Computational Lexicon WG (CLWG): Multilingual Lexicons

One of the first priorities in HLT today is to tackle the issue of 'multilinguality' with specific reference to global information access, presentation and dissemination in business processes and online services;

The topic is highly needed to ensure a harmonious merging and linking of monolingual resources either pre-existing or under construction into bi-/multilingual lexical resources: only common guidelines will allow the linking to be done by different groups all over the world, thus avoiding unnecessary duplication and waste of effort and public money;

The multilinguality topic is also critical to any upcoming application system dealing with multilingual issues for multilingual lexicons/tools/systems; the necessity of being based on agreed specifications for the different languages is even more crucial than for monolingual ones;

The work of this group is the obvious, natural, and necessary follow-up to previous EAGLES work on Morphosyntax, Syntax/subcategorisation, and Lexicon/Semantics.

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