ELRC Italy

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ELRC Italy – Towards an access to public services without linguistic barriers
Start Date:
End Date:
Spazio Europa – Rappresentanza in Italia della Commissione Europea
Languages and linguistic diversity are at the heart of European culture, commerce, trade and collaboration. In order to facilitate multilingual communication and the exchange of documents between national public administrations in Europe, the European Commission makes an Automated Translation platform available within the “Connecting Europe Facility” (CEF.AT) Programme for the provision of multilingual services to citizens, administrations and enterprises in Europe. The platform is free of charge for all public institutions. It builds upon the MT @ EC machine translation system that was developed by DG Translation of the European Commission and has been offered to the public administrations of the Member States. The CEF.AT Programme will improve the coverage and quality of the translation system and will make it ready to be fully integrated to pan-European public online services.
The Workshop ELRC Italy – Towards an access to public services without linguistic barriers, organized by ILC in collaboration with the European Commission Representation in Italy, is proposed as an opportunity to start an open dialogue among the stakeholders to fully understand the daily needs of the Italian public administrations in the current multilingual working environment and to make CEF.AT fit for these needs. The workshop is free of charge but requires registration.
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Organizing Committee:
Simonetta Montemagni (ILC-CNR Director | ELRC Technological National Anchor Point for Italy)
Paola Baroni (ILC-CNR)
Claudia Soria (ILC-CNR)
Dominique Brunato (ILC-CNR)
Serena Di Benedetto (Antenna of the DG Translation of the European Commission | European Commission Representation in Italy)