Giulia Benotto

Qualification: Researcher

Venue: Pisa

Room: 7

Telephone: +39 050 315 2815


Laboratory: ItaliaNLP Lab

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2017 - Journal articles
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Giovannetti E., Albanesi D., Bellandi A., and Benotto G. (2017) “Traduco: A collaborative web-based CAT environment for the interpretation and translation of texts”, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, ISSN 2055-7671, published by Oxford University Press (Oxford, UK, Regno Unito), vol. 32, pp. 47-62.
2016 - Journal articles
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Bellandi A., Albanesi D., Benotto G., and Giovannetti E. (2016) “Il Sistema Traduco nel Progetto Traduzione del Talmud Babilonese”, Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics, ISSN 2499-4553, published by aAccademia University Press, Torino (Italia), vol. 2, pp. 109-126.
2016 - Conference papers
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Bellandi A., Benotto G., Di Segni G., and Giovannetti E. (2016) “Investigating the Application and Evaluation of Distributional Semantics in the Translation of Humanistic Texts: a Case Study”, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Translation Memories (NLP4TM 2016), 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Translation Memories (NLP4TM 2016), Portorož, Slovenia, 28/05/2016, published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pp. 6-11.
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Benotto G., Giovannetti E., and Marchi S. (2016) “Investigating the Application of Distributional Semantics to Stylometry”, Proceedings of Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2016), ISBN 9788899982089, Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, Napoli, 5-6/12/2016, published by Accademia University Press (Torino, ITA), pp. 61-65.
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Benotto G., Giovannetti E., and Nahli O. (2016) “An application of distributional semantics for the analysis of the Holy Quran”, 2016 4th IEEE International Colloquium on Information Science and Technology (CiSt), ISBN 978-1-5090-0751-6, 4th {IEEE} International Colloquium on Information Science and Technology, CiSt 2016, Tangier, Morocco, 24-26/10/2016, El Mohajir M., Chahhou M., Al Achhab M., and El Mohajir B. E. (eds.), pp. 374-379.
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Piccini S., Bellandi A., Benotto G., and Giovannetti E. (2016) “La modellazione diacronica di risorse termino-ontologiche nell'ambito delle digital humanities: Esperimenti su clavius”, CEUR workshop proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, ISBN 9788899982089, Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, Napoli, Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, published by Accademia University Press (Torino, ITA), vol. 1749, pp. 205-245.
2015 - Conference papers
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Albanesi D., Bellandi A., Benotto G., Di Segni G., and Giovannetti E. (2015) “When Translation Requires Interpretation: Collaborative Computer-Assisted Translation of Ancient Texts”, Proceedings of the 9th SIGHUM Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities, ISBN 978-1-941643-63-1, 9th SIGHUM Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH 2015), Bejing, July 30, 2015, pp. 84-88.
2015 - Conference contributions
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Albanesi A., Bellandi A., Benotto G., and Giovannetti E. (2015) “Translation, Annotation and Knowledge Modelling of the Babylonian Talmud: the Traduco System”, Digital Humanities 2015, Sydney, 29/06-03/07/2015.
2014 - Conference papers
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Bellusci A., Bellandi A., Benotto G., Cappelli A., Giovannetti E., and Marchi S. (2014) “Towards a Decision Support System for Text Interpretation”, Proceedings of the First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2014), ISBN 9788867414727, First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2014), Pisa, 9-11 dicembre 2014, Basili R., Lenci A., and Magnini B. (eds.), vol. I, pp. 58-62.
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