Francesca Di Donato

Qualification: Researcher

Group: LaRI Group

Venue: Pisa

Room: 16

Telephone: +39 050 315 2870


Skype: ederinita

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2023 - Technical reports
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Castelli D., De Simone G., Cancedda F., Candela L., Colcelli V., Conte R., Di Donato F., Giannini S., Lazzeri E., Mangiaracina S., Puccinelli R., and Ranchino M. A. (2023) “Roadmap Scienza Aperta”, published by CNR (Roma, ITA), 23 pages.
2022 - Journal articles
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Achenbach K., Błaszczyńska M., De Paoli S., Di Donato F., Dumouchel S., Forbes P., Kraker P., and Vignoli M. (2022) “Defining discovery: Is Google Scholar a discovery platform? An essay on the need for a new approach to scholarly discovery”, Open research Europe, ISSN 2732-5121, published by F1000 Research Limited on behalf of the European Commission, London, United Kingdom.
2022 - Technical reports
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Di Donato F., Eskevich M., Provost L., Kraker P., Van Uytvanck D., Vignoli M., König A., Thiel C., Tetteh Ocansey J., Lombardo T., Pohle S., Tóth Cifra E., Chen Y., and Blotière E. (2022) “D6. 5 Report on Open Science within the EOSC”.
2022 - Miscellanea
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Di Donato F., Provost L., Lombardo T., Vignoli M., Pohle S., Tóth Czifra E., Chen Y., and Blotière E. (2022) “TRIPLE Training Toolkit (0. 1)”.
2021 - Conference papers
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Di Donato F., Dumouchel S., Monachini M., and Pohle S. (2021) “The discovery platform GOTRIPLE: An EOSC service for social sciences and humanities research”, AIUCD 2021-Book of Extended Abstracts. p. 624, AIUCD 2021-DH per la società: e-guaglianza, partecipazione, diritti e valori nell'era digitale, on-line, 19-22/01/2021, Boschetti F., Del Grosso A. M., and Salvatori E. (eds.), pp. 31-38.
2021 - Conference contributions
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Aiola C., Andreini G., Di Donato F., and Lombardo T. (2021) “Sharing Knowledge Digitally. The Muruca case study”, ISBN 9788894253559, AIUCD 2021-DH per la società: eguaglianza, partecipazione, diritti e valori nell'era digitale, on-line, 19-22/01/2021, pp. 428-431.
2021 - Technical reports
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Di Donato F., Dumouchel S., Lombardo T., Katsaloulis I., Ocansey J. T., Thiel C., Capelli L., Chen Y., Eskevich M., Moranville Y., De Santis L., and Tóth Czifra E. (2021) “TRIPLE Deliverable: D6. 2 Report on Procedure to Follow to Be Part of the EOSC Catalogue”.
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Lazzeri E., Tanlongo F., Pavone G., Alpi F., Ansuini A., Bertazzon E., Bonaccorsi D., Cappelluti F., Casati S., Castelli D., Cippitani R., Colcelli V., Costantini A., Cozzini S., Degl'Innocenti E., Di Donato F., Di Giorgio S., Fava I., Fiore S., Forni M., Galimberti G., Giglia E., Giorgetti A., Kurapati S., Landoni M., Lavitrano M., Marras C., Niccolucci F., Occioni M., Osmenaj E., Paolini G., Pasquale V., Petrillo C., Pugliese R., Ripepi E., Rivoira G., Rossi G., Salon S., Sarretta A., Sartori A., Spiga D., Tamagno D., Tammaro A. M., Vellico M., Vignocchi M., and Zane D. (2021) “Competence Centre ICDI per Open Science, FAIR, ed EOSC-Mission, strategia e piano d'azione”, 13 pages.
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Lazzeri E., Tanlongo F., Pavone G., Alpi F., Ansuini A., Bertazzon E., Bonaccorsi D., Cappelluti F., Casati S., Castelli D., Cippitani R., Colcelli V., Costantini A., Cozzini S., Degl'Innocenti E., Di Donato F., Di Giorgio S., Fava I., Fiore S., Forni M., Galimberti G., Giglia E., Giorgetti A., Kurapati S., Landoni M., Lavitrano M., Marras C., Niccolucci F., Occioni M., Osmenaj E., Paolini G., Pasquale V., Petrillo C., Pugliese R., Ripepi E., Rivoira G., Rossi G., Salon S., Sarretta A., Sartori A., Spiga D., Tamagno D., Tammaro A. M., Vellico M., Vignocchi M., and Zane D. (2021) “ICDI Competence Centre for Open Science, FAIR and EOSC-Mission, strategy and action plan”, 7 pages.
2021 - Miscellanea
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Di Donato F. and Lazzeri E. (2021) “Data Management”.
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Di Donato F. and Lazzeri E. (2021) “Horizon Europe: L'Open Science e la nuova normalita”.
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Giglia E., Lazzeri E., and Di Donato F. (2021) “Scienza aperta e gestione dei dati per le scienze umane e del patrimonio culturale”.
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Mathiak B., Juty N., Heger T., Di Donato F., Jeschke J., Widmann H., Flügel A., Culina A., Bardi A., Colomb J., and Kraker P. (2021) “Stocktaking GO FAIR Discovery IN-Use cases, infrastructure (0. 95)”.
2020 - Journal articles
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Dumouchel S., Blotière E., Breitfuss G., Chen Y., Di Donato F., Eskevich M., Forbes P., Georgiadis H., Gingold A., Gorgaini E., Moranville Y., Pohle S., De Paoli S., Petitfils C., and Toth Czifra E. (2020) “GOTRIPLE: A User-Centric Process to Develop a Discovery Platform”, Information (Basel), ISSN 2078-2489, published by Molecular Diversity Preservation International (Basel), vol. 2020, 11.
2020 - Conference papers
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Di Donato F., Monachini M., Eskevich M., Pohle S., Moranville Y., and Dumouchel S. (2020) “Social Sciences and Humanities Pathway. Towards the European Open Science Cloud”, Proceedings of the Workshop about Language Resources for the SSH Cloud, ISBN 979-10-95546-43-6, Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020), Marseille, 11-16/05/2020, Broeder D., Eskevich M., and Monachini M. (eds.), published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pp. 5-9.
2020 - Conference contributions
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Di Donato F. and Pohle S. (2020) “GOTRIPLE: Building an innovative discovery platform for the social sciences and humanities”, Clarin Annual Conference 2020, 05/10/2020.
2020 - Technical reports
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Di Donato F., Lombardo T., Breitfuss G., Chen Y., Dumouchel S., Eskevich M., Gingold A., Gorgaini E., Monachini M., Moranville Y., Ocansey J. T., Thiel C., and Tóth Czifra E. (2020) “TRIPLE D 6. 1-Report on the General Interoperability Requirements”.
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