All LuCET resources will be made freely available following international standards and integrated in publicly recognized research infrastructures.

Due to the type of data dealt with and to the disciplines involved within the project, CLARIN ERIC (“Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure”) has been selected as a key reference point for the project. CLARIN has recently been recognized as “project of international significance” by the Italian government and benefits from the support of MUR: it has been listed among the high priority research infrastructures, according to Decreto Ministeriale No.1082 del 10/09/2021 – National Research Infrastructure Plan (PNIR) 2021-2027.

Cnr-Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli” (CNR-ILC) is the CLARIN Italian National Representative within the CLARIN ERIC European infrastructure. By integrating the project results within the national CLARIN repository CLARIN-IT (each with its appropriate license of use), the resources (both data and software) produced within LuCET will be granted international visibility, citability and long term preservation.

On the other hand, tools and resources available in the ERIC federation and other CLARIN national consortia will also be made available for use within the project.

In this way, LuCET research units will become part of an international network of research infrastructures, crossing both geographic and disciplinary boundaries: this can be seen as one of the major avenues for scientific impact.