TRasporti e collegamenti Innovativi e sostenibili tra Porti e piattaforme LOgistiche

Type of project: Regional  |  Start date: 01/03/2018  |  End date: 30/03/2021

TRIPLO was born from a common problem to the cross-border cooperation area – Tuscany, Liguria, Sardinia, Corsica, Maritime Alps Department and VAR Department (both in southern France) – namely the high level of noise pollution affecting areas between ports and logistic platforms passing through the neighboring urban areas.

The general objective is to develop a cross-border strategy to reduce noise pollution in such areas through the adoption of models for the regularization of traffic flows to be applied to the land transport of goods.

In fact, noise pollution in these areas derives from not only port activities but also logistic activities linked to them.

TRIPLO will tackle the challenge of noise management focusing on these areas, which represent the most populated areas and, therefore, the ones that expose a higher number of people to the risk of noise pollution.

The project aims at proposing an innovative approach: specific linguistic parameters will be detected to assess the perception of the phenomenon from the exposed population, in addition to the usual physical parameters, obtained thanks to the implementation of a monitoring network with lowcost sensors in three pilot areas (two in Italy and one in France) for a real-time acoustic monitoring and for the production of live noise maps, integrated with linguistic data.

On the basis of the data collected, the most appropriate ITS solutions and other complementary measures for the reduction of noise pollution will be identified.

They will be collected in a joint Strategic Plan, which will be among the main outputs of TRIPLO.

The proposed strategies and solutions will be made more effective being defined thanks to the participation of the diversified typology of key players making up the TRIPLO partnership.

Furthermore, with a view to sustainability, the challenge launched by the project concerns the activation of a series of awareness initiatives aimed at promoting the measures contained in the Strategic Plan within the main instruments of territorial governance.

PC IFM 2014-2020 - Logo


Funding body:
Regione Toscana (PC IFM 2014-2020 - Asse 3 - OT 7 - OS 1 - PI 7C - Lotto 2)

Grant agreement:
CUP B56C17000020006


CNR-ILC role:

Project coordinator:
Provincia di Lucca

CNR-ILC Research Unit Chair:
Paola Cutugno

Lucia Marconi
Davide Chiarella
Noemi Terreni
