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Preliminary Recommendations


Concerning the attributive-non-attributive use of adjectives, CELEX does not have such tags. However, if they existed, they would not be distinctive enough because, according to Dutch grammar, an adjective used predicatively (non-attributively) can still be an adjective or an adverb. In the German non-attributive examples, `schnell' in ``er ist schnell'' would be an adjective, but, in ``es fährt schnell'', here `schnell' would be an adverb according to Dutch grammar. CELEX, however, makes a distinction, which is more pertinent to Dutch, between the adverbial and non-adverbial use of adjectives.

The examples in the table below are not taken from the Dutch Linguistic Guide, because they are lacking.

Attribute Value Du. example Du. tag
Use adverbial (hij rijdt) snel adv
non-adverbial (een) snelle (auto)nonadv

This can be an L2 tag.

However, a more complete usage table for Dutch Adjectives would be the MULTILEX tag set, presented in the synoptic table of Adjectives. This tagset distinguishes between attributive, predicative, adverbial and nominal use.

NB: The table below is a proposal for Dutch, not a CELEX table.

Attribute Value Du. example Du. tag
Use attributive (de) snelle auto AdjAttrib
predicative (de auto is) snel AdjPred
adverbial (de auto rijdt) snelAdjAdv
nominal (de/het)snelle AdjNom

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