We are grateful to Gerald Gazdar for suggesting this term as a characterisation of the approach to standardisation undertaken.






























A node A c-commands a node B iff A does not dominate B and the first branching node dominating A also dominates B.






























See Manzini (1983), Chomsky (1986b) and references therein.






























The raising/equi distinction is represented by encoding pleonastic arguments outside the angle brackets which delimit arguments which are semantically selected.






























Broadly speaking the CATEGORY attribute of a sign contains information about its part of speech, subcategorisation requirements and possible markers. The CONTENT attribute provides information about its argument structure.






























Parameterised state-of-affairs.






























Some proposals have been recently made to fill this gap, see Davis (1996) and Sanfilippo (1995a), Sanfilippo (1995b).






























The four types are: `*' for understood subject of infinitive or imperative; `0' for zero variant of that in subordinate clauses; `T' for Trace, which marks position where a moved wh-constituent is interpreted; and `NIL' which marks position where a preposition is interpreted in pied-piping contexts.






























It must be noted that judgements on these sentences by native speakers are not uniform.






























I.e. ``Being an incremental theme'' is the property ascribed to the argument of a verb whose reference properties are involved in the determination of telic aspect for the event denoted by the resulting verb phrase or sentence, e.g. drink NP describes either a process or an accomplishment according to whether the NP has cumulative (beer) or quantised (a beer) reference).




























