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Transcategorization phenomena with other pos-values

Confusion can be made between the values possessive determiner and possessive pronoun.

Syntactic criterion:

- the possessive pronoun, which is morphologically identical to the corresponding adjective (this does not happen in English, e.g. my book/mine), is recognized with respect to the pronominal adjective, since it is inserted in an NP preceded by an article and not accompanied by a noun:

Vuoi una penna? Prendi la mia. and not * Prendi mia.

The adjective is not accompanied by the noun when it is in predicative function:

Questa penna e' mia.

The corresponding adjective can be also preceded by the article, but is by necessity linked to the noun:

Prendi la mia penna

- A particular lexical class of nouns, the family names, can be preceded or not by the article:

mia sorella/la mia sorella, (but not * la mia madre).

pos=pron, type=poss pos=det, type=poss
D e s c r i p t i o n E x a m p l e D e s c r i p t i o n E x a m p l e
pronounquesta casa e' meglio della mia/pron  determinerla mia/det   casa e' nuova
e' il mio/pron  mio/det   padre verra' domani
quel cane e' il nostro/pron  il nostro/det   fratello e' la'
non spende il denaro degli altri, ma il proprio/pron  Mario vide Carlo con la propria/det   moglie

Antoher typical transcategorization phenomenon is between possessive determiner and possessive pronoun, where the pronoun can be categorized as a noun (in the meaning exemplified below) and between possessive determiner and personal pronoun:

pos=noun pos=det, type=poss
D e s c r i p t i o n E x a m p l e D e s c r i p t i o n E x a m p l e
noun = parentsi miei/noun   sono piu' anziani dei tuoipronouni miei/det   abiti sono malconci
noun = what is due to medatemi il mio/noun  mio/det   figlio e' piu' piccolo del tuo
noun = opinionvoglio dire la mia/noun  la mia/det   carriera e' al culmine
noun = letterdopo che e'arrivata l'ultima tua/noun  la tua/det   volonta' e molto ferma
noun = alliesarrivano i nostri/noun  i nostri/det   bambini sono i piu' belli

pos=pron, type=pers pos=det, type=poss
D e s c r i p t i o n E x a m p l e D e s c r i p t i o n E x a m p l e
pronounvado con loro/pron, type=pers  determineri loro/det, type=poss   figli

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