In compliance with the provisions dictated by CNR General Direction to CNR structures for the containment of the emergency connected to the new Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), the seminar will be held in a virtual form.
Title: CLARIN 2021. The State of the Infrastructure and Opportunities for ILC
Date: 09/12/2020
Time: 11:00-12:00
Venue: Online
Live Streaming: Google Meet
This seminar is dedicated to CLARIN ERIC, the infrastructure for digital language resources, of which ILC-CNR is the Executive Institution under the Coordination of Monica Monachini.
Starting from my recent experience as a CLARIN Ambassador and a member of the Steering Committee of CLARIN France, I will try to outline the current state of the infrastructure, with the most recent developments in particular in terms of technology and services (we mention, among others, the Federated Content Search and the CLARIN Switchboard).
I will also present an overview of the excellence, in terms of NLP resources, skills and services, of the various National Consortia, to open a discussion on how to best enhance the resources and skills of ILC and the national community.
I will conclude with a review of the projects and activities in which CLARIN ERIC and CLARIN-IT are currently active and the opportunities for collaboration that arise among ILC and research groups of various National Consortia.
Speaker(s): Francesca Frontini
She is a Researcher at the Institute of Computational Linguistics “A. Zampolli” of the National Research Council of Italy (ILC-CNR).
After a PhD in Linguistics at the University of Pavia, she was Post-Doc at ILC-CNR and the Labex OBVIL in Paris, specializing in the sectors of Digital Language Resources and Digital Humanities.
Between 2016 and 2020, she was Maître de Conférences at the Paul- Valéry University of Montpellier and a member of the CNRS Praxiling Laboratory.
She collaborates with the CLARIN ERIC Research Infrastructure, of which she is an Ambassador.
Her recent projects include: REDEN, a Named Entity Linking system for digital editions; MeDo, a pipeline for the extraction of spatial information on sewer networks from domain texts; Nénufar, the digital edition of the Petit Larousse Illustré historical series.
Promotional Material: Brochure
Video Recording(s): CLARIN 2021. Lo stato dell’infrastruttura e le opportunità per ILC