
2014 - Miscellanea
View web resources28
Baroni P. (2014) “Sito Web dell'Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale «A. Zampolli»”.
2011 - Edited volumes
View web resources29
Calzolari N., Baroni P., Soria C., Goggi S., Monachini M., and Quochi V. (eds.) (2011) “Proceedings of the 3rd European Language Resources and Technologies Forum: Language Resources in the Sharing Age-the Strategic Agenda”, 86 pages.
2011 - Technical reports
View web resources30
Baroni P. (2011) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Financial Statement”.
View web resources31
Baroni P. (2011) “FLaReNet Web Site End Users Guide-Editing of a Group Wiki Doc using FCKeditor”.
View web resources32
Baroni P. (2011) “FLaReNet Web Statistics: 7th December 2008-31st August 2011”, 15 pages.
View web resources33
Baroni P. (2011) “The FLaReNet Consortium and Network: 1st September 2008-31st August 2011”, 12 pages.
View web resources34
Baroni P., Soria C., and Calzolari N. (2011) “The FLaReNet Databook”.
View web resources35
Baroni P., Soria C., and Calzolari N. (2011) “The FLaReNet Databook: http: //www. flarenet. eu/?q=FLaReNet_Databook”.
View web resources36
Calzolari N., Soria C., Baroni P., and Goggi S. (2011) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Final Report”.
View web resources37
Calzolari N., Soria C., Bel N., Choukri K., Mariani J., Odijk J., Piperidis S., and Baroni P. (2011) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Progress Report No. 5”.
View web resources38
Calzolari N., Soria C., Bel N., Choukri K., Mariani J., Odijk J., Piperidis S., Baroni P., and Goggi S. (2011) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Progress Report No. 6”.
View web resources39
Mariani J., Baroni P., and Soria C. (2011) “Feedback from Contact Points on National Initiatives in the Area of Language Resources”.
2010 - Edited volumes
View web resources40
Calzolari N., Baroni P., Monachini M., and Soria C. (eds.) (2010) “Proceedings of the 2nd European Language Resources and Technologies Forum: Language Resources of the future-the future of Language Resources”, 120 pages.
2010 - Technical reports
View web resources41
Baroni P. (2010) “FLaReNet Web Statistics: 7 December 2008-31 August 2010”, 8 pages.
View web resources42
Baroni P. (2010) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Pre-financing Request No. 1”.
View web resources43
Baroni P. (2010) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Pre-financing Request No. 2”.
View web resources44
Calzolari N., Soria C., and Baroni P. (2010) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Annual Report No. 2”.
View web resources45
Calzolari N., Soria C., Baroni P., Bel N., Budin G., Choukri K., Mariani J., Odijk J., and Piperidis S. (2010) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Progress Report No. 3”.
View web resources46
Calzolari N., Soria C., Baroni P., Quochi V., Bel N., Budin G., Choukri K., Mariani J., Odijk J., and Piperidis S. (2010) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Progress Report No. 4”.
2009 - Edited volumes
View web resources47
Calzolari N., Baroni P., Bel N., Budin G., Choukri K., Goggi S., Mariani J., Monachini M., Odijk J., Piperidis S., Quochi V., Soria C., and Toral A. (eds.) (2009) “Proceedings of the 1st European Language Resources and Technologies Forum: Shaping the Future of the Multilingual Digital Europe”, 105 pages.
2009 - Conference papers
View web resources48
Morgavi G., Marconi L., Cutugno P., Morando M., Turrini G., and Baroni P. (2009) “WIKIMEMO: A Portal for Italian Language and Culture Heritage Conservation”, Actas, XI Simposio Internacional Comunicación Social, ISBN 978-959-7174-14-1, XI simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social Santiago de Cuba, Santiago de Cuba, 19-23 gennaio 2009, Alvarez Silva M. R., Alvares Moreno C., and Ruiz Miyares L. (eds.), published by Centro de linguística aplicada, Ministerio de ciencia, tecnología y medio ambiente (Santiago de Cuba, CUB), pp. 298-302.
2009 - Technical reports
View web resources49
Baroni P. (2009) “FLaReNet Web Statistics: 7 December 2008-31 August 2009”, 6 pages.
View web resources50
Calzolari N., Baroni P., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V., Soria C., and Toral A. (2009) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Dissemination Plan”.
View web resources51
Calzolari N., Baroni P., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V., Soria C., and Toral A. (2009) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Progress Report No. 1”.
View web resources52
Calzolari N., Monachini M., Soria C., Baroni P., Goggi S., Quochi V., and Toral A. (2009) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Progress Report No. 2”.
View web resources53
Calzolari N., Soria C., Baroni P., Caselli T., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V., Toral A., Bel N., Budin G., Choukri K., Mariani J., Odijk J., and Piperidis S. (2009) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Action Plan”.
