Franco Alberto Cardillo

Qualification: Researcher

Venue: Pisa

Room: 4

Telephone: +39 050 315 2868


Laboratory: ItaliaNLP Lab

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2022 - Technical reports
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Cardillo F. A. (2022) “DEEPHEALTH-D6. 2 Validation of DeepHealth platforms and use cases”.
2021 - Journal articles
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Cardillo F. A. and Straccia U. (2021) “Fuzzy OWL-Boost: learning fuzzy concept inclusions via real-valued boosting”, Fuzzy sets and systems, ISSN 0165-0114, published by North-Holland (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 438, pp. 164-186.
2020 - Book chapters
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Pirrelli V., Marzi C., Ferro M., Cardillo F. A., Baayen H. R., and Milin P. (2020) “Psycho-computational modelling of the mental lexicon”, Word Knowledge and Word Usage, ISBN 9783110440577, Pirrelli V., Plag I., and Dressler W. U. (eds.), published by De Gruyter Saur (Berlin/Munich, DEU), vol. 337, pp. 23-82.
2020 - Technical reports
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Cardillo F. A. and Straccia U. (2020) “Fuzzy OWL-BOOST: Learning Fuzzy Concept Inclusions via Real-Valued Boosting”, pp. 1-26.
2019 - Journal articles
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Connor R., Vadicamo L., Cardillo F. A., and Rabitti F. (2019) “Supermetric search”, Information systems (Oxf.), ISSN 0306-4379, published by Pergamon (Oxford, Regno Unito), vol. 80, pp. 108-123.
2019 - Technical reports
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Cardillo F. A. and Straccia U. (2019) “Towards Ontology-based Explainable Classification of Rare Events”, pp. 1-2.
2018 - Journal articles
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Cardillo F. A., Ferro M., Marzi C., and Pirrelli V. (2018) “Deep Learning of Inflection and the Cell-Filling Problem”, Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics, ISSN 2499-4553, published by aAccademia University Press, Torino (Italia), vol. 4, pp. 57-75.
2018 - Conference papers
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Ferro M., Cappa C., Giulivi S., Marzi C., Nahli O., Cardillo F. A., and Pirrelli V. (2018) “ReadLet: Reading for Understanding”, ISBN 978-1-5386-4385-3, IEEE-CIST2018 LED-ICT, Marrakech, Morocco, 21-27/10/2018, published by IEEE (New York, USA), pp. 404-409.
2018 - Conference contributions
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Cappa C., Ferro M., Giulivi S., Marzi C., Nahli O., Cardillo F. A., and Pirrelli V. (2018) “ReadLet: piattaforma ICT per valutare l'efficienza di lettura”, XXVII Congresso Nazionale AIRIPA, Arezzo (Italy), 28-29/09/2018.
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Ferro M., Cappa C., Giulivi S., Marzi C., Cardillo F. A., and Pirrelli V. (2018) “ReadLet: an ICT platform for the assessment of reading efficiency in early graders”, 11th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Edmonton, Alberta (Canada), 25-28/09/2018, pp. 61-61.
2017 - Journal articles
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Bompolas S., Ferro M., Marzi C., Cardillo F. A., and Pirrelli V. (2017) “For a performance-oriented notion of regularity in inflection: the case of Modern Greek conjugation”, Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics, ISSN 2499-4553, published by aAccademia University Press, Torino (Italia), vol. 3, pp. 77-92.
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Connor R., Cardillo F. A., Vadicamo L., and Rabitti F. (2017) “Hilbert exclusion: improved metric search through finite isometric embeddings”, ACM transactions on information systems, ISSN 1046-8188, published by Association for Computing Machinery (New York, NY, Stati Uniti d'America), vol. 35, pp. 17-27.
2017 - Conference papers
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Cardillo F. A., Ferro M., Marzi C., and Pirrelli V. (2017) “How "deep" is learning word inflection?”, Proceedings of the Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2017), ISSN 1613-0073, ISBN 978-88-99982-76-8, Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, Roma, 11-13/12/2017, Basili R., Nissim M., and Satta G. (eds.), published by Accademia University Press (Torino, ITA), vol. 2006, pp. 77-82.
2017 - Conference contributions
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Bompolas S., Marzi C., Ferro M., Cardillo F. A., Pirrelli V., and Ralli A. (2017) “Transparency and predictability in Modern Greek conjugation: Implications for models of word processing”, MMM 11: 11th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, Cyprus, 22-25/06/2017, pp. 17-19.
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Pirrelli V., Marzi C., Ferro M., and Cardillo F. A. (2017) “Paradigm Relative Entropy and Discriminative Learning”, ParadigMo 2017: First Workshop on Paradigmatic Word Formation Modeling, Toulouse, 19-20/06/2017, 5 pages.
2016 - Journal articles
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Marzi C., Ferro M., Cardillo F. A., and Pirrelli V. (2016) “Effects of frequency and regularity in an integrative model of word storage and processing”, Rivista di Linguistica, ISSN 1120-2726, published by Pacini (Ospedaletto, Italia), vol. 28, pp. 79-114.
2016 - Conference papers
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Bompolas S., Marzi C., Ferro M., Cardillo F. A., and Pirrelli V. (2016) “Reassessing inflectional regularity in Modern Greek conjugation”, CLiC-it & EVALITA 2016-Proceedings of Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2016) & Fifth Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. Final Workshop (EVALITA 2016), ISSN 1613-0073, ISBN 978-88-99982-08-9, Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2016) & Fifth Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. Final Workshop (EVALITA 2016), Napoli, Italy, 05-07/12/2016, Basile P., Corazza A., Monetmagni S., Nissim M., Patti V., Semeraro G., and Sprugnoli R. (eds.), published by Accademia University Press (Torino, ITA), vol. 1749, pp. 72-77.
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Connor R. and Cardillo F. A. (2016) “Quantifying the specificity of near-duplicate image classification functions”, 11th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Roma, 27-29/02/2016, pp. 647-654.
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Connor R., Vadicamo L., Cardillo F. A., and Rabitti F. (2016) “Supermetric search with the four-point property”, Similarity Search and Applications. SISAP 2016, Similarity Search and Applications. 9th International Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 24-26 October 2016, Amsaleg L., Houle M., and Schubert E. (eds.), vol. 9939, pp. 51-64.
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Ferro M., Cardillo F. A., Pirrelli V., Gagné C. L., and Spalding T. L. (2016) “Written word production and lexical self-organisation: evidence from English (pseudo)compounds”, Proceedings CLiC-it 2016, ISSN 1613-0073, ISBN 9788899982546, Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2016), Napoli (Italia), 5-6/12/2016, Basile P., Corazza A., Cutugno F., Montemagni S., Nissim M., Patti V., Semeraro G., and Sprugnoli R. (eds.), published by Accademia University Press (Torino, ITA), vol. 1749, pp. 146-151.
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