Lottie Provost

Qualification: Research Fellow

Group: LaRI Group

Venue: Pisa

Room: Lab. 7 IPCF

Telephone: +39 050 315 8052

E-mail: lottie.provost@ilc.cnr.it

Publications powered by PEOPLE:
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2022 - Technical reports
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Di Donato F., Eskevich M., Provost L., Kraker P., Van Uytvanck D., Vignoli M., König A., Thiel C., Tetteh Ocansey J., Lombardo T., Pohle S., Tóth Cifra E., Chen Y., and Blotière E. (2022) “D6. 5 Report on Open Science within the EOSC”.
2022 - Miscellanea
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Di Donato F., Provost L., Lombardo T., Vignoli M., Pohle S., Tóth Czifra E., Chen Y., and Blotière E. (2022) “TRIPLE Training Toolkit (0. 1)”.
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