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Central semantics of value noun

Morphological criteria:

- the noun carries the termination mark of Gender (amico/amica) and number (amico/amici);

Syntactic criteria:

- the noun combines with other PoS' (det/adj) giving rise to Noun Phrases of which the noun constitutes, in general, the head. The head regulates the agreement mechanism: Il mio caro amico parte/ I miei cari amici partono.

``Presentational"/graphical criteria:

- Proper Nouns are capitalized: Mario, Rossi, i Borboni, le Alpi. It should be noted that all capitalized nouns are not proper nouns: hence, this criterion is necessary but not sufficient.

pos = noun
D e s c r i p t i o nE x a m p l e s
Common nounsuomo/noun  , amico/noun  , febbraio/noun  , martedi/noun  
insegnante/noun  , rosa/noun  , computer/noun  , citta'/noun  
Proper nounsMonica/noun  , Pisa/noun  , Rossi/noun  , Galileo/noun  
Alpi/noun  , Tevere/noun  , Fiat/noun  , Sardegna/noun