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Preliminary Recommendations


Attribute Value Gr. example Gr. tag
Person 1 ghrafw VbFiIdPr01
2 ghrafeis VbFiIdPr02
3 ghrafei VbFiIdPr03

For the coding of the infinitival form, the value of Person is left unspecified -- i.e. the respective slot of the tag is given the value 00, which signifies that this particular feature does not apply to this wordform -- given that the person of the compound form is provided by the auxiliary verb:

``O Ghiannys ehei fughei.'' -- 3rd person
``Ehw fughei.'' -- 1st person

The value of person is left unspecified for the participial forms as well.

Impersonal verbs are given the value 03 for the attribute of person, given that they are in fact morphologically marked as the third singular person.