Call for n. 1 Post-Graduate Fellowship GRANT – ILC.ASS.001.2024.PI

Call for n. 1 Post-Graduate Fellowship GRANT within the PNRR-MAD-2022-12376692 Project “An artificial intelligence approach for risk assessment and prevention of low back pain: towards precision spine care” – Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR)- Missione 6 – Componente 2, Investimento 2.1 Valorizzazione e Potenziamento della Ricerca Biomedica del SSN, Sub Investimento 3 Malattie Croniche non Trasmissibili (MCnT) – funded by the European Union – NextGeneration EU (CUP B53C22009290001)

Activities: Development and validation of algorithms for extracting information from structured data (e.g., radiological, clinical, and biomedical data) and unstructured data (e.g., clinical reports) intended to be integrated within an Artificial Intelligence-based platform aimed to provide decision support to the physician in assessing the risk of low back pain onset, monitoring its progression, and identifying patient subgroups based on their individual responses to treatment.

Location: CNR-ILC, Pisa

Duration: 12 months

Unit of personnel: n. 1 personnel unit


Expiration date: 12/02/24