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Preliminary Recommendations

Partial SGML DTD

<!ELEMENT Frame_set - O EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST Frame_set 

      id              ID           #REQUIRED

      name            CDATA        #IMPLIED

      comments        CDATA        #IMPLIED

      related_l       IDREFS       #IMPLIED

      frame_l         IDREFS       #REQUIRED>
<!-- The Frame_set ELEMENT is the syntactic characterisation associated with the lexical unit to describe one of its syntactic behaviours. A lexical morphological unit will be associated with as many Frame_set ELEMENTs as it has different syntactic behaviours. A Frame_set has at least one FRAME, and possibly several associated FRAMEs, that can be related or not through the Related ELEMENTs that are pointed to by their ID (related_l attribute) -->

<!ELEMENT Related - O EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST Related 

      id              ID           #REQUIRED

      name            CDATA        #REQUIRED

      comments        CDATA        #IMPLIED

      first_slot_pt   IDREF        #REQUIRED

      second_slot_pt  IDREF        #REQUIRED>
<!-- The Related ELEMENT associates one slot or slot realisation of one frame with another slot or slot realisation of another frame. It describes explicitly how two frames in a Frame set are related. first_slot_pt and second_slot_pt refer to Slot_Pointer ELEMENTs that are linked -->

<!ELEMENT Slot_pointer - O EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST Slot_pointer 

      id              ID           #REQUIRED

      frame_pt        IDREF        #REQUIRED

      slot_index      NUMBER       #REQUIRED

      slot_real_pt    IDREF        #IMPLIED>
<!-- The Slot_pointer ELEMENT has different attributes: Slot_Pointer gives access to a Slot of a Frame (when slot_real_pt is not present, a Slot_Realisation in the other case) -->


<!ATTLIST Frame 

      id              ID           #REQUIRED

      name            CDATA        #IMPLIED

      comments        CDATA        #IMPLIED

      rel_order_cst_l IDREFS       #IMPLIED

      control         IDREF        #IMPLIED

      self            IDREF        #IMPLIED

      ordered_slot_l  IDREFS       #IMPLIED>
<!-- The Frame ELEMENT is the main descriptive ELEMENT of this model. It gives access to different types of information and to their syntactic and surface relations. -->

<!ELEMENT Relative_order_constraint - O EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST Relative_order_constraint 

      id              ID           #REQUIRED

      before_slot     NUMBER       #REQUIRED

      after_slot      NUMBER       #REQUIRED

      before_reali    IDREF        #IMPLIED

      after_reali     IDREF        #IMPLIED>
<!-- Relative_order_constraint expresses one order constraint over all the realisations of one slot or just one, and all the realisations of one slot or just one or to self (lexical unit associated with the syntactic description) The slots are numbered counting from 1 (index count). Conventionally, 0 represents self. Thus, before_slot and after_slot can represent any slot or the lexical unit (verb) which is being described syntactically. This permits one to constrain the order between slots and the order between a slot and the self. -->

<!ELEMENT Ordered_slot - O EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST Ordered_slot 	

      id              ID           #REQUIRED

      comments        CDATA        #IMPLIED

      index           NUMBER       #REQUIRED

      slot            IDREF        #REQUIRED

      optional       (YES|NO)     NO>
<!-- Ordered_slot ELEMENT associates a Slot with a Frame expressing some attributes of this association: -->



      id              ID           #REQUIRED

      name            CDATA        #IMPLIED

      comments        CDATA        #IMPLIED

      slot_reali_l    IDREFS       #REQUIRED>
<!-- Slot ELEMENT is a generalised subcategorised element of the Frame, characterised by the fact that it has at least one realisation and sometimes several. Slot can be related to other slots of the same frame via relative order constraints and also to other slots of other frames in the same frameset through Related ELEMENT. slot_reali_l refers to the Slot_realisation of the Slot, at least one. -->

<!ELEMENT Slot_Realisation - O EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST Slot_Realisation 	

      id              ID           #REQUIRED

      name            CDATA        #IMPLIED

      comments        CDATA        #IMPLIED

      controlled_by   NUMBERS      #IMPLIED

      obviates        NUMBERS      #IMPLIED

      in_order        (PRE|POST|NOT_RELEVANT)   POST

      syntax          IDREF        #REQUIRED

      semantics       IDREFS       #IMPLIED>
<!-- Slot_Realisation ELEMENT is one element of the distribution of a Slot -->


<!ATTLIST Syntax 

      id              ID           #REQUIRED

      name            CDATA        #REQUIRED

      comments        CDATA        #IMPLIED

      function        IDREF        #REQUIRED

      category        IDREF        #REQUIRED>
<!-- Syntax ELEMENT is the syntactic property of one realisation of slot It is the association of two information -->

<!ELEMENT Function - O EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST Function 

      id              ID           #REQUIRED

      comments        CDATA        #IMPLIED

      name            CDATA        #REQUIRED

      subject         (YES|NO]     NO

      predicative     (YES|NO]     NO>
<!-- Function ELEMENT describes the syntactic (or functional) relation that links the realisation and the lexical unit (self) in the frame. It is described via two binary attributes that are elementary properties of functions, and its name can make it more precise. The list of possible names of functions is not given in this DTD but has to be defined for any given lexicon.-->

<!ELEMENT Category - O EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST Category 

      id              ID           #REQUIRED

      name            CDATA        #IMPLIED

      comments        CDATA        #IMPLIED

      type            (TERM|NON_TERM) NON_TERM




      valued_feat_l IDREF        #REQUIRED>
<!-- Category ELEMENT describes the syntactic class of the realisation by means of the kind of constituent it is. It is an association of three types of information


<!ELEMENT Semantics - O EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST Semantics 

      id              ID           #REQUIRED

      name            CDATA        #IMPLIED

      comments        CDATA        #IMPLIED

      themat_rol      IDREF        #REQUIRED

      semant_class    IDREF        #REQUIRED>
<!-- Semantics ELEMENT describes the semantic properties of the realisation. It is an association of two types of information -->

<!ELEMENT Thematic_rol - O EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST Thematic_rol 

      id              ID           #REQUIRED

      comments        CDATA        #IMPLIED

      name            CDATA        #REQUIRED

      role_feat_l     IDREFS       #IMPLIED>
<!-- Thematic_rol ELEMENT can specify the thematic role combining elementary role properties. The set of elementary properties is associated with a name that, when present, it defines. The only obligatory information is the name; the list of possible thematic roles (and possible values of name) is not constrained by this model, but has to be defined for each lexicon. -->

<!ELEMENT Semantic_class - O EMPTY>

!ATTLIST Semantic_class 

      id              ID           #REQUIRED

      comments        CDATA        #IMPLIED

      name            CDATA        #REQUIRED

      is_a_sem_cl_l   IDREFS       #IMPLIED>
<!-- Semantic_class ELEMENT can semantically constrain the semantic interpretation of a realisation that is associated with it to be compatible with it. It is defined by its name and, when present, by its hierarchical relations to other classes, expressed through the is_a_sem_cl_l which refers to no, one, or several Semantic_class under which the semantic class is located (the linking relation is a IS_A relation. The more specific class points to the more general ones it inherits from. -->

<!ELEMENT Role_feature - O EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST Role_feature 

      id              ID            #REQUIRED

      name            CDATA         #REQUIRED

      value           CDATA         #REQUIRED>
<!-- Role_feature is an elementary feature for characterising thematic roles. It has name and value, completely unconstrained by this proposal.-->

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