IDEM Federation

The Cnr-Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli” participates in IDEM (IDEntity Management per l’accesso federato) for the implementation of the GARR network federated Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (AAI).

The main aim of IDEM is to make user authentication and authorization safer to easily access to specific services. The end user will thus be able to access federated services using the same login credentials.

Unlike the traditional mode, where every service requires specific users credentials, in the federated mode with a single username and password pair the user can access all enabled services.


GARR – IDEM Federation
IDEM Federation Resources
IDEM Members

IDEM Federation Privacy

Support for Registered Users:

CNR-ILC IdP Technical Contact Point
Alessandro Enea


Alessandro Enea
Riccardo Del Gratta