SmartCity: nuove soluzioni di ingegneria dei contenuti e di ambient intelligence a supporto del turismo culturale

Type of project: Regional  |  Start date: 01/12/2009  |  End date: 31/12/2011

The project is a study aimed at analyzing the patterns of behavior and enjoyment of cultural tourism information.

The aim of the project is to produce integrated systems for the design, production and delivery of dynamic multimedia content for the use of cultural runs, real or virtual.

Research activities will be preparatory to the prototyping of innovative solutions for:

  • the implementation and delivery of interactive content for new systems of audio guides;
  • knowledge systems able to provide a valuable support to applications for mobile devices, for instance for the realisation of geo-referenced tourist guides.

The project was born from the collaboration between the ILC and a consortium of private companies.


Funding programme:
Avviso Pubblico per il Sostegno a Progetti di Ricerca

Funding body:
Regione Toscana (POR CReO FESR 2007-2013 - Asse 1 - Attività 1.1 - Linea di Intervento D)


CNR-ILC role:

Manuela Sassi
Eva Sassolini
Sebastiana Cucurullo
Alessandra Cinini