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Operational guidelines - The practical side of the proposed standards

Along with the inventories and their declarative description (in the different specification and formalisation documents), operational guidelines for the practical application of the proposed standard in concrete classification tasks have been given. This is most clearly visible in the ELM series (i.e. EAGLES (1996a), EAGLES (1996b), EAGLES (1996d) and EAGLES (1996c)), where delimitation tables for part-of-speech classes and for attributes have been given, whenever manual annotators of text corpora or linguists carrying out a manual lexical classification job had problems in distinguishing among the classes proposed by the CLWGgif.

An example of such a delimitation table is given in figure 5, below: it serves to distinguish between proper names and common nouns, in German.


Composita with common noun headVW-Vorstand/comNames of companies der Vorstand von Porsche/prop
Names of products where used as concrete nounsein Mercedes/com, eine Cola/com Names of products where used as namesGlenfiddich/prop
Proper names derived from common nounsdie Grünen/comReal proper namesCDU/prop, Susanne/prop, Frau Müller/prop
Complex name of statedie Bundesrepublik/comNames of a specific countrySchweizprop
Complex name of statedie Vereinigten Staaten/com von AmerikaAbbreviated name of statedie USA/prop, die BRD/prop
Product nameEr fuhr einen Porsche/comCompany nameEr fuhr zu Porsche/prop zur Arbeit
Product nameEr aß ein Mars/comPlanet nameDer Mars/prop ging heute morgen neben dem Mond auf
Names of party, spelled outPartei/pos des Demokratischen Sozialismus, die Grünen/com, die Demokraten/comName of party, abbreviatedCDU/prop, PDS/prop
Table 5: A part-of-speech delimitation table from EAGLES (1996a) 

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