View web resources54
Calzolari N., Soria C., Baroni P., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V., and Toral A. (2009) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Evaluation Plan for the functioning of the Network”.
View web resources55
Calzolari N., Soria C., Baroni P., Monachini M., and Quochi V. (2009) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Annual Report No. 1”.
View web resources56
Calzolari N., Soria C., Baroni P., Monachini M., Quochi V., and Toral A. (2009) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Project Presentation”.
2009 - Miscellanea
View web resources57
Calzolari N., Baroni P., Bel N., Budin G., Choukri K., Goggi S., Mariani J., Monachini M., Odijk J., Piperidis S., Quochi V., Soria C., and Toral A. (2009) “The European Language Resources and Technologies Forum: Shaping the Future of the Multilingual Digital Europe”.
View web resources58
Calzolari N., Bel N., Budin G., Choukri K., Mariani J., Odijk J., Piperidis S., Baroni P., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V., Soria C., and Toral A. (2009) “Extended Report of: The European Language Resources and Technologies Forum: Shaping the Future of the Multilingual Digital Europe”.
View web resources59
Calzolari N., Bel N., Budin G., Choukri K., Mariani J., Odijk J., Piperidis S., Baroni P., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V., Soria C., and Toral A. (2009) “Short Report of The European Language Resources and Technologies Forum: Shaping the Future of the Multilingual Digital Europe”.
2008 - Conference papers
View web resources60
Picchi E., Sassolini E., Cucurullo S., Bertagna F., and Baroni P. (2008) “Semantic Press”, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, ISBN 2-9517408-4-0, LREC 2008-Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marrakech, 26/05/2008-01/06/2008, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Odjik J., Piperidis S., and Tapias D. (eds.), published by European Language Resources Association (ELRA)-Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA) (Paris, FRA), pp. 2752-2756.
2008 - Miscellanea
View web resources61
Baroni P. (2008) “ECP-2007-LANG-617001 FLaReNet: Project Web Site”.
2007 - Technical reports
View web resources62
Calzolari N., Monachini M., Quochi V., Soria C., Goggi S., and Baroni P. (2007) “FLaReNet: Fostering Language Resources Network. Grant Agreement n° 617001, eContentPlus”.
2006 - Journal articles
View web resources63
Turrini G., Baroni P., Bianchi F., and Paccosi A. (2006) “Addizionario-Plus”, Linguistica computazionale (Testo stamp.), ISSN 0392-6907, published by Giardini editori e stampatori (Pisa, Italia), vol. XXVI, pp. 283-293.
View web resources64
Turrini G., Baroni P., and Paccosi A. (2006) “AddizionarioPLUS: a Creative Approach to Linguistic and Intercultural Education”, Informatica (Ljublj.), ISSN 0350-5596, published by Slovensko drutvo Informatika (Ljubljana, Slovenia), vol. 30, pp. 407-412.
2006 - Conference papers
View web resources65
Turrini G., Baroni P., and Paccosi A. (2006) “AddizionarioPLUS: uno strumento interattivo per l'educazione interculturale”, Didamatica 2006, Cagliari, 11-13/05/2006, pp. 483-488.
2004 - Conference papers
View web resources66
Calzolari N., Choukri K., Gavrilidou M., Maegaard B., Baroni P., Fersøe H., Lenci A., Mapelli V., Monachini M., and Piperidis S. (2004) “ENABLER Thematic Network of National Projects: Technical, Strategic and Political Issues of LRs”, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, ISBN 2-9517408-1-6, LREC 2004-Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Lisbon, 24-30/05/2004, Lino M. T., Xavier M. F., Ferreira F., Costa R., and Silva R. (eds.), published by European Language Resources Association (ELRA)-Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA) (Paris, FRA), vol. III, pp. 937-940.
2004 - Technical reports
View web resources67
Baroni P., Calzolari N., Lenci A., Quochi V., and Ulivieri M. (2004) “Final Resources Landscape”, 11 pages.
View web resources68
Baroni P., Calzolari N., and Mammini M. (2004) “Final Resources Roadmap”.
2003 - Technical reports
View web resources69
Baroni P., Calzolari N., and Fiorentini G. (2003) “Reources Roadmatp (1st release)”.
View web resources70
Baroni P., Calzolari N., and Fiorentini G. (2003) “Resources Roadmap (First Release)”.
View web resources71
Baroni P., Calzolari N., Fiorentini G., Lenci A., and Monachini M. (2003) “Resources Landscape Map (1st release)”.
View web resources72
Baroni P., Calzolari N., Fiorentini G., Lenci A., and Monachini M. (2003) “Resources Landscape (First Release)”.
View web resources73
Baroni P., Calzolari N., and Lenci A. (2003) “Extended Configuration of the Network and Final Report”, 21 pages.
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